Get More YouTube Subscribers: Tips from Build My Plays

how to get more subscribers on YouTube

If you’re looking to grow your YouTube channel and reach more viewers, one of the biggest challenges is gaining more subscribers. Subscribers are key to building a loyal audience and boosting your channel’s success. In this guide, we’ll share simple and effective tips from Build My Plays to help you attract more subscribers and keep them engaged.

Whether you’re just starting or looking to grow faster, these strategies can make a real difference. Ready to grow your YouTube community?

Let’s dive in and start building your subscriber count!

1. Optimize Your YouTube Channel Profile

When your YouTube channel is well-optimized, it’s easier for new viewers and potential subscribers to find you.

Here are 3 key areas to focus on for optimizing your channel:

Channel Cover Art

Ask yourself, “Why should people subscribe to my videos?

Include a short, clear answer to this in your cover art. Ensure the cover art size is 2560 x 1440 pixels.

Channel Icon

You can use your business logo here. If you’re a personal brand, a clear photo of yourself works too. The ideal size for the channel icon is 800 x 800 pixels.

Channel Description

In your channel description, include keywords related to what your YouTube channel is about.

Channel Description

For example, WPBeginner’s description uses keywords like “WordPress beginners” and “WordPress video tutorials” to help their videos show up when people search for those topics.

2. Promote Your Channel to Your Current Fans

If your brand has a website with regular visitors, it means many people might be interested in your videos.

That’s why adding your YouTube feed to your website is a smart way to gain more subscribers.

Since they already know your website, they’re more likely to explore and watch your YouTube videos too.

Promote Your Channel to Your Current Fans

Not sure how to add your YouTube feed to your website if you’re not tech-savvy?

Just enter your YouTube handle, connect your account, and your YouTube channel will appear on your site – no coding or technical skills needed!

Your website visitors can easily watch your YouTube videos and subscribe to your channel directly from your site.

When you upload a new video, YouTube Feed Pro will automatically update your feed and add the video to your website, saving you a lot of time.

Plus, the YouTube feed will match your brand’s look because it blends with your website’s design. You can also use a visual customizer to adjust your YouTube feed however you like.

Along with showing your YouTube videos, the plugin adds a simple subscribe button on your site so viewers can easily join your YouTube channel.

You can also show a subscribe banner while visitors are watching a video.

Want to start adding YouTube feeds to your website? Check out this easy guide on how to add a YouTube channel to WordPress.

3. Optimize Your Title and Description

To get more subscribers on YouTube, you need to make sure your videos are easy to find. This is where improving your title and description helps.

Remember, YouTube works like a search engine — because it is!

It’s the second biggest search engine in the world.

Before you even start filming, ensure to research the best keywords for your video.

A simple way to do this is by using YouTube’s autosuggest feature. Just type your video topic, and YouTube will suggest video titles for you:

search on YouTube


Be sure to put your target keywords in your video title and description, just like WPBeginner did in the video below. It’s even better if you include the keyword in the first 1-2 sentences of your description.

4. Host a Viral YouTube Giveaway

A great way to grow your YouTube subscribers is by hosting a giveaway. After all, who doesn’t love free stuff?

Besides gaining more subscribers, a YouTube giveaway boosts engagement and helps you gather user-generated content, which can be used as social proof for your brand.

The secret to a successful giveaway?

Let your viewers know they need to subscribe to your YouTube channel to enter.

5. Focus on YouTube Shorts

Although YouTube Shorts was only recently launched, it has quickly grown into a popular platform with billions of users.

YouTube Shorts, the platform’s short-form video feature, now has over two billion monthly logged-in users—a huge achievement, especially since it only launched in 2020.

Since YouTube Shorts are short and easy to watch, people are more likely to watch them all the way through. This makes it a great way to create fun videos and get more subscribers.

Do you have any ideas to start with YouTube Shorts? Try these:

  • Share the best moments or highlights from your regular videos
  • Make short trailers for your full YouTube videos
  • Do Q&A or behind-the-scenes clips to connect with viewers
  • Share fun facts or quick tips your viewers will like
  • Show positive testimonials or customer reviews

And much more!

YouTube Shorts

If you’re new to YouTube Shorts, there’s an easy way to get a lot of views quickly.

With YouTube Feed Pro, you can add YouTube Shorts to your website and turn your visitors into likes, views, and subscribers.

The plugin is lightweight, so you can embed as many Shorts as you want without slowing down your site. Plus, a faster site helps improve your SEO.

For more details, check out our tutorial on how to embed YouTube Shorts on your website.

And that’s it!

Now you know the best tips to grow your YouTube channel and gain thousands of new subscribers quickly.

If you’re looking for a simple way to start, use YouTube Feed Pro to embed your channel and turn your website visitors into subscribers.

Ready to add YouTube feeds and grow your channel? Get started with YouTube Feed Pro now.

6. Get Creative with Your Edits

No matter how fun or interesting your content is, no one wants to watch someone talk on screen for 10 minutes straight. So, how can you keep people engaged in longer videos, especially when they’re used to quick TikTok-style clips? The solution is called pattern interrupts.

Pattern interrupts are simple techniques that add something unexpected, helping to keep viewers from getting bored. Originally used in marketing, these methods work great in video editing to maintain audience interest.

You don’t need to do anything extreme. Instead, use easy visual elements like B-roll footage (behind-the-scenes clips), stock images, transitions, animations, stickers, or text on the screen. These small touches can make a big difference. It’s a good idea to include some of these visual elements in the first 30 seconds to hook your viewers early.

