22 Rap Genres That Define the New Evolution (1/2)

Last Updated on January 28th, 2021 at 9:50 am

rap genres

Just about 40 years ago, hip-hop was born. Ever since rap has expanded into tons of subgenres and styles. Today every hip-hop and rap subgenre has a completely different sound, even if they still follow the core tenants of rhyme and beat. From the early days of underground New York hip-hop to the twisted sound of UK Drill, the only thing that’s been constant in the genre is change, especially with the evolution of technology. In this article we’ll briefly explore each genre that matters, so you know what’s out there to explore in-depth. Here are 22 rap genres that stick out to us.

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Spotify Canvas: Stand Out With Video and Find New Fans

Last Updated on December 31st, 2020 at 5:34 pm

spotify canvas

The newest feature of Spotify—Canvas— encourages artists to show their creative side, cement their aesthetic, and delight their fans. But, what exactly does Canvas do? And, how can you use it best? In this article, we’ll explore everything there is to know about using Spotify Canvas and let you start using it on your Spotify profile.

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No mixing environment is perfect.

Even when you have acoustic treatment, quality monitors, and great headphones, there’s always a bit of guesswork in the final stages of your mix process.

To get good results you should know what you’re up against—and the right way to work around it.

Reference tracks are how you get that perspective. They’re an incredibly useful tool that will help you decide your mix objectively.

However, what is reference tracks? Which ones should you use, and how to work with them?

In this article, we’ll explain what reference tracks are, how to choose a reference track for a better mix, and some of my tops pick for different mix situations.

Let’s get started.

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6 Steps to Produce a Vocal Session

Last Updated on December 24th, 2020 at 2:38 pm

produce a vocal session

A great vocal can help to build or ruin a track. That’s the reason why top artists and producers pay much attention to recording vocals as well as possible. You may think that fancy pro gear is all it takes to get an amazing sound. However, even the best microphones or fanciest preamps won’t matter in case the performance was poor or the recording wasn’t done right. The real trick to polished, professional tracks is a quality production. It’s a complete process that continues all the way to the final master. Great vocal production goes beyond just the music tools you use to record. It’s everything you do during a session to get the right result for your track. In this article, we’ll explore how to produce a vocal session in just 6 steps—even if you’re just recording yourself.

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Music Royalties: How You Get Paid for Your Streams

Last Updated on December 24th, 2020 at 2:32 pm

music royalties

It’s totally possible to earn money with your original music. Aside from live performances and physical merch, most artists depend on streaming revenue, royalties, and music publishing as the main source of income from their music. But knowing exactly how the music royalties work isn’t always easy.

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Lo-fi Music: The Basics To Start Making It (1/2)

Last Updated on December 17th, 2020 at 3:47 pm

Lo-fi music

Lo-fi music has taken on tons of different meanings in recent years.

The term low-fidelity once referred just to the quality of a sound signal.

Especially, a sonic signal of a poorer quality—usually one produced by cassettes.

However today, the grainy, warbling sound that got here from tape recordings and cassettes has given birth to an entire genre of music and production style.

Lo-fi music now refers to an entirely instrumental brand of sample-based hip-hop beat production—and its sprawling community of beatmakers, listeners, and live streaming playlists.

The genre has exploded in popularity over the few years past, especially on YouTube.

So that you might be keen on learning more about the new genre. Especially, if you want to create lo-fi tracks of your own.

In this article we’ll have a look at everything there’s to know about lo-fi music—the music theory behind it, the different production techniques used to make it, and where to get the most effective lo-fi samples.

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Audio normalization is an idea that comes up fairly typically for new producers.

It’s a music production process that’s been around because of the earliest days of digital audio, however, is it still relevant?

It’s not all the time simple to tell whether to apply normalization or to keep away from it completely—and getting it wrong could cause issues in your mix.

In this article, I’ll break down what audio normalization is, when to use it, and when to steer clear.

Let’s get began. Continue reading →

Artistic Evolution: 3 Modern Pop Stars

Last Updated on November 27th, 2020 at 3:15 pm

modern pop stars

So many modern pop stars that have been successful with a signature style are content to stick with a formula.

The big effort it takes to break into the industry leaves many at the top unwilling to take risks.

However, certain pop visionaries can’t help but reinvent themselves—and their craft.

In this article, we will explore a number of the most current modern creative stars rewriting the rules of mainstream pop.

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