Tips To Get Followers on TikTok for Free (2/2)

Last Updated on February 9th, 2022 at 4:55 pm

Keep reading for more tips to get TikTok followers.

TikTok Ads are a great way to promote your business

Setting up TikTok advertising is another approach to get in front of your audience while avoiding the algorithm. This solution is only viable if you have the necessary funds.

TikTok Commercials Manager gives you access to a worldwide TikTok audience as well as a variety of ad management tools — targeting, ad creation, and insight reports — to help you get the most out of your ads. This is an effective way to get TikTok followers.

Why are there adverts on TikTok? They’re still relatively new, so there’s plenty of space to be innovative and be seen by the appropriate people — with little competition.

Here are some of the wonderful things about TikTok ads:

  • You have the ability to target certain demographics and geographic areas.
  • The ‘Custom Audiences’ option allows you to locate people who are already familiar with or interested in your business.

Disney Plus Happier Than Ever TikTok ad

You may select from a variety of ad possibilities (but bear in mind that they’re all expensive — $25,000-$50,000 per day — so if you don’t have an ad budget, proceed to the next point):

  • Ads that appear In-Feed
  • TopView (making your ad the first thing they see when they open the app)
  • Brand Takeover (similar to TopView in that it appears first when the program is opened, but it is a full-screen advertisement)
  • Brand Hashtag Challenges  (custom hashtag challenges placed on Discovery page)
  • Branded Effect  (your own custom augmented reality virtual filter)

different ad options on TikTok

Collaborate with other TikTok users

Collaborating with a well-known TikTok maker can help you spread your message and get your campaign off the ground. The Creator Marketplace can help you identify a range of creators, influencers, and TikTok personalities that are a good fit for your business and have a comparable audience.

TikTok for business creator marketplace

With TikTok’s new ‘Promote’ function, you can turn your greatest videos into adverts.

Promote is a new feature that allows companies to reach out to more people and expand their TikTok communities. Promote allows you to transform every organic TikTok video into an ad, allowing you to reach new audiences, grow your following, and drive traffic to your company’s website. Its prices can be significant as well, so you’ll have to evaluate whether it’s worthwhile for you. If you use this method, it will definitely help you to get more TikTok followers.

Benefits: You obtain insights into what your audience is interested in.

Remember that you can only advertise videos that have original sound or sound that can be utilized commercially.

TikTok video example natural redhead

Promote tool on TikTok goal

choose your audience coins spent over 2 days on TikTok

estimated video views

Make use of trending songs and sounds

Why do so many people (including me) know the words to the Backyardigans’ “Into the Thick of It”? That’s because of TikTok.

When you look at the top-charting songs right now, you’ll see that many of them are TikTok sensations. This is not a fluke. TikTok is a valuable asset to the music business, and it works with record labels to promote certain songs on the app. If you tie your wagon to one of these songs, your video will have a better chance of being played on FYPs. (By that, we mean using a popular song in your video.) It doesn’t need to be a dance!). Be making use of this way to increase your Tiktok followers.

Here’s how to track down the latest music and sounds:

Enter the video editor on TikTok.
At the bottom of the screen, press the plus icon.
Select “sounds”.
Take a look at what’s hot right now!

Here’s how to figure out what your fans are listening to on Spotify:

Go to your Analytics page (you’ll need a TikTok Pro account for this!) to uncover the top sounds your audience has listened to in the last 7 days. Scroll down under the Followers page to view all of the varied music and audio that your audience is enjoying.

Play around with TikTok Duets and Stitching

Duets are another interesting TikTok function. They’re two videos side by side, one from the creator and the other from a TikTok user. They’re a fun way to interact on the app and may be used to remark, complement, answer, or add to the original video. A green screen duet option is also available, which uses the original video as the background.

Duets encourage users to share and interact with your brand’s content, increasing the likelihood of it being viewed by a wider range of individuals. It increases brand interaction and gives you the chance to reach out to new followers who would not have noticed your material otherwise.

This creator created a duet of her reaction to a famous video.

Users can cut and incorporate moments from another user’s video into their own using Stitch. Stitch, like Duet, allows you to mix and add on another user’s material, such as stories, tutorials, recipes, math lessons, and more. It’s yet another engagement option that can entice users to click the plus symbol.

Last thoughts on gaining TikTok subscribers

There is no one-size-fits-all approach that helps you to get more TikTok followers. However, there are other methods for increasing your views and placing your material on the appropriate For You Pages. Knowing your target audience, taking advantage of trends, hashtags, and challenges, promoting your content through other social media networks and ads, and posting at the right time are all great ways to increase your chances of gaining followers without having to download any sketchy apps or pay money for bots.

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