Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

In today’s competitive digital landscape, optimizing your presence on social media is crucial for visibility. While many focus on traditional search engines, Facebook SEO is an often overlooked yet powerful tool to boost your reach. By applying specific strategies, you can enhance your profile’s visibility, improve engagement, and connect with a wider audience.

This guide covers 15 essential tactics to improve your Facebook SEO, helping you stay ahead of the curve and maximize your presence on the platform in 2024. Whether you’re a business or an individual, these tips will help you make the most of your Facebook efforts.

What is Facebook SEO and why is it important?

Facebook SEO involves optimizing your content to boost reach, discoverability, and visibility on the platform. It follows the same principles as traditional SEO, which focuses on improving your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). With Facebook SEO, you aim to optimize your content for Facebook’s internal algorithm, ensuring that your posts and pages rise to the top of searches.

Well-executed Facebook SEO can also enhance your content’s chances of appearing in external Google search results. Here’s why it matters for your business:

  • Increased visibility: Optimizing your Facebook page helps target specific audiences searching for content like yours.
  • Higher engagement: Content that’s optimized with the right keywords, posted at peak times, and engaging for followers will naturally drive more interaction.
  • Improved Google rankings: Successful Facebook SEO can improve your overall brand presence in Google SERPs.
  • Higher click-through rate (CTR): More visibility means more traffic. With a CTA (Call-to-Action) button set up on your page, you increase the likelihood of converting visitors into clicks.

By focusing on Facebook SEO, you’re not just improving your presence on the platform, but potentially boosting your brand’s overall digital footprint as well.

15 tactics to optimize your Facebook Page for SEO

When it comes to Facebook SEO, strategy is key. Simply posting content and setting up your profile without a plan is a surefire way to fall flat.

To boost your chances of success, think of these Facebook SEO tactics as your secret weapon for climbing the feed and increasing visibility. With a thoughtful approach, you can optimize your content to stand out and engage your audience effectively.

1. Choose the right page name and username

Names hold a lot of power, and in the world of SEO, they play a major role in your Facebook Page’s discoverability.

When selecting your Facebook Page’s name, it’s essential to clearly communicate who you are. If it feels appropriate and not overly spammy, consider adding what you do (e.g., [your business name] + [your offering]). This makes it easier for people and search engines to understand your brand.

Search engines and social platforms favor relevant keywords. So, if you can seamlessly include a keyword related to your business in your Facebook Page name, you’re in a strong position.

For example, Mellow Johnny’s Bike Shop is a great name for both SEO and Facebook. It clearly identifies the brand (Mellow Johnny’s) and what they do (Bike Shop)—the keyword most users would search for.

Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

Your Facebook Page’s username is just as crucial for SEO. The username forms part of your Page’s URL, which can appear in search results, impacting your visibility.

In many cases, it’s perfectly fine to keep your Facebook Page name simple by using just your business name. For example, Flower Beds Farm works well on its own. Adding keywords like “Vancouver Island Tourist Hotspot” after the name would feel forced and awkward.

The key is to strike a balance between clarity and searchability, while keeping your business name natural and user-friendly.

Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

When in doubt, go with what reads naturally.

SEO is designed to best serve human beings with the pages they are searching for, so you should always aim to sound natural. Write for people, not the machine, and the machine will reward you.

Psstt: Don’t think your username is search-friendly? Follow these steps to change your username on Facebook.

2. Customize your URL

As mentioned earlier, your username plays a significant role in Facebook SEO, and one of its key functions is forming your Page’s URL.

When you first create a Facebook Page, you’re given a default URL, which usually consists of a random string of numbers and characters—far from visually appealing. For example, Antisocial Skateboard Shop hasn’t updated their URL yet, so it looks something like this: [generic example URL].

Customizing your URL with your username is a great way to make your Page more professional, recognizable, and easier to find in search results.

Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

(Antisocial Skateboard Shop: If you’re reading this, change your generic address to a vanity URL!)

To improve your searchability, change the default string of nonsense into a vanity URL. Vanity URLs are customized web addresses; like vanity plates, you decide what yours says.

Mellow Johnny’s Bike Shop opted for just “Mellow Johnny’s” as their username. It’s short and easy to remember.

Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

To create your custom Page URL, you simply have to change your Facebook username, which is under your Settings tab > Page setup > View Page Username, then Edit. Use something short and branded, and attach a keyword.

3. Use consistent branding

If a customer has encountered your business on another platform or in person, they’ll naturally look for the same logo or branding when searching for you on Facebook.

To make your Page easy to identify, ensure that your branding is consistent across all your social media pages and accounts. This includes using the same logos, colors, and messaging to create a cohesive identity.

