How to increase Sales on Instagram in 2022 (1/2)

Instagram is a popular social network, but besides that, it is also an effective business tool if you can exploit its full potential. There are many misconceptions that just opening an account and posting sales content is enough to do business on Instagram. But the truth is quite the opposite, this is a fertile land, but also extremely harsh and requires careful research. Are you interested in learning how to increase sales on Instagram? Want a more effective plan?

In this article, you’ll find a three-step process to utilize your business performance and ultimately, increase your sales on Instagram.

How Selling on Instagram Has Changed

Your sales techniques must adapt to Instagram’s changes. Anyone can now publish stories with swipe-up links. An Instagram business or creator account is open to everyone. Almost anyone can create an online store and use an Instagram Shop to sell things.


How many followers your Instagram account has is no longer as important as how well you interact with your followers. Entrepreneurs struggle to make and increase sales on Instagram mainly because they are unaware of the platform’s recent changes. Here are the top three errors that sellers make:

  • Posting only advertising content: The Instagram algorithm will degrade your content if you only ever try to sell something, compelling you to buy Instagram advertisements. Instead, by producing a variety of instructional, social, and commercial content for the Instagram feed, you can reach a wider audience.
  • Sending spam direct messages without personalization: Users of Instagram now anticipate individualized messages and worthwhile offers. Stay out of the DMs if you are unable to provide those things.
  • Never make sales content: Some business people overcorrect. They never promote anything on Instagram instead of excessively advertising their products.

We’ll talk about a technique to help you keep away from these problems in the next section. The trick? Delivering the right offer to the right person at the right moment. Here’s how to effectively use your Instagram business account to attract and convert visitors.

How to Sell using Instagram Stories

Story is a great tool, because it is informative, entertaining, prominent in the feed, and targeted right to your followers. It will help to identify the highest-value followers.

#1: Identify Leads and Seed Your Offer

Identify Leads

Finding your most valuable clients should be the first step in your new Instagram sales approach. Who is considering your offer? What information appeals to them? To do this, you should attract and gather as many followers as you could, our package can help you with this.

You don’t need to sell at this point. You can discuss your goods, services, programs, or promotions without mentioning a call to action.

For instance, merely asking if people are interested in a product is one approach to “seed” your offerings without requesting a sale.

In your Story, create a poll asking your audience if they are interested. The best way to approach this is as an offer to help with a problem or to share something special. Keep in mind that you should consider your client’s needs rather than your own.

Set the poll’s response options to “Yes, more details please” and “Thank you, but no.”

Indentify Leads and Seed your Offer to increase sales on Instagram

Seed your Offer

To find out who responded to the poll and what they said, check Instagram’s analytics. You’re going to concentrate on the respondents who said “yes.” There are two methods for monitoring this audience:

  • You can add all of those people to your Instagram list of close friends if you follow them all.
  • As an alternative, you may develop collections. Go to any of the people’s posts and visit their profiles. To add them to a group for this advertising campaign, tap and hold the bookmark icon on the article. All of those posts will be kept together by Instagram so you may browse them and check the usernames whenever you need to.

The objective here is to build a tiny database of all the Instagram users who are interested in a particular good, service, course, or offer. You can nurture that audience with targeted content and interactions. Start by commenting on their stories, liking their postings, or starting a direct message chat. Because you’re demonstrating an active relationship, the Instagram algorithm will gradually show them more of your stuff

By including other interactive stickers on your tales, you can create a comparable database. For a live Q&A, try sliding polls, tests, or questions. A hot lead is somebody who replies positively. 

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