Numerous brand-new music products are introduced each week. The gear industry is growing more quickly than ever. But if you don’t check in frequently, keeping up with it all might be exhausting. That is the reason why we have collected some of the best and newest music production gear for you. For today, we have reverb plugins, mobile DAW apps, amazing microphones, and more.

Whatever your method of music production, you’re sure to find something on this list that will be on your gear radar.

Let’s get going!

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Whether you’re a musician, music lover, or just looking for something to listen to, Soundcloud has been one of the most popular options for streaming music online. However, as with all things, nothing lasts forever. And in this case, it seems that Soundcloud may be on its way out. The company has been experiencing financial trouble and has been forced to lay off staff and make other cuts to stay afloat. So what does this mean for users? Well, Soundcloud may soon shut down completely. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Here are 10+ Soundcloud alternatives 2022 that you can use instead!

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Do you love making music?

Do you want to learn how to have a musical conversation with someone else?

If so, this is the blog post for you! In today’s post, we will teach you all about call and response.

This is a fundamental concept in music that allows two or more people to communicate musically with each other.

We will give you some tips on getting started and show you examples of call and response in action. Let’s get started!

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In music theory, it’s critical to understand the tritone musical theory.

Although it appears in some of the most basic chords and scales, some musicians want to steer clear of its tense, grating tone.

But what exactly is a tritone? Where do artists most frequently use it, and what does it sound like?

In this piece, we’ll outline the fundamentals of tritone intervals and explain why they’re contentious.

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Although the phrase “transposition” may seem arcane in music theory, it is a fundamental ability that every musician should be familiar with and know how to transpose a song in music.

In truth, samples and cover songs are just two musical contexts where the idea of transposition is present.

But if you’re just starting started, transposing a tune or melody can be tricky.

We’ll explain the meaning of the phrase in detail and demonstrate the simplest methods for transposing any musical fragment in this article.

Let’s start now.

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Musicians always want to know how to build a community of fans around their music. Successful musicians understand the importance of cultivating a large and engaged fan base around their music. Diversify your outreach to build the largest community possible and maximize your exposure.

Let’s explore extremely powerful tools for building a large and diverse fan base across multiple media platforms and artist profiles!

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