What Are The Real TikTok Video Dimensions?

TikTok’s short videos, diverse content, and interactive features have made it a favorite for marketers, entrepreneurs, and creatives. To really stand out, it’s important to create videos that fit TikTok’s format perfectly. If your videos aren’t the right size, they might get cut off or look awkward, which can reduce their impact. If you’re wondering about the best video dimensions for TikTok, you’re in the right place.

This guide will help you understand how to make great TikTok videos. We’ll cover everything from the ideal dimensions and aspect ratios to editing tips and upload guidelines. Let’s make sure your next TikTok post not only gets noticed but is also memorable.

What Are The Real TikTok Video Dimensions?

TikTok uses specific video specifications to ensure the best viewing experience on any device. As a creator, following these guidelines keeps your content looking sharp without any blurring, distortion, or cropping.

Real TikTok Video Dimensions

So, what does TikTok video size actually mean? Here are some key specs that affect a video’s size:

  • TikTok Resolution and Dimension: A video’s dimension, or resolution, is its exact width and height measured in pixels (PX), the tiny colored dots that make up an image on a screen. The ideal dimensions for TikTok video are 1080 by 1920 PX, the standard portrait size for most smartphone screens.
  • TikTok Aspect Ratio: This describes the relationship between a video’s width and height, determining its shape. TikTok recommends an aspect ratio of 9:16, which fills most phone screens. It also supports 1:1 (square) and 16:9, but these appear with black bars around the edges to fill the screen.
  • Video File Size: File size refers to the amount of space a digital file takes up, usually measured in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB). TikTok caps video file sizes at 72 MB for Android devices and 287.76 MB for iOS devices. If you’re using the website, the maximum file size is 1 GB. These sizes differ because Android and iOS have different default video formats.

TikTok In-Feed Video Dimensions

TikTok entered the market with a clear purpose: to be the go-to social media platform for sharing short-form video content. They have stayed true to this mission since their inception.

Given TikTok’s focus on videos, it’s crucial to ensure your videos look their best. A significant part of this is getting the size dimensions and aspect ratio right.

TikTok recommends a size of 1080 x 1920 pixels with an aspect ratio of 9:16, which is ideal for portrait videos. While you can post horizontal videos with a 16:9 landscape aspect ratio or square videos with a 1:1 aspect ratio, there are downsides. These videos won’t take up the whole screen, resulting in black borders around your content when posted.

Posting videos that aren’t optimized for size and ratio reduces the chances of your content appearing on the coveted “For You” page. For those unfamiliar, the For You page on TikTok is the ultimate goal for content creators. If your content is featured there, you can expect a massive influx of views, likes, comments, and followers.

TikTok stories Dimensions

Thanks to platforms like Snapchat and Instagram Stories, disappearing short-form content has become extremely popular. TikTok has embraced this trend with the introduction of TikTok Stories.

The beauty of TikTok Stories is that they disappear from your profile after 24 hours and have a maximum time limit of 15 seconds. These two aspects differentiate TikTok Stories from your regular in-feed videos.

TikTok Stories provide a way to give your followers a deeper and more personal glimpse into your life beyond the camera. They are an excellent tool for strengthening relationships with your followers and enhancing loyalty.

Similar to in-feed videos, the maximum dimensions for TikTok Stories are 1080 x 1920 pixels, and the optimal aspect ratio is 9:16. You can also post videos with a 1:1 or 16:9 ratio.

Apart from the maximum length, TikTok Stories are quite similar to TikTok in-feed videos in terms of size and formatting.

TikTok Profile Picture Dimensions

When someone visits your profile on the TikTok app, the first thing they’ll see is your profile picture. And when you post a video, your profile picture appears on the right-hand side of the screen. So, it’s important to make sure it’s a good one.

Your profile picture needs to be easily recognizable, even when reduced to a smaller size. The optimal dimensions for a TikTok profile picture are 200 x 200 pixels with a 1:1 aspect ratio.

The good news is that a TikTok profile picture isn’t permanent—you can change it as often as you like. However, keep in mind that your profile picture is part of your brand identity on TikTok. Changing it too frequently might confuse your followers, who may not recognize your posts.

  • TikTok Profile Photo File Format: JPG or PNG
  • Maximum File Size for TikTok Profile Photo: 50 KB

What Are TikTok Video Ads Specifications?

