How to Get Paid on YouTube: 6 Effective Strategies (2/2)

Last Updated on August 13th, 2019 at 10:32 am

Continue with some methods to get paid on Youtube…

Create sponsored content

You do not have to be on Instagram to be an influencer. The benefit of the #sponcon strategy is that you do not have to offer YouTube a cut of your earnings. You negotiate directly with the brand, and they pay you directly. No wonder it is a prevalent method to get paid on Youtube.

In case you could offer brands a large and/or engaged audience—and your content is related to their goal market—they probably want to hear from you.

For example, YouTuber Aaron Marino, a.k.a. Alpha M, is big in the men’s lifestyle space. How large? So large that even his videos that explain his brand partnerships have brand partners.

Step 1. Find a brand to partner with

Quality is vital in terms of the names you work with. You probably already have a wishlist of dream brands. Whether you are aiming for the celebs or building yourself up grassroots-style, be sure you perfect your brand pitch before you send it.

Also, think about signing up with an influencer marketing platform. These are intermediary sites that help marketing teams find appropriate influencers to work with. FameBit was one of the first to concentrate on YouTubers, for example.

Step 2. Make a deal

According to this recent study by influencer marketing platform Klear, YouTube videos are, on average, the most expensive kind of sponsored content brands could buy from influencers. Basically, YouTube influencers are able to charge more for their videos than they would for Instagram Stories or Fb posts because the video is just more expensive to produce.

While your rate will vary on your audience’s size, engagement and relevance to your potential partner, know your worth before you sign a contract.

Step 3. Be transparent about your #sponcon #advert

Sponsored content is advertising. Which means you should be sure you’re in step with Google’s Ad policies. The FTC (U.S.) and ASA (U.K.) both have guidelines of which you need to be aware, too, when you are American or British.

Transparency is great for your legal health, but also for your relationship with your audience. YouTube has a visible disclosure function to help you ensure your audience is aware that you are advertising to them.

Sponsored content disclaimer on video
Source: YouTube

Get your fans to pay you directly

This strategy to get paid on YouTube includes a few different income streams, however, all of them have one thing in common: you must make it simple for your followers to show their appreciation with their credit card.

Step 1. Host live chats where people could use Super Chat

In early 2017, YouTube replaced their previous Fan Funding feature with Super Chat. It is a function that’s only available to YouTube Partners while they live stream.

Essentially, your viewers could make their comments more visible—they are highlighted and pinned for a set amount of time depending on how much they pay—in the live chat stream.

YouTube Super Chat

Step 2. Encourage your fans to become channel members

Join button on a YouTube Channel
Source: YouTube

YouTube provides the ability to let your viewers pay you to become members of your channel. In exchange, they get custom emoji, badges, and access to members-only exclusives like Live Chats with you.

For example, Wintergatan is a Swedish brand that also makes elaborate marble machines and posts videos about it to their YouTube channel. They frequently thank their channel members in their videos. They also make it clear what the cash from memberships supports:

Get Paid on YouTube
Source: YouTube

You will need to build out a promotion technique to convince people to become members, which can or cannot include several tiers of membership. Like Super Chat, this function is only available to YouTube Partners.

Step 3. Encourage your fans to become YouTube Premium subscribers

This step is the last on our list for this technique because of its advantages your channel only indirectly. That said, when YouTube Premium members watch your channel, you get a cut of their subscription fee. (And so does every other channel they watch.)

Use crowdfunding on an ongoing or one-off basis

Soliciting donations online is now commonplace. Whether you are looking to build ongoing revenue from a pool of small monthly donations or looking to fund a personal, channel-related project, crowdfunding is how many YouTubers earn money.

Step 1. Set up a crowdfunding account

YouTube has a listing of approved crowdfunding sites to select from.

For recurring funding, Patreon is a top choice. Meanwhile, websites such as GoFundMe or Kickstarter are greatest for one-off campaigns to get a new mic or new laptop, or new … spleen.

Even household names like Walk Off the Earth or Veronica Mars (ok, she is a fictional character) have used Patreon to fund their projects, be they music videos or feature-length films.

Get Paid on YouTube
Source: Walk Off the Earth

Step 2. Promote your campaign in your videos

Detail your particular targets so that people know exactly what they could expect if you have succeeded.

Additionally, offer enticing perks that stack as your followers select how much they want to donate.

For more info and inspiration, take a look at this detailed guide to crowdfunding strategies.

Step 3. Go beyond YouTube

A successful campaign is a multi-platform affair. We have some advice on how to promote your YouTube channel (and by extension, your crowdfunding campaign) everywhere else.

License your content to the media

When a video goes viral, every news outlet desires to get their hands on a copy in order to replay it for their audience. Luckily, established media companies are well aware that they should pay for what they use. And voila, you have got yourself another method to get paid on YouTube.

As a content creator, licensing your most successful work to the media could be as simple as ensuring you are simple to find.

Step 1. Keep your contact details updated on your About page

You never know when lightning will strike. Even when you do not have a business manager, set up a generic email account that you could point to for business inquiries.

Lilly Singh About page
Source: Lilly Singh

Step 2. Sign up to a video rights marketplace

Jukin Media is a good place to begin. Even when you do not have a viral video like the Chewbacca mask lady (see below), media outlets usually need timely footage to round out their reporting.

For example, Jukin has an entire catalog of ‘newsworthy’ videos that you could contribute to when you occur to have exclusive footage of a major natural disaster, plane crash, or plague of locusts.

Jukin Media video package
Source: Jukin Media
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