What are Testimonials? Tips for Successful Ads

what is testimonial advertising

Testimonials are powerful tools in advertising that feature real customers sharing their experiences with a product or service. They help build trust and credibility by showing potential customers that others have had positive results. In this guide, we’ll explore what testimonials are and share simple tips for creating successful testimonial ads.

Ready to boost your advertising game? Keep reading to learn more and start creating impactful testimonial ads today!

What is Testimonial Advertising?

What is Testimonial Advertising?

Testimonial ads are short customer success stories that businesses share online. They use real customers’ positive experiences to show the value of a product or service.

The main goal of testimonial ads is to convince potential customers that they can have similar positive results: “If it worked for them, it could work for me too!”

Testimonials make your marketing more effective by turning your brand’s claims into believable stories from real customers. These can include testimonials from influencers or verified online reviews from everyday people.

Benefits of Testimonial Advertising

Here are the main benefits of testimonial ads:

  • Build trust and credibility
  • Provide social proof
  • Create an emotional connection
  • Drive conversions

Builds Trust and Credibility

We often don’t believe marketing claims because ads use actors and can be misleading. But testimonial ads show real customers sharing their true experiences. This makes the testimonials more believable and trustworthy.

Provides Social Proof

Testimonials show that other people have used and liked a product, which helps us trust it too. Featuring real people helps bridge the gap between doubt and belief. Ads with testimonials from people similar to your target audience can be compelling.

Creates Emotional Connection

Testimonials with personal stories create a real connection with your audience. Sharing these stories makes your brand feel more human and relatable. Hearing about someone’s real experience is more engaging than reading a typical marketing claim.

Drives Conversions

Many customers have similar concerns about a product. Testimonials can address these concerns and help convince them to buy. They provide the reassurance needed to make a purchase and can be the deciding factor for hesitant customers.

Testimonial Appeal

Testimonials have a unique appeal that can significantly enhance your marketing efforts. But what makes them so attractive and effective?

Testimonial Appeal


People tend to trust individuals who are similar to themselves. Testimonials from real customers allow potential buyers to see themselves in the same situation, experiencing the same benefits.


Authentic testimonials build credibility. When people see real feedback from genuine customers, they are more likely to trust the product or service.

Emotional Impact

Personal stories can evoke emotions, creating a stronger connection between the brand and the audience. This emotional appeal can be a powerful motivator for purchasing decisions.


Testimonials can address potential concerns and objections by showcasing how others have overcome them. This persuasive power can help convert hesitant prospects into buyers.

By leveraging these aspects of testimonial appeal, you can create compelling ads that resonate with your target audience.

Different Types of Testimonial Ads

Here are some different types of testimonial ads to help with your marketing strategy:

Quote Testimonials

Quote Testimonials

Coyote Vest makes protective gear for pets and uses quote testimonials on their website. They have a page called “Does the CoyoteVest work?” showing quotes and photos from real customers. These testimonials show how the vests keep pets safe from coyote attacks.

Video Testimonials

Video testimonials

Barner, an eyewear brand, uses video testimonials to connect with customers. Their website has videos of real users talking about Barner’s blue-light-blocking glasses. These videos make the testimonials more engaging.

When you hover over each video, you see short review summaries, encouraging you to watch the full testimonials.

5 Tips for Successful Testimonial Advertising

Here are some tips to keep in mind when creating a testimonial ad:

1. Choose Real Testimonials

Real people with genuine enthusiasm for your product are more convincing than actors. Ask your loyal customers to leave testimonials. You can offer a discount or reward but don’t pressure them to ensure their feedback is real.

2. Target the Right Audience

Get testimonials from different customer groups and match them to your audience. This helps you connect with the right people. For example, share clips of young professionals on TikTok, busy millennials on Instagram, and retirees on Facebook. Make sure your testimonials appear where your audience spends their time to boost engagement.

3. Highlight Specific Benefits

Focus on the specific benefits your customers experienced. This makes the testimonial more relatable and convincing to potential customers who want similar results.

4. Place Testimonials Strategically

Put your testimonials where they will be most effective, like your website, social media, or emails. Think about where your audience spends their time and place your testimonials there.

5. Include a Call to Action

Encourage your audience to take the next step with a clear call to action, like visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or purchasing. A call to action helps turn interested viewers into customers.

Boost Your Social Media with Build My Plays

Are you looking to enhance your social media presence with high-quality testimonials? Build My Plays can help! Our services provide genuine and effective ways to grow your social media following and engagement on platforms like Instagram, Spotify, TikTok, and more. We offer reputable and safe services to boost your followers, likes, and engagement.

Visit our website to learn more and start boosting your social media today!

Wrap Up

Testimonials are real comments from customers about your product. They help build trust and show that others like your product. Using genuine and relatable testimonials in your ads can make them more effective. Highlight positive experiences to attract new customers.

Start using testimonials today to improve your ads!

FAQs on Testimonial Advertising

What is the difference between testimonial ads and endorsements?

Testimonials are real customers sharing their honest opinions. Endorsements come from celebrities, experts, or influencers and are usually paid partnerships. Testimonials focus on real experiences, while endorsements rely on the fame of the person promoting the product. In marketing, “testimonials” usually mean content from everyday people.

How do advertisers use testimonials?

Advertisers use testimonials in quotes, interviews, videos, and customer stories to appeal to different people. They place these testimonials on website pages, in email campaigns, and on social media to get the best results and increase sales.

How effective are testimonial ads?

Testimonial ads are very effective in influencing buyers. A survey by Power Reviews found that ratings and reviews are the most important factor in deciding to buy something. This shows how important it is to include customer feedback in your marketing.


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