TikTok in-feed video ad size

TikTok Ad Specifications

If you’re creating content for a brand or want to boost your own videos, paid advertising can help you reach a larger audience. To get started, you’ll need to create a TikTok Ads Manager account, where you can run and manage your ad campaigns.

TikTok Ads Manager offers a variety of ad types, so it’s important to ensure your images and videos meet the correct size and format specifications. Here are the details:

Image Ads:
– Accepted file types: JPG, JPEG, and PNG
– Resolutions: 1200 x 628 PX, 640 x 640 PX, or 720 x 1280 PX
– Maximum file size: 100 MB

Video Ads:
– Accepted formats: MP4, MOV, MPEG, 3GP, and AVI
– Maximum file size: 500 MB
– Aspect ratios: 9:16, 1:1, or 16:9
– Resolutions: 540 x 960 PX, 640 x 640 PX, 960 x 540 PX, 720 x 1280 PX, or 1280 x 720 PX
– Recommended duration: 5–60 seconds to effectively capture viewers’ attention

By adhering to these specifications, you can ensure your ads are optimized for the platform and reach the intended audience effectively.

TikTok Ad Types

When posting an ad on TikTok, you have several formats to choose from:

In-feed ads: These ads appear in users’ feeds, placed by the platform’s algorithm between content on the For You Page (FYP) and accounts users follow. These ads should mimic the look and feel of organic content to blend seamlessly with the feed and encourage interaction.

Carousel ads: These ads feature 2–10 images within users’ feeds, allowing you to showcase more information at once.

Spark ads: This format allows you to promote videos you’ve already posted on your profile as ads. Instead of relying solely on the algorithm to push content to people’s feeds, TikTok will boost it as an ad for a fee.

Playable ads: Ideal for promoting mobile apps, these interactive ads let users preview the app directly within the ad. Users can then tap a button to be redirected to their phone’s app store, providing an easy opportunity to download the app.

Is Landscape or Portrait Better for TikTok Videos?

When filming a video, especially on your phone, one of the key decisions is whether to shoot in portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal) orientation. Portrait videos, with a 9:16 aspect ratio, are taller than they are wide. Landscape videos, usually with a 16:9 aspect ratio, are wider, resembling traditional TV and computer screens.

If you’re posting exclusively to TikTok, opt for the portrait format. This is TikTok’s native orientation, so it will fill the screen completely and match other videos on the app. However, if you’re creating content for multiple platforms, landscape videos can also work—with some adjustments.

Portrait TikTok videos


  • Full-screen experience: Vertical videos utilize the entire smartphone screen, providing an immersive experience for TikTok users.
  • Platform-friendly: TikTok’s algorithm and user interface favor portrait videos, increasing their chances of being promoted on the For You page. This format is also preferred on Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, offering flexibility across platforms.
  • Higher engagement: Vertical videos tend to have higher engagement rates on mobile-first platforms like TikTok because they align with the natural way users hold their phones.


  • Limited view: The narrower frame can restrict the content you can fit into the shot, potentially limiting creative options.
  • Less versatile: Portrait videos may not transfer well to other video or social media platforms that prefer landscape or square formats.

Landscape TikTok videos


  • Familiar format: This traditional format can easily be repurposed across various video and social media platforms, such as YouTube.
  • Broader view: Landscape orientation allows for a wider frame, beneficial for content that requires a broader view.
  • Easy to reformat: It’s easier to convert a landscape video into a vertical or square format than the other way around. Some video editing software, like Descript, makes this a one-click process.


  • Reduced visibility: On TikTok, landscape videos appear smaller as they don’t fill the entire screen, potentially reducing engagement.
  • Not algorithm-friendly: TikTok’s algorithm and user interface are optimized for vertical videos, so landscape videos might not perform as well.

Final thoughts

Our comprehensive guide has walked you through the essentials of TikTok video creation, from understanding the key TikTok video dimensions to optimizing sizes, formats, and frame rates. With this technical know-how, you’re ready to create content that fits perfectly within TikTok’s guidelines and grabs your audience’s attention.

As you start your TikTok video creation journey, remember that keeping up with platform updates and trends is just as crucial as mastering the technical aspects. TikTok’s constantly changing landscape offers endless opportunities for creativity and connection. By balancing both the artistic and technical sides, you’ll set yourself up for success in the vibrant world of TikTok content creation.

So, dive in, get creative, and let your unique voice shine across TikTok’s global community. Your journey to TikTok stardom begins with the perfect video – and now you have the knowledge to make it happen. Happy creating!

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