For example, The New York Times maintains multiple Facebook Pages for different sections of its newspaper, but consistent branding across each Page reassures users that they’re interacting with the official accounts.

Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

4. Craft a compelling About section

The About section is often one of the first things visitors read when they discover your Facebook Page, especially if they’re new to your business.

You might wonder why branding advice belongs in an SEO tactics list, but it’s simple: the more engaged users are, the more Facebook views your Page as popular. And how do you get users to engage? By creating branding that resonates emotionally with your audience.

A great example is Sweetgreen’s Facebook Page. In its About section, Sweetgreen shares its mission to build healthier communities and explains how the company is working toward that goal—fostering a strong connection with its audience.

Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

The Intro section (right above your Page details) is also an opportunity to craft a short and sweet description that lets visitors know who you are and what they can expect.

Here’s Sweetgreen’s simple and straightforward (and effective!) Intro:

Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

5. Double-check your details

Have you ever searched for a business on Facebook to find their hours or address, only to be met with outdated information? It’s a frustrating experience you don’t want your potential customers to have.

Make sure your business address, phone number, and hours are up-to-date on your Facebook Page—especially if you operate a local or physical location.

For example, World Market includes a customer service number and a store locator link in its intro section, ensuring users can easily find the information they need.

Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

If you have a physical address, you can also allow users to check in, creating more visibility for your business. This can serve to increase social trust in your brand. If you see a friend checking into a business, maybe you’ll check it out yourself.

6. Incorporate strategic keywords

Your About section, description, headline, photo captions, notes, and even status updates are all prime spots to incorporate relevant keywords.

As we’ve mentioned before, keywords are the foundation of your SEO strategy. You should aim to use your primary keywords at least once throughout your Facebook Page. These keywords help Facebook’s search engine understand your page’s purpose while also quickly informing visitors of what you do and the value you offer.

However, avoid keyword stuffing. Overloading your page with keywords will backfire, and you could be penalized. Remember, your content is meant for human readers, not just algorithms.

Take this randomly chosen Page as an example of natural keyword integration. Notice how the Intro section mentions “Social media tools” and “Build brands!” and the photo caption highlights “SMMs!” for a balanced approach.

If you’re unsure where to begin with keyword research, start by tracking what your audience is searching for and discussing using brand monitoring tools. SEO tools like SEMRush or Google’s Keyword Planner can also help you create a list of relevant keywords to monitor.

7. Earn more backlinks

Much like in traditional SEO, backlinks act as a vote of confidence for your Facebook Page, boosting your credibility. Google tends to view you as an authority if other reputable sites link to your Facebook Page or content. Also, don’t forget to link to your website in your Facebook Page’s About section.

You can expand your backlink network by collaborating with influencers and strategic partners. If you run a blog or newsletter, Rich DeMatteo, president of Bad Rhino Digital Marketing, suggests regularly including your Facebook Page link.

The best way to attract quality backlinks is straightforward: produce high-quality, relevant content that meets user needs. When you do that, the links will start coming naturally.

Speaking of high-quality content…

8. Publish keyword-rich content

To improve your chances of showing up in the Feed, it’s essential to consistently publish keyword-rich content. Posting just once or twice a month won’t yield significant results. Consistency and quality are key to boosting your SEO.

Take Create & Cultivate, for example. They frequently share value-driven tips and resources that their audience is actively searching for. Each post is crafted with strategic keywords that are designed to grab the attention of their readers and improve discoverability.

Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

But don’t worry — you don’t need to be a content business to publish keyword-driven captions and posts. If you’re unsure where to start, try our guide to social media content creation. Or get inspired by these fresh social media post ideas.

9. Engage on Messenger

Social media thrives on communication. When your followers leave a comment, make sure to respond and start a conversation.

Facebook’s algorithm partially ranks content based on engagement levels. So when followers give you the opportunity to increase engagement, seize it!

Equally important is responding to messages. Each week, more than a billion Facebook users contact businesses through Facebook messages. Ignoring them, especially when they likely have a question or concern, could cost you valuable customer relationships.

If managing messages promptly seems overwhelming, consider setting up an automated tool like Hootsuite Inbox to ensure you never miss a DM.

10. Moderate your reviews

Don’t get discouraged by a bad review—it’s a natural part of doing business. In fact, negative reviews present an opportunity to showcase excellent customer service.

Turning a bad experience into a positive one can not only win back a customer but may even encourage them to update their review. Think of a negative review as a potential positive one in the making.

Plus, other Facebook users will read both the review and your response, so staying professional is key to preserving your brand’s reputation.

