New Instagram Story Link (Bye Swipe-Up Link) (1/2)

instagram story link

Are you finding a way to add a link to your Instagram Story? We have good and bad news about the Instagram story link for you.

The good news is that even though Instagram has retired its swipe-up link feature, you can still add links to your Instagram stories using a link sticker.

The bad news is that, so far, you still need to have 10,000 followers or get your accounts verification to get access to link stickers.

And here is ANOTHER good news: we will share with you our easy trick to add an Instagram story link even if you can not access link stickers, yet!

Keep reading for more information in this guide!

What was the Instagram swipe-up link?

The Instagram swipe-up feature allows business or creator accounts to approach their fans and gain more followers. It lets them add an Instagram Story link directly from the Instagram app.

Their audiences can swipe up on Story or click on an arrow at the bottom of the screen to access a link without leaving the Instagram app or going back to the bio and visit “link in bio”.

In August 2021, Instagram announced that it was retiring the swipe-up link feature. So now, Instagram users can add links to their Stories by using another feature – link sticker.

What is the Instagram link sticker?

Instead of using the swipe-up link feature, you can add an Instagram link sticker. This feature allows users to add an external link to their Instagram stories.

Story link stickers are the simplest method to promote multiple pieces of content and products on Instagram while allowing analytics to help you optimize your Stories strategy.

Instagram says that when it comes to links, the sticker has three main benefits over the swipe-up link feature:

  • Stickers are familiar with users, who use them for adding music, questions, locations, and polls, etc.
  • Stickers allow users to create more Story looks than swipe-up links did.
  • And the most important thing, stickers allow viewers to engage with a Story, while the swipe-up link feature didn’t allow replies or reactions.

Simply put: just like swipe-up links before them, Instagram link stickers are an essential tool for any Instagram business strategy.

How to use the Instagram link sticker

Instagram Stories only appear for 24 hours, but including a link to your Instagram Story is helpful to boost your conversions, gain organic engagement, and making it easier for your followers to access the content you need to share.

Instagram Story Sticker menu including link sticker

Source: Instagram

Follow this guide to include a link sticker to your Instagram Story. (Note: it’s the same as any other sticker.)

  1. Visit your Instagram app, tap on the plus sign on the bottom center
  2. Scroll to choose Story.
  3. Create your Story using all the gorgeous media you want
  4. Choose the Sticker “Link” in the top row.
  5. Add the link you want
  6. Then send to your Story, and Done!

When you’ve posted your first link sticker, don’t forget to track the metrics so you can adjust and optimize your click-through rate.

If you aren’t getting as many taps as you want, ensure that you have a clear call to action and you don’t overload one Instagram post with too much information. Keep reading for more tips in the next article!

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