How to Get Notes on Instagram in 2024: Easy Steps

get Notes on Instagram

In 2024, Instagram will still be one of the best places to stay in touch with everyone you know. One cool part of Instagram is something called Notes. It lets you share small messages or thoughts without having to post a big photo or video. This guide is going to show you, step by step, how to get Notes on Instagram. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to Instagram or you’ve been using it for a long time; this guide will help you chat and share things in a fun, new way.

Let’s jump in and learn how to use Instagram Notes this year!

What are Instagram Notes?

Instagram Notes let you write small messages or posts at the top of your friends’ message boxes.

Christine Pai, who talks for Meta (the company that owns Instagram), shared in an email to, “When you make a note, you can choose to show it to people who follow you back or to your Close Friends.”

Imagine a little speech bubble over your picture or icon in your friends’ message boxes. You can see your message there, as well as messages from your friends or followers.

Instagram Notes can have words or emojis and must be short, 60 letters or less.

You can make Instagram Notes say anything you want. For example, “Vacation starts today let the good times roll 🌴” or “Anyone else watching the big game?”

Your message stays at the top of your friends or followers’ message box for one day before it goes away. You can change, fix, or remove your message anytime.

Your friends or followers can write back to your message (and you can reply to theirs), and these answers will show up as direct messages.

How to Create Instagram Notes on iPhone and Android

Instagram Notes are a way to share your thoughts and see what your followers are doing. They stay on your account for 24 hours and can have up to 60 characters or emojis. These notes appear as a thought bubble above your profile picture in both your and other people’s direct messages (DMs).

Creating Instagram Notes is the same on both iPhones and Android devices, despite some small differences in other Instagram features. Here’s how you can find and create an Instagram Note on both devices:

To create an Instagram Note, follow these steps:

1. Open the Instagram app.

2. Click on the “Messages” icon in the top right corner.

3. Tap your profile photo at the top of your chat list.

How to Create Instagram Notes on iPhone and Android

4. Tap on the field that says “Share what’s on your mind…” and write up to 60 characters.

How to Create Instagram Notes on iPhone and Android

5. Below “Share,” choose if you want to share the Note with all your followers or just your Close Friends.

How to Create Instagram Notes on iPhone and Android

6. Tap “Share” in the top right corner, and a bubble with the text will appear above your icon in “Messages.”

How to Create Instagram Notes on iPhone and Android

Now, when your friends open the “Messages” section, they can see and respond to your Note. You can also view and leave messages on their Notes. These replies will show up in your chat with that person and will only be visible to the two of you.

How to Delete Instagram Notes on iPhone and Android

On Instagram, you can post only one Note at a time. However, the great thing is that you don’t have to wait for 24 hours to pass before posting another one. You can easily delete or replace your current Note with a new one whenever you want.

Here’s what to do:

1. Start by opening Instagram.

2. Click on the “Messages” icon at the top right.

3. Select your Note.

4. You can either delete your Note or leave a new one.How to Delete Instagram Notes on iPhone and Android

How to Mute Instagram Notes on iPhone and Android

If you don’t want to see Notes from others on Instagram, you can mute them just like you would with Stories or posts.

  • Head to the person’s profile.
  • Click on “Following” to see more options.
  • Choose “Mute.”

How to Mute Instagram Notes on iPhone and Android

  • Click next to “Notes” to mute their Notes.

How to Mute Instagram Notes on iPhone and Android To unmute their Notes, just do the same steps again. Also, if someone has shared a Note in the past 24 hours, you can mute it right from the “Messages” area by doing these:

  • Press and hold on their profile picture.
  • Tap on “Mute notes.”
  • Confirm by choosing “Mute Notes.”

Remember, you’re the only one who can see the Notes you’ve muted by going into “Settings and Privacy” and then “Muted.”

 Frequently Asked Questions

Can you see the users who viewed your notes?

No, you and others can’t see who looks at your Instagram Notes, unlike with Instagram Stories.

How can you tell if a message is a response to my Note?

If someone responds to your Instagram Note, their reply will be a direct message in your inbox. You can tell it’s a response to your Note because it will come through as a new message from them, often directly referencing or replying to what you shared in your Note.

Will people get an alert when I upload Instagram Notes?

No, people won’t get a specific alert when you upload an Instagram Note. Instead, your Note will simply appear at the top of their direct message inbox, where they can see it when they check their messages.

Get Notes on Instagram to boost engagement

Using Notes on Instagram is easy and can  help you chat more with your followers. Just follow the simple steps we talked about, and you’ll be able to send little messages or updates straight to the top of your followers’ messages.

Instagram Notes is perfect for making your bond with followers stronger or just sharing quick news. Why not give Notes a try today and see the difference it makes in your Instagram game? Dive in now and start connecting in a whole new way!

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