How Often Should You Post on Instagram Every Week in 2024?

In today’s world of social media, we want to help you with a common question: “How often should I post on Instagram each week in 2024?” No need to worry! This guide will give you easy answers and tips to understand Instagram better next year.

Instagram is a place where people share photos and connect with friends. But it can be hard to know how often to post for the best results. We’re here to help! By the end of this guide, you’ll know how often to post on Instagram in 2024.

So, let’s get started and learn the strategies to make your Instagram better. Whether you’re an expert or new to Instagram, this guide is for you. Let’s make 2024 a great year for your Instagram!

How Often Should You Post Instagram Feed Posts in 2024?

After studying more than 19 million Instagram posts, including pictures, slideshows, videos, and short videos, from January 1, 2023, to October 1, 2023, we found out how often people post based on how many followers they have:

  1. People with 0–10,000 followers (called Nano accounts) usually post about twice a week.
  2. People with 10,000 to 100,000 followers (called micro accounts) typically post about three times a week.
  3. People with 100,000 to 500,000 followers (called mid-accounts) tend to post about five times weekly.

Data Analysis—Key Takeaways:

When Instagram accounts get more followers, they often start posting more. This happens because:

  1. More people are interested in what they share.
  2. They might have more help or resources to do the posting.

Instead of posting a lot every day, some people now focus on making their posts good. They do this to avoid getting tired from using social media too much.

But remember, these numbers can change depending on things like the time of year (like posting more in the spring), special events or promotions, and looking at how well their posts are doing. So, remember that there can be different reasons for how often someone posts.

How Often Should You Post Instagram Stories in 2024?

We checked out more than 32,000 Instagram Stories from January 1, 2023, to October 1, 2023, and found out how often different people post:

  1. People with 0-10,000 followers (Nano accounts) usually share about 3 Instagram stories each week.
  2. People with 10,000 to 100,000 followers (micro accounts) usually post around four Instagram stories each week.
  3. People with 100,000 to 500,000 followers (Mid accounts) tend to put up approximately 15 Instagram stories every week.

How Often Should You Post on Instagram Every Week?

Data Analysis—Key Takeaways:

More people are using Instagram Stories instead of regular posts. Instagram’s CEO noticed this and added features like “Close Friends” for regular posts.

When we look at how often smaller accounts post, like those with 0–10K or 10K–100K followers, they are quite similar. This suggests that they are taking their time to post regularly.

But when an account reaches 100,000 followers or more, they start sharing a lot more Instagram stories. We think this is because they want to connect with their followers, get more clicks on their links, and have more help doing it.

So, How Often Should You Post a Week on Instagram?

If you’re new to Instagram, it’s a good idea to post a few pictures and stories each week.

As more people follow you, you can think about posting more often (if you have the time and help) to keep them interested.

But don’t worry too much about how many posts you make. Making good content is more important than making a lot of it.

Instead, use this information as a starting point to learn and try different things with your account. See what works best for you.


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