Most Liked YouTube Comment: What It Is?

Welcome to the world of YouTube, where millions of videos are shared every day. Have you ever wondered what the most liked comment on YouTube is? In this guide, we’ll dive into this interesting topic and explore what makes a comment on the platform so popular. YouTube is a place for people to watch, share, and interact with videos, and comments play a big role in this interaction.

We’ll take a closer look at the comment that holds the record for the most likes and what makes it so special. Join us on this journey to discover the fascinating world of the most-liked YouTube comment!

What is The Most Liked YouTube Comment?

What is The Most Liked YouTube Comment?

The most-liked comment on YouTube hails from Swedish YouTuber Seth Everman. He left this comment on Billie Eilish’s “Bad Guy” music video, humorously saying, “I’m the bald guy,” playing on the song’s title. Remarkably, this comment has garnered over 3.2 million likes, securing its position as the most-liked comment ever on YouTube.

Do You Get an Award for the Most Liked Comment on YouTube?

Sadly, there’s no special prize for having the most liked comment on YouTube, which is unfortunate for Everman.

Did the Most Liked Comment on YouTube Get Removed?

Even though the comment with the most likes is still there, you might not find it right away when you look for the music video. Instead of searching through lots of comments, here’s a link that will show you that comment easily.

Why the Comment Went Viral

1. Popularity

Seth Everman wasn’t just a random person leaving a comment. He was already a famous YouTuber with lots of fans. Right now, he has more than 4 million subscribers on YouTube and is active on social media. Because he was already well-known, more people noticed and liked his comment.

2. Placement

Whether it was on purpose or by accident, the comment with the most likes was strategically put on the music video of a famous artist.

Also, the song was really popular at that time, and a lot of viral content was about it.

This made many people watch the video, and both the video and the comment grew a lot because of the huge number of viewers.

3. Performance

Let’s dive into the success of the comment “I’m the bald guy” by breaking it down step by step.

Seth Everman is famous for his dry and sarcastic humor, which his audience loves.

Now, here’s the clever part: Seth, who is famously bald, made a joke about himself being a “bald guy.” It’s a play on words because it sounds like the video’s title, “bad guy.”

It’s a simple phrase, but it struck a chord with the audience.

Why did it do so well? Well, it’s short, to the point, and directly related to the video’s theme.

4. Push

“I’m the bald guy” wasn’t a one-time thing for Everman.

He made more videos that talked about the comment and made it even more famous.

These extra videos made him and his comment very well-known and helped it become the most-liked comment on YouTube.

What We Can Learn From the “I’m the Bald Guy” Comment

1. Leverage Your Existing Audience

“Use what you have.”

That’s what Everman did.

He used his audience and became more famous by smartly promoting himself.

2. Build on Popularity

He didn’t just use his fame; he also used Billie Eilish’s popularity.

He made a funny video related to “Bad Guy,” and both videos helped each other get more famous, especially the comment.

And it didn’t end there. After that, he kept making more videos and social media posts about the comment, making it even more popular.

3. Post-Short Content

Everman’s comment and his funny video have something alike.

They are both short.

Short stuff may seem basic, but it can catch people’s attention quickly with a joke and keep them interested without going off track.

4. Keep It Simple The second thing is to keep it simple.

The comment is only 4 words long, and the video is just 47 seconds.

Being simple helps people get the joke and stay interested.

5. Make It Funny Lots of people come to YouTube for funny stuff.

This is something new creators should use to grow their audience.

Being funny isn’t easy, but once you learn, it’s a great way to get and keep viewers.

6. Stay Connected

Notice how the comment, Billie Eilish’s video, and Everman’s other videos all fit together?

They’re related, and that helps them share viewers and fans.

Posting unrelated stuff won’t help you get noticed; staying connected does.

7. Post Personalized Content

Be Personal “I’m the bald guy” was a comment about Everman himself.

Even if you didn’t know him, his picture showed he was bald, so everyone got the joke.

Personal content talks to the audience in a way they understand, not just generic stuff.

Most Disliked YouTube Comment

Sadly, the YouTube comment with the most dislikes has disappeared. You can still dislike a comment, but it doesn’t do much for viewers except help YouTube’s algorithm.

Final Thoughts

So, that’s the story!

The comment with the most likes on YouTube was “I’m the bald guy” by Seth Everman.

Surprisingly, there was a lot of strategy behind this comment, which was connected to one of his videos.

Even though it seems simple, this comment offers a great lesson on promoting content and shows how effective marketing can happen in the moment.


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