Step-by-Step Guide to Get Verified on Facebook (2/2)

get verified on Facebook

Keep reading to learn the way to get verified on Facebook.

How to Get Verified on Facebook, Step-by-Step

Getting verified on Facebook is free, but you still need to put in the effort to complete your Page set up so Facebook hands over the checkmark. Before submitting a verification request, review your Page for accuracy and fill out all the information like your website, bio, email address, and business description. The purpose is to include all the information possible so your Page screams “credible and legitimate!” at the Facebook verification gods.

All ready to go? Let’s do it!

Step 1: Go to the Verification Request Page

We will begin with the verification process on the Facebook Request a Blue Verification Badge page.

get verified on Facebook

Step 2: Choose Your Verification Type

Choose your verification type. You can get verification for a Page or your profile, but it’s necessary to note that the approval criteria is a bit more involved for profile verification. Either way, you need a big number of followers to prove that you’re blue checkmark material.

get verified on Facebook

Step 3: Select the Page or Profile to Verify

Now, select the Page or profile you need to get verified on Facebook. In case you’re requesting profile verification, you’ll provide your profile URL. For example, we’ll say we want to get a Page verification.

Step 4: Choose the Category for the Page or Profile

After choosing the Page or profile you want to get verified on Facebook, you’ll need to choose the category it belongs to. Facebook offers just some categories to select from. In case you can’t find a category option relevant to your Page, just click Other.

Step 5: Add Your Country

Next, you’ll need to add the country. Just type your country name in the field and you’ll get a list to select from.

get verified on Facebook

Step 6: Attach the Necessary Identification Material

This step varies depending on if you’re trying to get a Facebook verification for a person or in case you’re interested in verifying a business. If the verification is for a person, Facebook requires that you upload an official photo ID that shows the name and birthdate of the person you’re verifying.

To get verified for a business, organization, or other non-person entity, you’ll need to provide Facebook with documentation that shows an official seal or watermark of your organization. Facebook accepts:

  • Your organization’s phone or utility bill
  • A certificate of formation
  • Articles of incorporation
  • Tax or tax exemption documents that belong to your organization

Step 7: Detail Why You Want Verification

The next step to get verified on Facebook is to show Facebook why your Page or profile should be verified. If you have a particularly notable account, a verification might be of public interest. In this case, you’d share mentions about your page from reputable news outlets. Your Page or profile may be at risk because of imposter accounts. In this case, you’d need to add links to prove that you’re at risk.

Facebook also gives you the option to add your other social media accounts so you can show that you have a large number of followers to warrant verification.

get verified on Facebook

Step 8: Submit the Form

That’s it! Right when you’ve filled out the form and attached the appropriate documentation, it’s time to submit your verification request by choosing to Send in the lower right corner of the screen.

get verified on Facebook

Step 9: Wait

Now that you’ve submitted your request to get verified on Facebook, all you can do is just wait. Facebook doesn’t guarantee a response time—it could be anywhere between 48 hours and 45 days. In case you’re trying to get a business account verified on Facebook, expect it to take longer since Facebook will need to manually review the documents you submitted for authenticity.

Facebook Rejected My Verification Request—Now What?

So, you tried to get Facebook verification and they said no. It might just mean that you need to better your Page or profile, then submit another verification request. Go back to the Laying the Groundwork section of this article and ensure that you’ve done everything you can to create an amazing account.

Make sure you’ve included as much information as possible to improve your credibility. In case you’re a published writer, you can include publications in the Impressum section. Moreover, work to get more mentions, reviews, and other types of social proof from other Facebook users and Pages, too. In case you have a great Page or profile, you can always reach out to Facebook for more information about your verification rejection.

In case you’ve been rejected, you can reapply to get verified after 30 days. During that time, it’s important to pay attention to improve your Page or profile and your online presence so you have a better chance of getting verified the next time. This means creating more high-quality content, keeping a regular posting schedule, boosting your Facebook marketing efforts, and working to improve your online presence on other social media platforms, too.

4 Key Tips to Get Verified on Facebook

We share a lot of information in this article that will allow you to get verified on Facebook. Before wrapping up, we provide you with four tips to put into practice that will not only help you get verified on Facebook but will make your Page or profile stand out.

1. Keep It Professional

You want to show Facebook that your Page is associated with your business, so your account should reflect that. Take a look at your Page as though you were a potential customer and get rid of anything that makes you look unprofessional or negatively affects your Page’s credibility:

  • Off-brand images or logos
  • Low-quality images
  • Personal posts
  • Grammar and spelling errors
  • Content that doesn’t fit your brand voice

2. Keep Your Information Up to Date

Facebook reviews and validates your information before giving you a blue checkmark, so you need to ensure that your information is updated. This is also helpful for customers and potential customers. It’s incredibly frustrating to click the website on a Facebook Page only to find that the website doesn’t exist anymore. Even worse, an incorrect address for a brick-and-mortar business. Regularly review this information for accuracy:

  • Website
  • Email address
  • Bio
  • Description
  • Address (especially if you have a physical location)

3. Link to Your Other Online Properties

To keep Facebook happy, you’ll want to include a link to your official website on your Page or profile as well as a link back to your Facebook Page from your website. This is also helpful in driving Facebook traffic to your website (and vice versa).

4. Provide Details

Don’t shy away from details. Fill out every single part of your Page, and include these details in your Page’s About section:

  • Contact information (addresses, phone numbers, email addresses)
  • Your mission statement
  • A company overview
  • Other social media profiles

Boost Credibility—Get Verified on Facebook

If you want to get your Page verified by Facebook you’ll need to put in the work to make your online presence as strong as you can. Ironically, getting verified on Facebook and other social media platforms goes a long way toward further improving your online presence. When you’ve taken the steps to get your Page or profile verified, it lets customers and potential customers know that your brand is credible and legitimate. Plus, the blue checkmark shows them that they’ve come to the right place.

Getting Facebook verification for your Page or profile is an easy process, so follow the simple steps above and get verified on Facebook now!

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