10 Easy Ways to Get Noticed on SoundCloud in 2024

Are you an aspiring musician or content creator on SoundCloud? Getting noticed in the crowded world of music and audio can be a challenge. But fear not! In this guide, we’ll unveil easy ways to get noticed on SoundCloud in 2024. Whether you’re a singer, producer, or podcaster, these simple yet effective strategies will boost your visibility and help your talent shine.

Let’s dive into the world of SoundCloud and discover how to make your mark with easy ways to get noticed on SoundCloud.

1. Tag for success

How can more people discover your music? Well, one of the best ways is to use tags.

Tags help your music show up when someone is searching on SoundCloud.

The better your tags, the easier it is for people to find your music.

The best way to tag your music is to be honest. If you made a drum & bass track, then use the tag ‘Drum & Bass.’ Also, include moods and your location in your tags. It all helps.

Tag for success

Stick to one main genre to avoid confusion. Adding many genres won’t make your music more discoverable.

The more specific and accurate your tags are, the more likely it is that your music will be found by listeners who want to hear it.

Getting likes and listens is good, but they won’t help you buy that new microphone you want.

Luckily, on SoundCloud, you can put a ‘Buy’ link with your track when you upload it. Just click the ‘Metadata’ tab.

You can add links like ‘Buy on iTunes,’ ‘Beatport,’ ‘Juno,’ ‘Bandcamp,’ or wherever you sell your music online.

If you prefer, you can change it to ‘Stream on Spotify‘ and add a link for more streaming. You can also write ‘Donate’ and link to your Patreon or PayPal. Some dedicated fans might support your music this way.

3. Tell A Story With Your Waveform

SoundCloud lets your fans leave comments on your music. But you should use those comments too!

You can use comments to tell your fans about how you made your music. You can ask for their thoughts and mention specific parts.

For example, if you’re not sure about a part of your music, you can leave a comment where it starts and say something like, “I’m not sure about this part. What do you think?” This helps you get feedback from your listeners.

The best part is that you can do this even if your music isn’t finished. You can share your drafts, get feedback, and make your music better.

4. Get your album art right

Album art is like the face of your music on SoundCloud. It shows up when your music is shared on other websites or social media. So, it’s important to choose artwork that represents your music well.

Your album or track art is like a first impression. It should grab people’s attention and give them an idea of what your music is about.

To make sure your artwork looks good everywhere, use a JPG or PNG image that’s at least 800 x 800 pixels in size.

5. Share tracks privately before your release

Share tracks privately before your release

SoundCloud lets you send secret links to your music.

This helps you share unfinished songs with your music buddies, send early versions to music labels or websites, or give special access to radio stations and other music experts.

Sharing your music this way adds a personal touch and makes it feel like a VIP offer, which is great for getting noticed by important people in the music world.

It’s easy to do. First, upload your music, then set it to private and save it. Next, go to your profile, click on the music you want to share secretly and click the ‘share’ button below the soundwave.

You’ll get a secret link just for your music. You can even make a whole secret playlist if you want to share your whole album secretly.

And if you want to make your secret links expire after a while, you can change them anytime you like.

6. Publish your best

Your song is ready! You put in the work, and now it’s time to share it with the world.

You click the share button and wait to see how people respond. It’s a hit! People are listening and liking your song.

Maybe someone you admire even gave you a helpful tip to improve the bass.

Now, you want to upload an improved version of your song, but you’re worried. If you take down the original, you’ll lose all the listens, likes, and feedback you’ve received.

7. Change the audio without losing Comments, likes and plays

Don’t worry! If you have a Pro subscription to SoundCloud, you can change the audio on any SoundCloud upload whenever you want.

The best part? You won’t lose any of those plays, likes, or comments from your fans.

This is great for sharing unfinished songs to get feedback. You can make changes to your track based on the feedback and upload it again at any time.

Sharing your music doesn’t have to be a one-time thing. You can switch the audio and make sharing a part of your music-making process.

8. Share with care

Don’t just share your music. Share the songs and artists you like and can’t stop listening to.

When you share music from other artists and help your followers discover new tracks, it’s a friendly and trustworthy thing to do. If you find something you enjoy, let your audience know!

SoundCloud is like a big group of people who love music. So, show your support by sharing music from other artists on your profile. When you share their music, they might share yours too!

Reposting music from other artists is a good way to start making friends. These friendships can lead to opportunities like performing at events, working together on songs, and helpful partnerships. It’s all about creating a friendly and supportive community. So, be a part of the community you want to belong to.

9. Link to your SoundCloud

Sharing your music with your SoundCloud followers is good, but why not share it with even more people?

Share your music on your other social media accounts, like Facebook and Twitter.

After you upload a track, click the ‘Share’ tab to post it on your other social media accounts.

You can also set it up so that your tracks are automatically shared on all your social media accounts by linking them. Just go to your account settings to do that.

You can link to Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ for automatic sharing. Connect your accounts, and more people will hear your music!

10. Optimize Your SoundCloud Bio and Profile

Optimize Your SoundCloud Bio and Profile

Your SoundCloud profile is like a webpage about you and your music.

It’s often the first thing people look at, so make it good.

A well-put-together profile can help you connect with your fans and get more people interested in your music.

Choose a Memorable Profile Picture

This is one of the first things people see.

A high-quality, clear image that shows your style as an artist can be a big help.

Write an Interesting Bio

Your bio should tell your story as an artist.

Share your journey, influences, and accomplishments.

Make sure to update it with your latest releases or projects.

Organize Your Tracks Wisely

Think about how you want people to experience your music.

For example, you might want your newest song at the top.

Or you might want to feature a track that represents your current sound or has a lot of plays.

Use the Spotlight Feature

If you have a SoundCloud Pro Unlimited account, you can use the Spotlight feature to feature up to five tracks or playlists at the top of your profile.

It’s a great way to highlight your latest work or a project you’re proud of.

Manage Your Tracklist

Clean up your tracklist now and then.

Old demos or tracks that don’t match your style anymore can confuse new listeners.

Keep it Fresh

Keep your profile up to date. Regular updates, new songs, or just refreshing your bio can keep people interested.

Update Regularly

Your profile is an important tool on SoundCloud.

Using it the right way can bring in more listeners, keep your fans engaged, and help you grow your music presence.

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