How Many Hashtags Should You Use on Instagram ( 2024 Guide)

Last Updated on March 6th, 2024 at 2:31 pm

Welcome to our 2024 guide about hashtags on Instagram. We’re here to help answer a common question: “How Many Hashtags Should You Use on Instagram?” On Instagram, using the right number of hashtags can make your posts work better. We’ll talk about what you should do in 2024 to make your Instagram posts more popular.

Whether you’re a social media influencer, a business owner, or just someone who likes sharing on Instagram, understanding how to use hashtags can make your online presence better. Let’s get started and learn how to use hashtags effectively on Instagram in 2024.

1. Use 10 hashtags or less 

Use 10 hashtags or less on Instagram

There’s no set rule, but using 4 to 10 hashtags works best for getting more people to see and interact with your posts. If you use this number of hashtags, you’ll likely get a good amount of attention. But if you go over 11 hashtags, fewer people start to pay attention.

So, it’s better to stick to 4 to 10 great hashtags to make your posts more popular.

2. Make Hashtags Purposeful 

After you decide how many hashtags to use, make sure they match your post and help it get noticed. Since you can only use a few, choose ones that count. Look at how popular a hashtag is before you use it. Avoid very popular ones used by millions because your post will get lost. Super popular hashtags mean your post disappears quickly and might reach people who aren’t interested in your stuff.

If a hashtag is not popular at all, it won’t help your post get seen. So, it’s smart to look up hashtags before picking them. This way, you make sure each one you use is chosen for a good reason and helps your post.

Using a tool that finds hashtags can save you time. It shows you which hashtags are in and which ones will help your post reach the right people. Without this tool, finding good hashtags is hard and keeping track of what works is even harder.

3. Know Your Relevant Hashtags  


In addition to picking the right number of hashtags and using them smartly, you should also have a basic group of hashtags that fit your posts. You can use these for almost any kind of post. If you’re posting different things, like a selfie or an outdoor picture, it’s good to have different groups of hashtags ready. This helps you always have a good plan for using hashtags.

It’s important to be creative and smart with the hashtags you choose. Research to find out which ones are the best. Even if you use only 4–10 hashtags for each post, it’s helpful to have more to choose from for different kinds of posts.

4. How to Use 30+ Hashtags (if you want)  

Experts can’t agree on the best number of hashtags to use on Instagram. Some research says 4-10 hashtags are good, but other experts think using more than 30 or adding extra in the first comment, is better.

If you want to use a lot of hashtags, like 30, make sure they all fit with your brand. Put them in different places: in your caption, after your caption, and in the first comment. This way, your post doesn’t look too crowded with hashtags.

Doing it this way makes your post seem less spammy and more neat and smart with hashtags. It also makes you look more trustworthy and real. If you use more than 10 hashtags, mix up where you put them, and don’t just list them all together.

5. Where to Post Hashtags 


You should also think about where to put your hashtags. You can put them in different places like:

  • In your caption with your other words
  • At the end of your caption, all together
  • In the first comment under your post
  • A mix of these ways

It’s good to change where you put your hashtags sometimes. Don’t always put them at the end. Try putting them in your first comment, mixing them into your caption, or doing a bit of both. This makes your posts more interesting.

What Happens If I Use Too Many Hashtags on Instagram? 

Instagram lets you use up to 30 hashtags, but that’s the most you can use. Just because you can use 30 doesn’t mean you should. Using too many hashtags can look like too much to people.

Too many hashtags don’t help your posts get more attention. It’s better to spend time finding the right hashtags that match your content. This way, your posts will get noticed more.

If you use too many hashtags, it might seem like you’re just trying to get more followers or fit into lots of different topics. The right hashtags make your posts look more focused and sure of what you’re sharing. Don’t use lots of hashtags just because you can.

When you use too many hashtags, it can also make your posts seem less real or careful. So, it’s important to be smart and careful with how you use hashtags.

How Many Hashtags are Too Many On Instagram?

Many Hashtags

Finding a clear answer to this isn’t easy, but if you use lots of hashtags and they start to look random or like spam, that’s not good. If you’re just adding hashtags without thinking, it’s probably too many.

Having more than 11 hashtags can make people less interested if you don’t use them correctly. When you pick hashtags, think about:

  1. Who you want to reach.
  2. What your post is about.
  3. Which hashtags from your list match your post.

If you use hashtags the right way and genuinely on different parts of your content, you won’t be using “too many” hashtags. Studies suggest that the best number is between 4-10 hashtags, with a maximum of 11 for the best interaction.


So, to wrap it up, when it comes to Instagram in 2024, the number of hashtags you use matters. You shouldn’t use too few or too many. Aim for around 4 to 10 hashtags, but don’t go over 11. Make sure your hashtags make sense for your audience and content.

Finding this balance will help your Instagram posts work better and get more people interested in what you have to say.

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