How to (Really) Get Thousands of Free YouTube Subscribers (2/2)

Last Updated on February 21st, 2019 at 3:42 pm

Free YouTube Subscribers

Continue with some methods to get thousands of free Youtube subscribers

5. Convert searchers to subscribers with playlists

You work hard to acquire a first-time viewer. The viewer should seek for a relevant keyword, see your video in YouTube’s outcomes, and click your outcome. To turn these casual viewers into subscribers, utilize YouTube playlists. Those increase content consumption, retain subscribers and enhance your watch time.

Instead of making miscellaneous playlists, make a track of content for new users to watch. In other words, treat your viewers as a cohort, segmenting your viewers into groups of users that will move through your content.

Make playlists for 3 kinds of cohorts:

  • New audience—what content should a new audience watch first? I recommend making a YouTube playlist that says. “New to this YouTube channel? Watch these first.” This playlist should introduce the audience to your channel and deliver your greatest, funniest, or most useful videos that will convert them from a searcher to a subscriber.
  • Task-orientated viewers—When you offer educational content, a big portion of your viewers will be looking to solve specific issues. This could be learning a particular skill or fixing an issue. Cochrane (the YouTube expert quoted above), for instance, has particular playlists that help his viewers complete different music tasks. These playlists enhance content consumption as well as remind people that your channel is an effective place to look later if they encounter a problem. You could see Cochrane’s playlists under or by clicking here.

  • Topic-focused viewers—By making playlists that comprehensively cover a particular topic, you will attract one of the most profitable kinds of audiences: content bingers. These audiences are looking for collections of videos on a particular topic and will methodologically work their method via your playlists. A great instance of this comes from Google Analytics’ YouTube channel. You could watch a collection of videos on “TV attribution,” “Google Data Studio,” or master the basics of “Google Tag Manager.”

free YouTube subscribers

It’s simple to create a playlist on YouTube to get more free youtube subscribers.

  1. Begin with a video you want in the playlist
  2. Under the video, click on add to
  3. Click on create new playlist
  4. Enter a playlist name
  5. Use the drop-down box to choose your playlist’s privacy setting. If it is private, people can not find it once they search YouTube
  6. Click on create

Your Task: Make YouTube playlists based on 3 viewer cohorts: first-time audience; task-orientated audiences; and topic-focused audiences.

6. Add a mention in Amazon Reviews

Is your YouTube channel about a product category like electronic gear? Or perhaps it covers a topic that a lot of books have been written on like gardening, arts an, crafts, or fashion. Leave reviews on popular Amazon products and mention your YouTube channel.

Let’s say you’ve a YouTube cooking channel. You can leave reviews for popular cookbooks—like The Joy of Cooking or a new book out by a celebrity chef—and tell people that you will be testing out a few recipes on your YouTube channel. Or if your YouTube channel is about hiking gear—you could mention that you have reviewed a popular piece of equipment on your channel.

According to Amazon’s overview guidelines, you aren’t allowed to publish URL links to external websites. So when you include a link to your YouTube channel, your review will be banned.

However, you could mention your channel—like “I also reviewed the Joy of Cooking on my YouTube channel ‘Cookin’ with James and Owly’”—and gently promote your channel. YouTube additionally permits you to publish video reviews of products. When you leave a video review, end the video with a subtle shout-out to your YouTube channel.

Your task: Discover popular books or products related to your YouTube channel. Add a genuine and thoughtful review on Amazon. In the end, mention your YouTube channel. Note: it is against Amazon’s policy to include a URL. However, you could mention your YouTube channel name so that people could search for it in Google.

7. Promote your YouTube channel with Facebook Groups

Over the last year, I’ve been rediscovering Facebook Groups. You could find a group for most topics and interests. For instance, #TeamofOne is a community of social media consultants and strategists. I additionally follow a copywriting group, as well as groups associated with my hobby of music production.

You could find related Facebook Groups by searching “YOUR KEYWORD” with the filter of “Groups” in the Facebook search bar. To browse different groups and sort by interests, use Facebook’s discovery function. When you sell local merchandise, you could find local buy-and-sell groups here.

Your task: Find 10 to 20 related Facebook Groups and add a comment, telling people about a YouTube video you are proud of. When you do not wish to do that manual work, outsource to a freelancer utilizing Upwork.

8. Promote with Subreddits

Reddit users organize themselves into subreddits. Those are communities based around a subject. Find 10 to 20 subreddits and tell people about your YouTube channel.

In case your content is horrible and not related to the subreddit, Redditors will make fun of you and kick you out of the subreddit. A great rule of thumb for marketing, although, is to only promote and advertise once you have a tremendous product. Otherwise, as marketing legend Dan Kennedy puts it, “marketing only will increase the speed people find out your product is terrible.”

Your Task: Find 10 to 20 subreddits and publish a link to a YouTube video you are proud of.

9. Create searchable titles

I also asked Cochrane if he had any easy optimization strategies that people tend to overlook. He recommended spending some minutes creating SEO-focused descriptions and titles.

“The best thing you can do is make YouTube titles and descriptions which have the most related search terms in them,” says Cochrane.

“A simple method to test is to begin typing into the YouTube search bar the words you WERE going to use in your title. Which search outcomes come up? Now attempt other words (one word at a time because YouTube will autofill based on popular search terms) and you could see what other people are ACTUALLY typing into YouTube and see how many outcomes these search terms give you.”

Your Task: Use YouTube’s autofill function to make SEO-friendly titles and descriptions.

10. Translate popular videos

It’s difficult to discover a winning YouTube formula. However, when you hit gold, you should focus your efforts on replicating success.

After publishing for a few months, you will likely have some videos that resonate. I recommend translating those popular videos to a few languages (like French, German, and Spanish). That helps you rank in international markets, achieve new free YouTube subscribers, and develop your reach. It is always a good idea to add subtitles to every YouTube video as well.

Your Task: Hire a translation firm to turn your top-performing YouTube videos into international hits.

11. Expand your reach with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

YouTube is a fantastic method to attract free Youtube subscribers. And sometimes what works on YouTube could also work on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter video.

Develop your reach by publishing your YouTube videos on different social networks.

With Hootsuite, you could do this pretty rapidly. Use Hootsuite to add and schedule your YouTube videos—and then publish that same video to other video networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

It’s additionally simple to use our video integrations—like the amazing tool Vidyard—to access detailed video and conversion data.

You could learn more about how Hootsuite makes social video management easy here.

Your Task: When you’ve mastered YouTube, republish your greatest video content to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Hootsuite could help right here, letting you handle all social video networks from one fast platform.

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