4 Creative Ways to Get Free YouTube Subscribers for your Channel

Last Updated on April 23rd, 2016 at 9:59 pm

Everybody from the most recent YouTube consumer, to the highest subscribed YouTube star (shoutout to PewDiePie), desires to get free YouTube subscribers. They’re the very core of your common viewership. Each time they log in to YouTube they’ll be capable of seeing whether there are new movies for them, and can slowly begin to understand the way you upload video.

Here, we would like to help you attract more YouTube subscribers in a method that may solely cost you time. Some you should use many times, some may be one-time efforts. Let’s get your YouTube subscriber base rising!

Get free YouTube subscribers with following 4 ideas!

1. Construct relationships: YouTube is social media

Everybody must stop considering YouTube advertising and marketing as being little greater than video advertising, or simply considering that YouTube is a video internet hosting website. You are not aware of a very powerful side of YouTube while you do that: Your followers.

Your followers on YouTube are not only the ones who are about to change into your subscribers but also the ones who will share your clips and develop your viewers more. You should start interacting with them in your videos, and replying each of their comment.

When it go smoothly, you can see this:

Reading AWESOME Comments! - (Fridays With PewDiePie - Part 95)

When interacting and sharing experiences happen regularly, PewDiePie is now not only YouTube channel any more. His channel is now an internet gathering place for followers. To get this situation going, it is better to reach each comment and reply, or raise questions. You may give rewards for ‘best comments.’ And everybody likes having a shoutout in the video which they’re watching.

In case you actually don’t know how get things going, you can refer YouTube feedback service. You may write customized response to help your channel look more lively, and encourage YouTubers to interact more.

2. Calls to action inside your video

Your calls to action are the hint for you fan to know what  you need from them. Almost successful YouTubers show a popular call to action to get free YouTube subscribers: They ask their fans to click the subscribe button.

This is an interesting sample from Smosh:


They have a powerful auditory call to action seeking for subscribers. While people watching the video, a big yellow button suddenly appears and says “SUBSCRIBE.” Having an audio and visual call to action on time is necessary. You shouldn’t stick a button up there, and you’d better simply mention it. Both being used together will get you more and more YouTube subscribers without cost.

This method can work even better when you have had  good reputation endorsed by  a lot of  YouTube subscribers. If your brand is a newbie on YouTube, or you don’t have enough time to build  your channel, nothing is difficult than attracting first subscribers. However, you can save time and grow quicker by buying a YouTube subscriber package from quality providers like us.

3. YouTube Annotations are your best friend

In order to get free YouTube subscribers,  you’d better use YouTube Annotations due to three following reasons:

  1. Linking to your homepage: You shoud make sure the subscriber button is mentioned in the Annotation. By doing this at a good time, you can push viewers to stay longer on your videos.
  2. Social profile links: Getting a new Twitter follower can be a good way to get more YouTube subscribers, but. This is like having them subscribe to your channel through Twitter. For other social media platforms, it’s the same. When you share your videos, they’ll see the new content and watch it.
  3. In-video links:  Most YouTubers will wisely wait until the end to ask for subscribers. Putting them in mid-video, , is a good way  to get people subscribed at the end. Remember that any video might be someone’s second, third, fourth, etc video of yours in a row. That push at the beginning on their second video can be the thing that captures them.

Watch Epic Meal Time to understand more clearly about how each of the above is done:


If you missed the Annotations:

  1. 0.00 – 0.08 Minutes: Subscribe button, upper left hand corner
  2. 0.30 – 0.39 Minutes: Suggested video, bottom left hand corner
  3. 1.17 – 1.28 Minutes: Like/Fave and Share, upper left hand corner
  4. 2.05 – 2.15 Minutes: @usernames for Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, upper left hand corner
  5. 2.05 – 2.15 Minutes: Facebook URL, upper right hand corner

Finally, they close the video with a call to subscribe, with a button that’s a YouTube Annotation, and more suggested videos.You can see a similar pattern in other videos of them. That may be the daily online activity you should do if you want to get free YouTube subscribers!

4. Subscriber tactics for the web

YouTube will work most effectively when it is spread across as large range of the web as you can. All of the big YouTube stars built their own website. It’s the place where they push their videos even further. Besides, they also own merchandise, blogs, and other behind the scenes type of content.

Once you get your website built, make sure that you include:

  • A YouTube subscriber widget which can convert people surfing the web into subscribers.
  • A header or footer that urge people to take a look at your videos. Create a big image that’s a clickable link, and use powerful calls to action.
  • Links to it from your channel’s ‘About’ menu, and from the description of l separate videos. If some people  want to find your website, give them the chance as often as possible. If you make it difficult, they’ll just find other things  to entertain them.
  • A blog at which  you talk about the newest video in summary, and embed it for others to watch. Remember a call to action in every blog post and ask for subscribers.

Let’s see the website for Jenna Marbles. It’s busy, it’s crazy, but it shows her fans a million things to click on and keep engaged with her. The more they engage, the more they care. The more they care, the more they will subscribe or urge someone else to subscribe.

Related Post: 10 Amazing Tips to Boost Your YouTube Ranking


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