As fun as social media is, it can be stressful. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content. Other times, the feeling of competition becomes unhealthy. Knowing how to mute someone on Instagram can be a lifesaver in these situations.

Some may respond to this stress by taking a break from these platforms. But if that sounds a little too drastic, you can take smaller steps to keep your peace of mind while staying up to date on the content you love.

One of the easiest steps is muting certain people you follow. But if they’re someone you chose to follow, you might wonder why you’d want to mute them. Sometimes we follow friends and family members just to be nice. Perhaps it’s a college friend with a jet-setting lifestyle we envy. Maybe it’s a beloved former professor who reposts 10 different scientific articles a day, none of which you have the time (or desire) to read.

In these cases, muting is the perfect option. Before you ask how to mute someone on Instagram without them knowing, we can offer some quick reassurance: the user you mute will never be notified. It’s a guilt-free way to take a breather from someone’s content while remaining IG friends. Now, let’s discover how to mute someone on Instagram.

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