How to Write Good Instagram Captions (3/3)

Last Updated on January 11th, 2020 at 11:13 am

Continue with some last tips to write good Instagram Captions…

8. When in doubt, keep it brief.

Relying on your audience, your captions may need to be longer than a few words or a sentence. For instance, when you are a food company, you may post entire recipes in your captions — and that is OK, as long as you are front-loading the caption with the most important info (like the name of the recipe) so it does not get cut off.

However, when you are unsure what your brand voice is yet, a great rule of thumb is to keep it brief. A few of the best Instagram captions are short punchlines, or in some way make their point quickly and let the visual content do most of the talking.

Coca-Cola: “Goodbye, tan lines. Hello #SpringBreak.”


WeWork: “Every day.”


BuzzFeed Tasty: “Whip it good.”

Good Instagram Captions

So, what makes a great caption on Instagram? Let’s recap:

  • Leading with the great things
  • A call-to-action (CTA)
  • A healthy number of hashtags
  • A lighthearted tone
  • Emojis
  • Cross-promoting other social channels
  • Brevity

The companies cited in the steps above all have their own method of engaging their followers on Instagram, however, how could you apply their approach to captions of your own?

Let’s look at some more Instagram captions that celebrate these vital qualities and that you could apply to your business’s Instagram strategy.

Captions that lead with the great stuff

That is a wrap on [company event], day 1! It was a good day of great people, sessions, and keynotes…”

[New product] is now live! Get your free 30-day demo right now and see for yourself…”

We’re working with [partner/company] on a new initiative to [shared goal]. Our staff cannot wait to get began…”

We are here at [industry event]! Come say hi at [booth #] and see our CEO before he takes the stage at [panel discussion]…”

Congrats to our own [employee name] for winning [award]! A well-deserved honor for somebody who crushed it this month…”

Captions with CTAs

The best for this time of year. What is your favorite part of the fall? Let us know in the comments!

We will be closed January 1, however, back with an exciting announcement after New Years … where will you be on New Years Eve? Share your plans, below!

[Podcast] episode 1 is now available for listening! Could not be happier with our guest, [name of guest]. Link in bio.

Team synergy is essential to the good firm culture. Tag a coworker you love working within the comments below.

We are so excited to launch [new product], however, every great [type of product] needs a good title. Submit your name ideas and the best one wins a year of free service! Link in bio.

Captions with one to 4 hashtags

We are here at Mile 17 of the #NYCMarathon cheering on our firm running club! A wonderful day for 26.2. #ILoveNYC

[Event name] attendees: Join us at the 3 PM panel to learn how #NewTrend is changing the industry. #EventHashtag

Surprised the marketing team with donuts for hitting their #LeadGeneration purpose and since they are free today! #FreeDonutDay #FridayFeeling

Captions with a lighthearted tone

High fives to everybody who hit their purpose for the quarter! If not, get psyched to crush it this quarter. You are gonna’ do great. #goals

Recycling is not just a requirement in our office park — it is the right thing to do. Happy Recycling Day! #RecyclingDay

Happy Monday! Do not dread the week, embrace it! Happy employees make for happy customers. 🙂 #MondayMotivation

Captions with emojis

Spotted ? the [company name] logo downtown! Love seeing the community give us some love. ❤️

Everyone contributes to the health of our planet. To achieve success at [company name], we must be respectful of ?. Glad #EarthDay!

#MarchMadness has begun, and we are cheering for our state team at [name of college] tonight. Let’s do it, [team mascot]! ?

? ALERT! ? Excited to be named in the Top 20 Best Places to Work in [State] for [year]! We owe it all to our hardworking employees and loyal clients. You all rock.

Captions that cross-promote other social channels

At 11 AM tomorrow, we will be live tweeting from our CEO’s keynote at [industry event]. Follow along on our Twitter page! Link in bio.

We are so sorry when you could not log in to your [company name] account yesterday and want to make it right. Check-in with us on Fb Messenger and get your redeemable discount code.

We are up and running on LinkedIn, and so are our employees! Find and connect with us now (we do not bite). Link in bio.

Brief captions

New year, new logo.

We have moved! Take a look at our new office.

Happy #Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for?


Happy New Year!!

[Your slogan or tagline].

As you test out different kinds of posts on Instagram, keep track of how different post types work — including your captions. Instagram does not have a whole lot to offer when it comes to analytics, so you will have to do that manually.

Try listing each post on a spreadsheet and keeping track of its URL, the time it was posted, how many Likes and comments it got, and the kinds of feedback you are getting from your followers.

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