13 Effective Ways to Get More Views on YouTube (2/2)

Last Updated on February 21st, 2019 at 3:41 pm

get more views on Youtube

Continue with some effective ways to get more views on Youtube…

7. Use compelling thumbnail images

People do not read online—they scan. And once they are scanning via a list of videos to watch, they are more likely to take a closer look at a video with a compelling thumbnail image.

Rather than selecting one of the auto-generated thumbnails, you could upload a custom picture to entice potential viewers. 90% of the top-performing videos on YouTube use them.

As YouTube mentions in their Content Academy, “Thumbnails require an art director’s eye for branding, and should not be an afterthought.” In fact, they recommend excited about your thumbnail before you even begin filming your video. This will make sure you capture the footage you need for a strong thumbnail once it is time to begin editing.

Your custom thumbnail needs to be 1280 x 720 pixels and less than 2 MB in size, in JPG, .GIF, .BMP, or .PNG format.

add a custom thumbnail

This video explains to create a custom thumbnail and add it to your video.

When you have not already verified your YouTube account, you will need to do so before you could access the custom thumbnail function. Here ’s verify your account.

8. Optimize your channel

Optimizing your YouTube channel could be as essential as optimizing individual videos. To access all of the optimization features, you will need to verify your account, as described in tip number 7.

Listed below are some key areas to concentrate on:

Add your social channels

Connect your other social channels to your YouTube account to help provide credibility.

Create an excellent channel icon

The profile picture for your channel, this needs to be compelling and accurately portray your brand promise and be easily identifiable. It’s associated with your channel across both Google and YouTube. You need to add an 800 x 800 image that also looks great at 98 x 98 pixels.

Add eye-catching channel banner art

Your banner art needs to be at least 2560 x 1440 pixels. You could find a template to help you design your banner art to look great on all platforms in YouTube’s Creator Academy.

Create a compelling channel description

This appears on your channel’s About tab, or when users place their mouse over your channel icon on any watch page. You have up to 1,000 characters to create a compelling brand promise for your YouTube channel, letting viewers know why they need to care about the videos you are posting, what you have to offer, and how often they could expect to see new content.

Showcase your quality content with a channel trailer

A channel trailer is a brief video shown to all new visitors to your channel page. It’s a good way to show what kind of content you create, highlight some of the advantages you provide and give viewers an opportunity to subscribe. You could learn all about creating an effective channel trailer in the YouTube Creator Academy.

9. Understand the YouTube algorithm

YouTube describes its algorithm as a “search and discovery system.” It determines which videos people see in their search outcomes, the suggested movies, and trending streams, on the home page, under the viewer’s subscriptions, and through notifications, viewers have made.

And it isn’t only individual videos which are impacted by the algorithm, however, entire YouTube channels. The algorithm is heavily based on watch time—how much time somebody spends watching your videos, measured in cumulative minutes watched. According to YouTube itself, “each video uploaded—as well as every channel on YouTube—is ‘ranked’ by watch time.”

However, “watch time” isn’t as easy as it sounds. Yes, it includes the actual time people spend watching your videos. However, channels also earn “watch time credits” for driving viewers to watch videos on other channels.

In short, the algorithm is more likely to surface your videos when people spend more time watching your videos, and once they spend more time watching videos by other users that you refer them to. However, of course, there is more to it than that.

10. Get social

Is YouTube actually a social network? If you want to maximize your YouTube views, you have got to treat it like one.

Reply to viewer comments, particularly if somebody asks a question. This shows that you’re engaged with your viewers and will help to establish your credibility as an expert in your niche. Because you’re already mining your comments to look for new video ideas (keep in mind tip number 2?), it needs to be simple to take the time to reply while you’re there.

You should also seek out other YouTube channels within your niche. Subscribe to those channels and comment on their videos. Do not be afraid to promote their videos when you think they could be valuable to your viewers (keep in mind the “watch time credits” algorithm increase from tip number 9). When you engage honestly and authentically, it will be much simpler to find and be accepted by the YouTube communities which are already home to a passionate and dedicated audience and potential new followers.

11. Learn from YouTube Analytics

They key to success with any marketing effort is to test, track, and make adjustments to your strategy as you learn what works best.

YouTube analytics will tell you which videos perform best, how engaged your audiences are, and even the demographics of the viewers.

This info could help you hone your strategy to do more of what works and less of what does not while tweaking your tone and style to better speak to the viewers that are already connecting with your content.

12. Promote your videos through other channels

Okay, this one is a bit of a no-brainer. When you have existing viewers on other social channels, allow them to know when you publish a new video on YouTube. For instance, try making a teaser of your video to show on Instagram, directing users to your YouTube channel (through a link in your bio) for the full video.

And think beyond social channels. Attempt embedding YouTube videos on relevant pages of your site, or in blog posts created to accompany and showcase the video content.

13. Experiment with YouTube adverts

One guaranteed method to get more YouTube views is to pay for them. YouTube adverts expose your content to viewers who wouldn’t otherwise see it. And you could use the extensive focusing on options to ensure you’re getting yourself in front of the right crowd.

Other marketers already understand the power of YouTube adverts: YouTube gets the second-highest percentage of U.S. digital video advert to spend, right after Facebook, according to U.S. senior marketers.

how to get more views on youtube

The great news is that paying for adverts could improve organic reach as well. YouTube’s own figures show that people who watch a YouTube TrueView advert to completion are “23 [times] more likely to visit or subscribe to a brand channel, watch more by that brand, or share the brand video.” Even if they did not watch the advert to completion, they were still 10 times more likely to engage in these actions.

With all of those tips, you are well positioned to begin bringing in more YouTube views. However, remember that none of those strategies could be effective in helping you build your YouTube presence unless you are producing great content. Put in the effort and time to create videos that really speak to your viewers and niche, and you will be well your method.

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