How to Gain Free Instagram Likes (Because They Still Matter) (1/2)

Last Updated on October 10th, 2019 at 9:26 am

Gain Free Instagram Likes

How do you gain free Instagram likes on your posts?

Ask not what your Instagram audience could do for you, however, what you could do for your Instagram audience.

Consider this way: how could you make your Instagram posts more likable?

Because the aim on Instagram is to show your greatest side by sharing content that people value. It takes work, however, when you are ready to up your game, we have 22 tips to get you began.

But wait, Instagram is hiding likes now. Do they still matter?

The answer is yes, of course. When you are on Instagram, likes matter as much as ever.

Maybe even more, since some creators are reporting that followers are hitting that heart button less, now that likes are hidden.

(If you missed it: in April 2019, Instagram began experimenting with not showing the number of likes a post has received (AKA ‘like counts’) in the feeds of Canadian users. In July, Instagram expanded the test to include Australia, Italy, Brazil, Ireland, Japan, and New Zealand.)

While you could still see how many likes your posts get, you could not see anybody else’s numbers. The idea is to make the whole experience healthier and less competitive for users. Instagram explained: “We wish your friends to concentrate on the images and videos you share, not how many likes they get.”

However whether we could see Instagram likes or not, the Instagram algorithm continues to work as it always has, according to the platform.

So how does that affect brands that depend on Instagram success? Based on one survey of Canadian Instagram influencers, when asked what the worst thing about the change was, 41% reported that it has resulted in lower engagement. (The runner-up for worst thing: 16% said that the change has confused brands, who’re reaching out less.)

On the plus side, 37% of influencers in the same study reported that not seeing other posts’ likes, and never worrying about their own public counts, leads to “less pressure” to perform, and opened up their creative flow.

However, whether you are feeling the pinch or feeling the love, likes are still a key measure of success, engagement and reach on Instagram.

Here are the best methods to get people to tap that heart button.

How to gain free Instagram Likes: 22 smart methods to gain free Instagram likes

1. Post incredible photos

Lest we forget that photography was art before it was a marketing tool, all of us have to own up to the truth that sometimes our taste exceeds our skill.

On Instagram, there is no room for “good enough” shots. Time to level up.

Whether which means taking a photo course to grow your eye or devoting some budget to upgrading your equipment, figure out what the pros do differently than the hobbyists.

2. Use the right hashtags on your posts

On Instagram, more than other social media platforms, every hashtag you utilize has the potential to open that post—and your brand as a whole—up to the whole new audience. Give your hashtag technique some thought:

  • Don’t be too broad (i.e., #dog) however, do not be too niche (i.e., #labradoodlesofgreenpoint)
  • Use an effective number of hashtags (studies say that posts with 9 hashtags get the most engagement)
  • Put them in the right place (i.e., in the comments)
  • Think about making a branded hashtag

Hashtags require a deft touch because one look could inform your audience whether you are savvy or desperate.

3. Use hashtags in your Stories and bio, too

It’s true that Stories do not directly earn Instagram likes, and neither do bios, however, utilizing hashtags strategically in both is a free method to develop your reach to new followers.

Pro tip: If you wish to keep things pretty, you could hide the hashtags in your Stories.

4. Figure out who your audience is

Have you finished your target market research? More than that, have you differentiated your Instagram audience from your social media audience as a whole?

In order to know what your audience likes, you should know who they’re.

5. Tag people and brands, when relevant

You get what you give away, as the saying goes, and that goes for attention, too. Whether you are tagging a collaborator, a new acquaintance or your childhood hero, the goal is to highlight how much you value them, and share that value with your audience.

Of course, if this means their audience is more likely to see your value as a result, all the better.

6. Write better captions

Writing great Instagram captions sounds obvious. The tough part is determining what’s good for your brand. It’s going to vary, of course. (See #4, above.)

For example, in terms of captions, shorter actually is not necessarily better. When you are a semi-disgraced influencer such as Caroline Calloway, maxing out your 2200 characters to detail the ins and outs of a convoluted personal narrative over dozens of posts may assist you to maximize a PR surge.

Meanwhile, when you are the de facto spokesperson of a global movement, such as Greta Thunberg, your audience does not need lots of explanation before you call them to action.

7. Geotag your location

More than just a humblebrag about your excellent taste in gastropubs or coworking spaces, geotagging your location is a method for more people to find and like your pictures.

Meanwhile, when you are a brand with a brick and mortar location, geotagging is particularly useful as you build up a sense of community with your regulars and… potential regulars.

Just keep in mind to ensure your physical coordinates are correct so that you appear on the map.

Gain Free Instagram Likes

8. Post consistently

As a brand on Instagram, you do not want to annoy your followers, however, neither do you want to make them feel ghosted. A content calendar is a good tool to help you plan out the number of posts essential to keep people’s attention, without losing quality.

However, instead of dropping everything to post twice a day, we recommend utilizing a social media management tool that allows you to schedule Instagram posts. That method, you could save time by blocking out a few hours a week to assemble your posts, and spend the rest of the time relaxing and watching the Instagram likes roll in. (Or, you realize, doing everything else on this list and running your business.)

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