Instagram New Feature: 3 Collaborators Allowed on Posts and Reels

Last Updated on July 17th, 2023 at 2:50 am


While it may appear as a smaller update compared to Instagram’s major product launch, the ability to include up to three collaborators on feed posts or Reels in Instagram is a potentially useful addition.

In 2021, Instagram introduced Collaborative Posts, allowing users to share credit for a single post with another account.

Instagram Collaborative posts

Previously, the capability to collaborate was limited to a single account. However, now you can involve multiple collaborators in a single post or Reel on Instagram. All contributors will have access to organic insights such as view counts, like counts, and more.

This update will offer users additional opportunities for in-stream engagement. For paid partnerships, it is important to use the Paid Partnership Label process to meet disclosure requirements in influencer marketing.

For regular users, this feature can provide more tagging options to promote their friends within the app, potentially introducing new accounts for their audience to follow.

Instagram has been actively working on expanding collaborative tools, such as Collaborative Collections in direct messages (DMs), over the past year.

Instagram collaborative collection

Improving engagement is a strategy to increase user involvement and strengthen community connections within the app.

The feature does not support paid promotion, but it allows users to highlight artwork or projects undertaken by friends. This capability can potentially showcase their professional work without the need for a business or creator account.

Regarding disclosure regulations for cross-promotion, it is important to seek appropriate advice. However, it could be a noteworthy factor to consider within the scope of personal sharing.

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