If your videos aren’t getting the desired results, there are some common mistakes you should avoid when making Youtube videos. These mistakes can ruin your chances of becoming a viral video. For example, if your video doesn’t talk to your audience clearly and understandably, your audience will not be able to understand it. This can be avoided by adding a transcript to your videos. This will increase your video’s reach and make it more search-engine friendly. 

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Making a great YouTube short is easier than ever, thanks to the new Remix feature from YouTube. You can create an amazing video that will capture your audience’s attention with just a few clicks. In this blog post, we will show you how to use Remix to create your own stunning YouTube shorts. So get ready to impress your friends and followers with your creative videos!

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It’s no secret that the music distribution landscape is constantly evolving. With new providers and services popping up all the time, it can be tough to know if you’re getting a good deal. If you’re unhappy with your current provider or if you’re just looking for more features, it might be time to switch to a new music distributor. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the reasons why you might want to switch, and we’ll go through the steps you need to take to make the switch. So read on and learn everything you need to know about switching digital music distributors!

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Spotify is a great platform for independent artists to find an audience. In addition, with over 433 million active users, your music has the potential to reach a large number of people. However, promotion on Spotify can be expensive, so it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before deciding whether or not to invest in it. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of Spotify promotion and how you can determine whether or not it’s worth the investment for your music career.

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Are you looking for ways to promote your business on Instagram? If so, you should consider using Instagram Reels. Instagram Reels are a great way to share videos with your followers and promote your business. This blog post will discuss Instagram reel strategies you can use to promote your business. We’ll give you tips on how to create an effective reel. So read on and learn how to market your business on Instagram!

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Whether you’re a musician, music lover, or just looking for something to listen to, Soundcloud has been one of the most popular options for streaming music online. However, as with all things, nothing lasts forever. And in this case, it seems that Soundcloud may be on its way out. The company has been experiencing financial trouble and has been forced to lay off staff and make other cuts to stay afloat. So what does this mean for users? Well, Soundcloud may soon shut down completely. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Here are 10+ Soundcloud alternatives 2022 that you can use instead!

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