Start by responding promptly, apologizing, and offering a solution. Once the issue is resolved, kindly ask the reviewer to reconsider their rating.

Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

11. Include a CTA

Like any social media post or page, you need to include a call to action (CTA) for your followers.

Facebook makes this easy with its Action button option. This button links directly to whatever action you want people to take on your Page, whether that’s to contact you or make an order.

Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

The action you choose depends on where you want to direct people and traffic from Facebook. You can also do some research into what people are usually looking for when they find your Page.

Milk + Honey Spa includes two CTA buttons on its Facebook Page, one to book an appointment and another to send them a message.

Facebook SEO

12. Post consistently (and at the right time)

Staying active on Facebook significantly increases your chances of ranking higher in users’ feeds by giving you more opportunities for engagement.

From a user’s perspective, it’s far more appealing to click on a Page with recent posts than one that hasn’t posted in months. Facebook even highlights how active a Page is, making it clear to users whether you’re consistently engaging or not. Consistency plays a key role in building trust and encouraging interaction.

Facebook SEO: 15 Tactics for Better Visibility in 2024

Another consideration? The time you post. Figuring out the best time to post on Facebook will inherently raise your engagement rates, better serve content to your audience, and please the algorithm Gods. All of this, of course, works to better your SEO.

For those go-getters, you can do your own research by following this advice on the best times to post on Facebook.

13. Get smart about alt text

Alt text: It’s a simple addition that can make a big impact. Adding alt text to your Facebook photos helps the platform understand and index your content, while also giving you the opportunity to include relevant keywords naturally. This can improve your content’s visibility in search results.

Beyond SEO benefits, creating accessible content is just good practice. Alt text allows those with visual impairments to enjoy your content, expanding your audience and ensuring inclusivity. Not to mention, it’s the right thing to do.

If you don’t add alt text, Facebook will auto-generate a painfully generic version—so always take the time to add your own. For example, Harvard University carefully includes descriptive alt text for its images. In one post, the alt text reads: “People walk around Harvard Yard as sun shines through trees.”

14. Create location-specific content

Do you have more than one location? Your SEO strategy may benefit from multiple location Pages, allowing you to capitalize on the benefits of localized Facebook marketing.

For example, say you have donut shops in Vancouver, Seattle, and Oregon. You could potentially rank for region-specific keywords for each place, but only if you have separate Pages dedicated to targeting those regions’ keywords.

Austin-based pizza shop Via 313 uses this strategy by setting up Facebook Pages for all of its locations, and clarifying which location in the Page name.

This helps them create specific content for their area, and the business also includes a CTA button to Start Order, which makes it easy to order pizza from a specific location right on Facebook.

15. Follow the rules of Facebook SEO

To succeed in building SEO on Facebook, you need to play by the platform’s rules.

When optimizing your Page, ensure you follow all of Facebook’s content guidelines to avoid violations. For instance, overloading your Page with keywords can make it appear spammy—something Facebook doesn’t allow.

Meta provides a comprehensive guide to Facebook Community Standards that’s well worth reviewing to ensure your content stays compliant and your Page thrives.

Boost your Facebook presence alongside your other social media channels using Buildmyplays. Interact with more posts, video, engage your audience, and measure the impact of your efforts — all from a single website. Try it free today.


Leveraging Facebook SEO is essential for improving your online visibility and reaching a larger audience. By implementing the 15 tactics outlined in this guide, such as optimizing your profile, using keywords strategically, and engaging with your audience, you can enhance your presence on the platform in 2024. As Facebook continues to evolve, staying updated with the latest SEO strategies will help you stay competitive and maximize your social media efforts. Focus on these techniques to grow your reach and make the most of your Facebook marketing strategy.

Facebook SEO: FAQ

What is the meaning of SEO on Facebook?

Facebook search engine optimization is the strategy of increasing your Page’s visibility, reach, or ranking on Feeds. SEO for Facebook is very similar to SEO on other platforms.

How do I SEO my Facebook Business Page?

You can SEO Facebook Pages by implementing the Facebook SEO tactics above! SEO can be a long game, so the sooner you start, the better off you’ll be.

Do Facebook reviews help SEO?

Yes, Facebook reviews help SEO by improving your Page’s credibility and reputation. More positive reviews will signal to users that you’re a trustworthy business, which can help increase click-through rate.

How to rank high on Facebook?

You can rank higher on Facebook by optimizing your Page for search, posting keyword-rich content, and following community guidelines.

Do Facebook ads improve SEO?

Facebook ads do not directly improve SEO on or off the platform. However, Facebook ads may drive more traffic to your Page or website.





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