YouTube Marketing Strategy: The Complete Guide for Beginners (2/2)

Last Updated on December 4th, 2018 at 11:22 am

Youtube marketing strategy

Continue with some guidance about Youtube marketing strategy…

Step 6. Upload and schedule your videos

When you’ve created some well-optimized videos, it’s time to put them into a rotation in your Youtube marketing strategy. So what’s the best way to schedule your YouTube videos?

As a platform, YouTube’s almost as popular as TV. And many of your subscribers will treat your YouTube channel like a TV station—so you should run it like one!

Be professional and share content on a daily schedule. In case you promise your subscribers they’re getting a new video every Saturday at noon eastern, you must commit to that, or risk losing their trust (and their views).

TV studios offer a helpful model for content creation, too. Ensure you’ve got several “episodes” of content ready to schedule ahead of time. Besides providing you with a Plan B in case your video creation schedule is disrupted, creating multiple episodes in advance generally means your videos will be more consistent in quality.

You could add and schedule your YouTube videos in advance from the Creator Studio, or with a tool like Hootsuite, which permits you to cross-promote your video releases with posts on other social channels all from the same dashboard.

Step 7. Optimize your channel to attract followers

After you’ve optimized your videos, you’ll need to optimize your YouTube channel itself in your Youtube marketing strategy. By offering a consistent experience across your channel, you’ll be able to bring in more views, and more importantly, convert these views into regular subscribers.

youtube marketing

Fill out your YouTube profile

That is a simple place to begin. Fill out as many relevant details on your profile as possible, including:

  • A keyword-rich bio
  • An attention-grabbing banner picture (2560 x 1440 pixels, 2MB max)
  • Links to your site and social media profiles
  • Location and contact info

You may also add a list of Featured channels to your YouTube profile. Your listing of featured channels provides your subscribers easy access to other YouTube resources they could be excited about, adding value to your page.

This may sound like you’re giving free promoting to your competitors, however, you may actually benefit from doing this, too.

youtube marketing

Keep in mind, YouTube is a community. Networking with different channels will help you forge relationships with other creators in your space, offering you chances for cross-channel promotions or other collaborations in the future. If you make friends on YouTube, everyone wins!

Organize your videos into playlists

If your YouTube videos are organized into playlists, they’ll autoplay till the playlist ends, keeping viewers on your channel for longer, rising that necessary average watch time statistic on your channel.

Curate your playlists thoughtfully. Ensure there’s a logical progression of ideas from one video to the next. This will reduce the likelihood of people clicking away to another channel.

You may build playlists entirely using your own videos, or embody partner videos. Equally, when you’ve begun networking with other YouTubers, see when you can persuade them to add your videos to their playlists.

Keep in mind to include relevant keywords in your playlist titles to boost your YouTube SEO!

Translate your videos into different languages

youtube marketing

According to YouTube, more than 60% of a YouTube channel’s views originate outside the creator’s own country. Increase your reach by including subtitles to your YouTube videos.

If that sounds expensive, don’t worry: you may actually crowdsource free translations from your fanbase! To do that, you’ll need to turn on community contributions for videos:

  • Click on your account name in the top right, and navigate to the Creator Studio.
  • In the menu to the left, click on Translations & Transcriptions > Community Contributions.
  • Click on Turn on for all videos to enable community contributions.

This function is also available on a per-video basis, which you may want to begin with if you’re attempting it out for the first time.

Approving the translations is easy. YouTube’s interface shows a Google-translated approximation of the translated text so you may ensure the translation is on-topic and makes sense.

Crowdsourced content isn’t foolproof and won’t always provide the best quality, however, it’s a great starting point for internationalizing your channel.

Step 8. Try YouTube advertising

Your YouTube channel isn’t the only place people can see your content—in case you’ve got the funds, you may also pay for YouTube advertising for your Youtube marketing strategy.
YouTube adverts come in six varieties, some of which I touched on already earlier in this article:

  • Skippable video adverts
  • Non-skippable video adverts
  • Bumper adverts
  • Overlay adverts
  • Display adverts
  • Sponsored cards

With YouTube advertising, the key is to produce relevant, engaging content that makes viewers forget they’re watching an advert. Generally, meaning keeping things short, entertaining, and hyper-targeted.

Step 9. Try working with an influencer

One of the best Youtube marketing strategy to showcase your merchandise on YouTube is by working with an influencer. According to Google, 60 percent of YouTube subscribers trust the opinions of their favorite influencers.

Tapping into an influencer’s tuned-in viewers can result in big returns: just take a look at Warby Parker, whose partnerships with YouTube and Instagram influencers grew their brand significantly. They’re now priced $2 billion.

Reach out to influencers who already know and trust your brand. Most YouTube followers are savvy enough to recognize a paid partnership, but when the influencer is honest and upfront about their love of the brand, the “sponsored” aspect won’t matter.

When it comes to these partnerships, let the influencer do the talking. The more control you attempt to exert over the partnership, the more you’ll impact the influencer’s brand, making the whole effortless genuine—and their followers will see it from a mile away.

Step 10. Analyze and adapt

So, you’ve built up your YouTube channel, you’re publishing content frequently, and forging partnerships with influencers and other creators in your field. Congratulations—however, you’re not done yet!

Maintaining and raising your YouTube channel requires constant monitoring. Whenever you publish a new video, check YouTube Analytics for:

  • Significant changes in subscriber count
  • New or changing viewers demographics
  • Video playback locations and traffic sources
  • Device reports (mobile, desktop, smart TVs, and so on.)

I said this before, and I’ll say it again: read the comments! That is the best way to learn exactly what your viewers think of videos and your channel as a whole. You may even discover concrete suggestions about which video you should make next! Hope you have a great Youtube marketing strategy!

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