14 Beginner Tips to Raise Your Brand on YouTube (2/2)

Continue with some other tips for growing your brand on Youtube…

9. Create a content calendar

Developing a schedule is one thing. Sticking to it is another!

Create a simple content calendar to ensure you have enough fresh content each week. Schedule ideas for YouTube, as well as any other social platforms you manage.

Reference your calendar often. Do you see any patterns? Content calendars can be a great way to learn what videos perform best and when.

To get started, fill in a copy of Hootsuite’s Content Calendar Template. You can adapt your calendar over time to meet your brand’s needs.

10. Be selective

There are tons of simple YouTube tricks for getting more views for your videos. Being selective is one of the most important.

Edit your videos carefully before posting anything. Review all your footage, cutting out any dull moments. Avoid awkward pauses and unprofessional-looking shots. Make every second count keep your audience engaged.

But editing is about more than the viewer experience. It also affects your search rankings. That’s because YouTube’s algorithm favors videos with a high watch time. The longer you can keep fans interested in your content, the more discoverable it will be.

11. Save content for a rainy day

Life is busy, and creating high-quality videos takes time. There will be days or weeks when you don’t have time to produce new content.

Help your future self out by creating extra videos in advance. Stick to timeless “evergreen” content, rather than trending topics. That way, it won’t matter when you publish them.

Chescaleigh’s video on common artist mistakes is less timely than her other content. (Take her spotlight on Black History Month, for example.) She could have posted it any time, with the same great results.

12. Make your videos ‘clickable’

Every day, YouTube users watch more than a billion hours of video. Standing out from the crowd is no small feat!

Luckily, there are tons of YouTube tricks you can use to get noticed. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Create custom thumbnails: The thumbnail is the first part of your video people see. And although YouTube automatically generates thumbnails when you post, these often fall flat. Create your own eye-catching graphics instead to make your content pop.
  • Craft compelling descriptionsMake the most of your video descriptions by adding keywords, hashtags, and more. Include the most important information right up front, so people see it first.
  • Optimize your title: Choose something short and punchy. Spark curiosity, solve a problem or make someone laugh. Give viewers a real reason to click, and they will.

13. Build playlists

More than 70% of time on YouTube is spent watching algorithm recommendations. Ensuring your content makes the cut is one of the most important YouTube tips.

That’s where playlists come in. Playlists keep viewers moving from one video to another, boosting total watch time. They’re a simple way to improve your videos’ performance in the algorithm.

Plus, playlists also help viewers discover more of your content. This makes them a great way to encourage YouTube subscriptions.

Check out YouTube’s guide to creating playlists to get started.

AntsCanada is very creative with their playlists, offering viewers lots of different options. Some are organized by topic, like “Termites” or “Asian Marauder Ants.” Others focus on the type of video, like “VIP interviews” or “Relaxing Ant Ambiance.”

AntsCanada YouTube playlist

14. Cross promote

Finally, remember to share your hard work with the world!

There are lots of free ways to promote your channel. Getting the word out on social media is one of the easiest—and most effective.

That’s because YouTube’s algorithm prioritizes outside traffic. Clicks from Facebook or Twitter are a simple way to boost your video’s discoverability.

Promote new content each time you post. Share updates on your social channels, as well as your website, blog, or newsletter. Craft a unique message for each platform to keep things fresh.

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