How to Get Verified on YouTube in 2022: A Comprehensive Guide

Get Verified on YouTube

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through how to get verified on YouTube in 2022. This process has changed over the years, and we will make sure to update you on all the latest changes! Verification on YouTube is important for a number of reasons. It helps build trust with your audience and gives you access to additional features and benefits. So, how do you become verified? Keep reading to find out!

What Is YouTube Verification?

Get Verified on YouTube

YouTube verification is a process that allows YouTube to verify that an account is the official channel of a verified creator, business, or entity. Once your account is verified, you will see a blue checkmark next to your name on your YouTube channel. This badge helps let people know that they are watching the official channel of a verified creator, business, or entity.

Why Is YouTube Verification Important?

There are a number of reasons why verification on YouTube is important. For starters, it helps build trust with your audience. When people see that blue checkmark next to your name, they will know that they are watching the official channel of a verified creator, business, or entity. This can help you build a more loyal and engaged audience. Additionally, verification on YouTube gives you access to additional features and benefits. For example, verified channels can live stream in 1080p and upload videos longer than 15 minutes. Verified channels also have access to customer support from YouTube.

How To Get Verified On YouTube in 2022:

The process for getting verified on YouTube has changed over the years, and we will make sure to update you on all the latest changes! In order to get verified on YouTube in 2022, you will need to:

1) Go To The Application Page:

Once you are eligible for verification, you will need to go to the application page. This can be found in the “Advanced Settings” section of your account settings. You’ll see an application form you will need to fill out here. You will not see this form if you are not eligible for verification.

2) Fill Out The Application Form:

The application form will ask you for information about your channel and your account. You will need to provide your channel name, channel ID, and a link to your channel. You will also need to provide information about your accounts, such as your email address and phone number.

Once you have filled out the application form, you will need to submit it for review. YouTube will then review your application and decide whether or not to verify your account.

Note: You can also find your channel ID in the “Advanced Settings” section of your account settings. Your channel ID is a string of numbers that uniquely identifies your channel.

3) Wait:

After you have submitted your application, you will need to wait for YouTube to review it. This process can take up to a few weeks. Once your application has been reviewed, you will receive an email from YouTube letting you know whether or not your account has been verified.

Congratulations! You are now verified on YouTube! This badge has several benefits and will help you build trust with your audience.

4) Maintain Your Verification:

YouTube may remove your verification badge at any time if you violate their policies. In order to maintain your verification, you will need to adhere to YouTube’s guidelines and best practices.


YouTube verification is a process that allows YouTube to verify that an account is the official channel of a verified creator, business, or entity. We hope this guide was helpful in explaining the process of getting verified on YouTube. Thanks for reading!

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