Most people believe that podcasts, as an audio medium, do not require SEO optimization; however, new Google updates have made podcast SEO an important strategy for digital marketers.

We’ve all heard that Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is an important component of well-rounded digital marketing strategies.

SEO is what allows searchers to find your pages and content on search engines and brings new visitors to your website.

However, there is one aspect of digital marketing that many people believe does not require SEO optimization: podcasts.

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Most people believe that podcasts, as an audio medium, do not require SEO optimization; however, new Google updates have made podcast SEO an important strategy for digital marketers.

We’ve all heard that Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is an important component of well-rounded digital marketing strategies.

SEO is what allows searchers to find your pages and content on search engines and brings new visitors to your website.

However, there is one aspect of digital marketing that many people believe does not require SEO optimization: podcasts.

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If you’re just starting to set up your drum or trying to figure out how to improve your existing drum setup, there are several steps you can take to make sure your kit looks and sounds great.

As with any instrument, how you set up your drums will affect how they sound. So knowing how to set up your kit properly will help ensure you get the best sound out of it.

Here are 5 tips for setting up your drum kit like a pro.

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Today more artists are turning to digital platforms like Spotify to boost their music’s visibility and generate sales. With over 182 million active users, Spotify has become an increasingly attractive platform for gaining exposure in the competitive music industry. The streaming giant makes it easy for listeners to discover new music through the Spotify “Fans Also Like” feature.

How does this feature work? And how can you get the most out of it? Read on to learn all about Spotify’s “Fans Also Like” feature. And also how it can help you connect with new listeners!

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If you’re a fan of music technology, then you probably know about Superbooth. This annual event is the place to be for anyone interested in learning more about the latest and greatest music production tools. This year’s Superbooth was no exception, and some truly amazing products were on display! In this blog post, we will take a look at 5 of the best highlights from Superbooth 2022.

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Discovery Mode On Spotify – Recently, Spotify has announced that they plan to prioritize artists and labels and lower their royalty payments.

In the process, they are also introducing a new feature, “Discovery Mode,” that will appear in Autoplay and Spotify Radio.

What’s so special about it? What are the benefits, and how can you use it?

Read on to learn more. We’ll start by defining the term “discovery mode.”

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Many producers’ first encounter with music production software was with Garageband. It’s a basic DAW that comes with every Apple computer sold.

Despite being designed for inexperienced musicians and producers, Garageband remains an excellent tool for creating music in 2022. Even so, if you’ve never used recording software before, there may appear to be a lot to learn.

I’ll go over everything you need to know about Garageband to get started making music in this article.

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Are there any unnoticed Spotify features that may be helpful for you?

Spotify is easy to love for music fans. It’s no surprise, with over 70 million tracks and 3.2 million podcast titles.

But, aside from being the world’s largest music streaming service, Spotify’s success is due in large part to its user-friendly interface and constantly updated features. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite tips that you may not be aware of — just keep in mind that you’ll need a Spotify Premium account to fully utilize all of them.

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