Putting your music out there is a major step, and getting a distribution deal is about sharing it with as many listeners as you can. In today’s music scene, being online is key. Platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and others are where people discover and enjoy music the most. That’s why it’s vital to secure a distribution deal that gets your song on these platforms and earns you money for each play. Luckily, distribution services nowadays make this whole process simpler than you’d imagine. Let’s dive into what music distribution deal involve and how you get paid when your music goes live.

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DJs today have many tools to help them, like organizing tracks or matching beats. But the Camelot Wheel is an old-school tool that doesn’t need fancy tech. Let’s explore what it is, why you should use it, and how it can add creativity to your DJ sets. The Camelot Wheel is great for DJs who want to make their sets more musical and inventive.

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When it’s time to mix your music, there are a few important things every good producer should understand. You might have heard about many mixing terms like compression, EQ, saturation, reverb, delay, and more. But what exactly do they mean? And how can you use audio mixing techniques for your own audio? Keep reading to learn more.

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Ableton Live Lite is a great and inexpensive option for beginners to begin making music. It includes all the basic tools necessary to learn how DAWs function and their capabilities. Its affordable price does mean it has some restrictions, but there are methods to either navigate these or turn them to your creative benefit. So, let’s discover what distinguishes Live Lite from the complete editions and, more crucially, how you can extract as much value as possible from it.

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ADR is similar to many other parts of post-production—when done correctly, the audience doesn’t notice any changes. In film and TV, dialogue holds significant importance for the audience. For those handling automated dialogue replacement, the pressure is on. Moreover, in situations with limited time and resources, you must balance between quality and efficiency. Before we explore the hurdles of automated dialogue replacement and how to overcome them, let’s address some common inquiries.

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Releasing a remix is a fantastic way for DJs and producers to reach new listeners and gain exposure from a popular song. It might even catch the attention of your favorite artists! However, it’s crucial to handle the legal aspects correctly, especially when using someone else’s work. Here’s how to release a song remix legally and avoid any legal issues.

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Enharmonic notes are notes that look different on paper but sound the same. They might seem confusing if you’re new to reading sheet music. However, once you grasp their concept, they become simple. Moreover, recognizing enharmonic equivalents improves your music reading skills. This article will clarify enharmonic tones. Let’s begin.

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You’ve finished the challenging yet gratifying task of crafting a track in FL Studio. Yet, before you click the export button to bounce your track, a vital step lies between your mix and the refined final product—mastering. This article guides you on mastering a song in FL Studio and underscores its significance in the music production process. Furthermore, we’ll delve into mastering a song in FL Studio with the assistance of AI-based plugins.

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Ear training stands out as a crucial skill for musicians to cultivate. While practicing your instrument, delving into music theory, and refining production skills are vital. Enhancing your ear can significantly unleash creative potential and overall musical proficiency. Despite its reputation for difficulty, ear training should not deter you from initiating the process of skill development. This article will demystify the basics of ear training and offer starting points for you to play music by ear. Let’s begin.

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