How to Stop Instagram Spam Comments?


You’ve just posted your latest photo or Reel on Instagram, and you’re eager to see the engagement start flowing. A notification pops up—awesome, someone left a comment! But then you open it and see: “Send it on 👉 @spamaccount.” Ugh, another spam comment. It’s frustrating, and while some might say any engagement is good engagement, that’s not really the case here. Spam comments make your Instagram profile look messy and unprofessional, discourage genuine followers from interacting, and in some cases, they might even lead to scams that could harm your audience. So, what can you do? Fortunately, Instagram has tools to help you stop spam comments before they even show up.

Ready to get rid of the spam and focus on real conversations? Let’s walk through how you can keep your comment section clean and spam-free!

How to Stop Receiving Spam Comments on Your Instagram Account?

Technically, there’s no guaranteed way to stop spam on Instagram—spammers will always spam, trolls will troll, and haters will hate. However, you can simplify managing it by setting up automated tools to hide or delete spammy comments quickly. This will save you and your team from the headache of manually clearing them out, allowing you to focus on building genuine relationships with your followers instead of wasting energy on endless spam management.

Yes, you could manually delete every spam comment, but let’s face it—that’s not sustainable, especially if you handle multiple accounts, frequently post content, or run Instagram ad campaigns. The larger your reach, the harder it becomes to keep spam comments under control, especially for sponsored posts.

To make things easier, you can find ways to block spam comments automatically by following the instructions below or using a reputable third-party app to help filter and remove unwanted comments. Automating this process will allow you to focus on more meaningful tasks and ensure your Instagram stays professional and engaging without constant spam interference.

How to Stop Spam Comments on Instagram?

To manage spam comments on Instagram, head to your account settings by tapping the menu in the top right of your profile. Scroll down to the section labeled “How others can interact with you” and select “Hidden Words.” This is where you can control unwanted comments and message requests using keyword-based filtering.

How to stop spam comments on Instagram in the app 1In this section, you can activate automated comment filtering, which hides spammy comments based on specific words or phrases. You can even add your own custom keywords that will instantly flag a comment as spam. These flagged comments will be hidden and only visible to the person who posted them.

How to stop spam comments on Instagram in the app 2

How to Protect Your Instagram Account from Spam?

In addition to using automation to block spam comments, there are a few other ways to safeguard your Instagram account:

  1. Switch your account to private: While not ideal for businesses, switching your account to private can be helpful if you’re dealing with a temporary flood of spam. This way, only approved followers can see and interact with your content.
  2. Block and report users: If you’re getting spammed by specific accounts, block and report them. Instagram also allows you to block future accounts created with the same email or phone number, offering some protection from repeat offenders. However, spammers may still create new accounts with different details, so this isn’t a complete fix.
  3. Limit who can comment: You can restrict comments to people you follow or your followers only. To do this, go to Settings > Comments > Who can comment, and choose the option that works best for you.
  4. Temporarily limit interactions: You can also limit who can interact with your account, including mentions, tags, Story replies, and comments. To enable this, go to Settings > How others can interact with you > Limit interactions, and toggle the options to control how others can engage with your account.

These steps will help reduce spam and keep your Instagram interactions more manageable.

What’s the difference between choosing to delete or hide spam comments?

Whether you choose to delete or hide spam comments is entirely up to you, as it doesn’t significantly impact the experience for your other followers.

The main difference between the two actions is that deleting a comment removes it entirely, making it invisible to everyone. Hiding a comment, on the other hand, conceals it from you and your audience, but the original commenter will still see it.

While deleting or hiding comments doesn’t matter much when dealing with Instagram bots, there are situations where hiding might be the better option. For example, if you’re trying to avoid escalating a conflict, hiding the comment lets you move on without alerting the commenter that their comment has been removed. This can be a smarter, more peaceful solution in certain cases.

Last words

Spam isn’t going anywhere—unfortunately, it’s only becoming more widespread as automation makes it easier for spammers to flood platforms without lifting a finger. That’s why, if you want to stop Instagram spam comments, it’s smart to leverage the power of automation tools to filter and remove spam in bulk. Doing this saves you valuable time—time you can use to focus on meaningful conversations with your real audience on Instagram.

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