What is SoundCloud Next Pro?

What is SoundCloud Next Pro

SoundCloud has always been a go-to platform for artists, podcasters, and creators to share their work and connect with fans. But what is SoundCloud Next Pro? Is it worth the upgrade? Next Pro offers some useful features, like unlimited uploads, in-depth analytics, and unique ways to make money through fan-powered royalties.

If you’re looking to grow your audience and take your content to the next level, SoundCloud Next Pro might be just what you need. Let’s explore whether these features are worth the investment for you as an artist or content creator!

What Exactly is SoundCloud Next Pro?

SoundCloud Next Pro

SoundCloud Next Pro is a great choice for content creators, musicians, and podcasters who want more advanced tools to help grow their audience. It offers a range of features designed to make creating, sharing, and managing content easier. With this plan, subscribers gain access to benefits that improve their overall experience, from unlimited uploads to advanced analytics. These tools can help creators expand their reach, engage more effectively with their audience, and establish themselves in the industry. By upgrading to SoundCloud Next Pro, creators can enhance their visibility and increase their chances of success even further.

What Makes SoundCloud Next Pro Worth a Try?

SoundCloud has always been a great platform for musicians, podcasters, and creators to connect with their audience. But with SoundCloud Next Pro, you get access to even more tools to grow and manage your creative work. This premium plan not only helps you reach a wider audience but also offers new ways to earn money and gain insights to improve your craft. Here are some key benefits:

1. Unlimited Uploads

One of the biggest features of SoundCloud Next Pro is the ability to upload as much music as you want. Unlike the free plan, which limits how much you can share, Next Pro removes those restrictions, giving you the freedom to upload songs, podcasts, or other audio content. This is especially useful if you’re a prolific creator and want to keep your audience engaged without worrying about running out of storage.

2. Monetization

fan-powered royalties for SoundCloud Next Pro Next Pro gives you the chance to earn money from your content through Fan-Powered Royalties. This means the more your fans listen to your tracks, the more you get paid. It’s a great way to not only grow your fanbase but also make a living from your music or podcasts. The basic plan doesn’t offer this kind of monetization, so upgrading to Next Pro could be a game-changer if you’re looking to turn your passion into income.

3. Advanced Analytics

For creators, knowing how your audience is responding to your work is essential. SoundCloud Next Pro offers advanced analytics that gives you deeper insights into how your content is performing. You can see where your listeners are located, how long they’re engaging with your tracks, and which parts of your content they enjoy the most. These insights can help you fine-tune your work and better connect with your audience, ultimately boosting your growth.

By choosing SoundCloud Next Pro, you’re getting tools that make it easier to share, promote, and monetize your content, helping you grow faster and more effectively in the competitive world of music and content creation.

What Are the Benefits and Drawbacks of SoundCloud Next Pro?


Upgrading your SoundCloud account to Next Pro comes with several benefits that can enhance your experience as a creator. Here are some of the standout features:

  • Unlimited uploads: This feature, exclusive to the Next Pro plan, allows you to upload as many tracks as you want without worrying about storage limits. It’s perfect for creators who produce a lot of content and want the freedom to share it all with their audience.
  • Increased visibility: With Next Pro, you get a premium account badge, which can help boost your visibility on the platform. This makes it easier to stand out and reach a broader audience.
  • Advanced analytics: Next Pro provides detailed analytics, giving you insights into how listeners are interacting with your content. You can use this data to understand what your audience enjoys and make improvements to your future work.
  • Monetization: The plan allows you to monetize your content, earning 100% of the royalties. This gives you the opportunity to generate more income based on how many people engage with your music or podcasts.


  • Struggling with advanced features: Some creators find it hard to make the most of the advanced tools in SoundCloud Next Pro, which can slow down their growth and limit the platform’s potential benefits.
  • High cost for beginners: The subscription fee for SoundCloud Next Pro can be quite expensive for newer or amateur artists. If you’re just starting out, the cost might feel like a big investment that’s hard to justify.
  • Challenging learning curve: For beginners, getting used to the more advanced features of SoundCloud Next Pro can be difficult. The platform has a lot to offer, but learning how to use everything effectively can be overwhelming at first.

How to Upgrade to SoundCloud Next Pro?

Starting a SoundCloud Next Pro subscription is simple and ideal for music creators looking to enhance their platform experience. Here’s a guide on how to get started, what plans are available, and the costs involved.

Try the 30-Day Free Trial

The best way to start is by signing up for SoundCloud’s 30-day free trial. This trial gives you full access to all the premium features for a month at no cost. To begin, visit the SoundCloud website and navigate to the subscription section. Select the Next Pro plan and either log into your account or create a new one. Once you’re signed up, you can immediately start enjoying all the premium benefits.

The free trial allows you to explore features like unlimited uploads and advanced analytics. It’s a great way to experiment with the tools, see how they can help grow your music or podcasts, and decide if the Next Pro plan is right for you before committing.

Available Plans and Costs

Once your free trial ends, you can choose a SoundCloud subscription plan that best suits your needs. The Next Pro plan is priced at $12 per month, offering serious creators a range of powerful tools and exclusive features. Here’s a quick breakdown of the available plans:

PlanPrice Features
Free Plan$0Limited uploads, basic stats
Next Plus$2.50 per monthIncreased upload limits, enhanced stats
Next Pro$12 per monthUnlimited uploads, advanced insights, premium features

Choosing the right plan allows you to maximize your SoundCloud experience. The Next Pro plan, in particular, is designed for creators looking to boost their reach, with tools that help you track audience engagement and upload unlimited content.

Getting started with SoundCloud Next Pro is easy. Start with the 30-day free trial, explore the features, and then select a plan that aligns with your creative goals.

To Sum up

In the end, whether SoundCloud Next Pro is the right choice for you really comes down to your creative goals. Think about how the features can support your growth, from increasing your audience to earning more from your work. Consider how these tools might help you take things to the next level and decide if they align with where you want to go as a creator.

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