With a whopping billion-strong user base, Instagram is always jazzing up its platform, throwing in fresh features like confetti at a party. And guess what? One of the latest tricks up its sleeve is the power to unsend messages! Ever found yourself wondering, “What on earth happens if you unsend a message on Instagram?” Well, buckle up because we’re about to spill the beans, Instagram-style!

While Instagram’s chat system might seem like a walk in the park, it’s actually a fortress of privacy protections. But hey, we’ve all been there – the accidental message slip or the regretful send. Fear not! The Unsend feature in the Direct Message (DM) universe swoops in like a superhero cape, letting you undo those oh-so-embarrassing moments faster than you can say “Oopsie daisy!”

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Step-by-step to Delete Instagram Messages

Last Updated on November 24th, 2023 at 10:59 am

How to Delete Instagram Messages

On a cringe scale of zero to total awkwardness, mistakenly sending an Instagram DM to a friend with a meme meant for someone else might land at a four. Sharing that same meme with your ex’s ex, whom you don’t even follow on IG, easily hits a seven. Now, unintentionally sending six cute cat pictures to the hiring manager at the startup you’re hoping to join? That’s a solid 10 on the cringe scale – utterly cringe-worthy! The good news, though, is that no matter how cringe-inducing your misdirected message may be, quick action can fix the situation. Learn how to delete Instagram messages on both your mobile device and desktop.

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