By using these techniques, you can make your long videos more exciting and engaging for your audience.

7. Collaborate with other YouTube creators

Collaborating with other YouTubers or brands is a great way to help both sides get more attention and subscribers. It’s important to pick the right partner—your collaboration should make sense for your audience, and their content or products should fit well with yours.

Here are some simple ideas for YouTube collaborations:

  • Invite someone to be a guest on your channel
  • Appear in a video on another creator’s channel
  • Co-host a live event or Q&A with other channels
  • Promote a product or campaign together
  • Announce a contest or giveaway with prizes from both sides
  • Ask a popular creator to review your products in exchange for an affiliate link

For example, TV star and RuPaul’s Drag Race alum Trixie Mattel teamed up with fellow drag queen Kim Chi. They created a buzz with fun drama, helping both of them reach new viewers who fit their audience perfectly.

Collaborate with other YouTube creators

8. Participate in trends

As part of your video strategy, try making content based on current trends. Jump on the latest popular topic, meme, or cultural moment—if it fits your brand.

Posting about trends at the right time can help you reach new people who might not have watched your videos before. These are perfect for YouTube Shorts since you can quickly react to trends with shorter, easier-to-make videos.

How to find trends on YouTube

To spot trends, follow accounts and sites that are important to your niche or industry. Keep an eye on what your subscribers and target audience are sharing, liking, and creating. The Trending tab on YouTube can also show you which topics, channels, and videos are getting attention. You can also use Google Trends to filter searches specifically for YouTube.

google trends

Once you discover a trending topic (like “grimace shake,” “pastel eye makeup,” or “wall pilates workouts”), search YouTube to see what videos are getting the most views. This will give you ideas to create your content that people are excited to watch.

9. Make eye-catching thumbnails

When your video shows up in YouTube ads or search results on Google or YouTube, it might get overlooked if the thumbnail isn’t attention-grabbing. Many successful channels use a mix of text, pictures, and faces to create thumbnails that stand out. The way you design your thumbnail should match your video type and what your audience likes.

How to create your own YouTube thumbnail

While YouTube lets you pick a frame from your video as the thumbnail, it’s better to design your own for more control. Putting effort into your thumbnails helps keep your channel’s look consistent and makes it easier for viewers to recognize your videos. Try out different designs to see which ones get the most clicks and views.

10. Promote Yourself

Many YouTube creators, from beginners to pros, often treat each video as separate content, missing out on a big chance to promote their other videos or social media.

You can use your video and description to link to your other videos, websites, or social media profiles. Later, we’ll cover how to add end screens and cards, which are great tools for growing your channel and boosting your other online platforms.

Tip: in every video description, make sure to include links to your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, blog, landing page, or website.

11. Reply to Every Comment

One of the simplest ways to gain more subscribers is by replying to comments.

YouTube’s data shows that creators who respond to comments tend to grow their subscriber base faster.

“When creators engage with their audience, it encourages people to participate more and can lead to a bigger fanbase.”

Reply To Every Comment on YouTube

Why does this work?

Most YouTubers don’t take the time to reply to comments, so when you do, you stand out.

That’s why I always try to respond to as many comments as possible, especially right after I post a new video.

12. End Videos with a Clear CTA

When viewers reach the end of your video, they’re likely wondering, “What’s next?”

If you don’t guide them, they might click on a video from another channel.

So, what’s the solution?

Tell them directly to subscribe to your channel. Don’t hesitate to be clear and specific about what you want them to do.

This removes any confusion, and that’s why many viewers subscribe right after watching my videos.

Looking to grow your YouTube channel and increase subscribers quickly? With Build My Plays, you can buy real YouTube subscribers to boost your channel’s visibility and credibility. By purchasing subscribers, you can jumpstart your growth and attract more organic viewers who are more likely to engage with your content.

Don’t wait for slow, organic growth—buy YouTube subscribers from Build My Plays and watch your channel thrive!

Final Words

Growing your YouTube subscribers takes time, but you can see great results with the right strategies. Following these tips from Build My Plays can attract more viewers, keep them engaged, and turn them into loyal subscribers.

Remember, consistency, quality content, and engagement are key to building a successful YouTube channel. Start applying these tips today, and watch your subscriber count grow!

Ready to take your channel to the next level? Now’s the time to put these strategies into action!

FAQs: Get More YouTube Subscribers 

1. How can I get more YouTube subscribers quickly?

You can grow your YouTube subscribers faster by posting consistently, creating high-quality content, optimizing your titles and descriptions, and promoting your videos across social media. Engaging with your audience and collaborating with other YouTubers can also boost your subscriber count.

2. What are the best tips for optimizing my YouTube channel?

Optimize your YouTube channel by using attractive thumbnails, clear titles, and relevant keywords in your video descriptions. Also, create playlists to organize your videos and make it easier for viewers to binge-watch your content.

3. How does collaborating with other YouTubers help me get more subscribers

Collaborating with other YouTubers allows you to tap into their audience, exposing your content to new potential subscribers. By sharing audiences, both creators benefit from increased visibility and credibility.

4. How important is video quality for gaining subscribers?

Video quality is crucial for keeping viewers engaged. High-quality visuals and sound make your content more professional and enjoyable to watch, which encourages viewers to subscribe and return for more.

5. Should I use YouTube ads to gain more subscribers?

YouTube ads can help increase your visibility by targeting new viewers who might not have found your channel otherwise. Investing in ads can be an effective way to grow your audience, especially if you have a clear content strategy.

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