Streaming platforms have revolutionized the way we discover and enjoy music, providing a diverse collection of genres all in one place. Among these platforms, Spotify stands out as the preferred audio platform for many, offering a vast selection of top-quality tracks. While countless songs are released daily, only a select few have captured the hearts of billions worldwide, earning a spot on the coveted most-streamed songs on Spotify list.

Creating personalized playlists and indulging in our favorite songs on repeat has become a cherished pastime. The infectious lyrics and lively melodies have the ability to uplift our spirits, making music a powerful therapeutic outlet.

From The Weeknd’s electrifying Blinding Lights to Ed Sheeran’s infectious Shape of You, Spotify’s top 10 most streamed songs cater to every mood. Join us as we delve into the list and discover which artists have made the cut!

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