Instagram Stories Keep Repeating: 6 Ways to Fix

Last Updated on June 7th, 2024 at 6:05 pm

Instagram is a familiar platform known for its Stories and Highlights, allowing users to effortlessly share moments of their lives. But what if you find yourself stuck in a loop, with Instagram stories repeating endlessly during your daily browsing session? If you’re encountering this issue, don’t worry—we’ve compiled six solutions to fix Instagram stories that keep repeating on both Android and iOS devices.

Doom-scrolling, the mindless act of endlessly swiping through Instagram Stories, can be disrupted when Stories start repeating in the app. To resolve this, you can try restarting your device, clearing the app cache, or even uninstalling and reinstalling the Instagram app. But why does Instagram repeat Stories in the first place? Let’s explore the reasons behind this phenomenon.

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