YouTube Monetization: How to Make Money from Videos in 2024

Last Updated on January 12th, 2024 at 4:20 pm

How to Make Money from Videos in 2024

Welcome to the world of making money on YouTube in 2024! Whether you’re already making videos or thinking about starting, there are now more ways than ever to earn money from your videos. In this guide, we’ll show you the latest tips and tricks to help you make the most of YouTube monetization. It’s all about turning your videos into both fun content and a way to make some extra cash.

So, let’s get started on this journey to make your videos work for you!

How to Get Monetized on YouTube

The main way to make money from your videos on YouTube is by joining the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). Once you’re in, you can earn money when ads appear in your videos.

Here’s the deal: YouTube uses something called Google AdSense to pay creators. When people watch or click on ads in your videos, it makes money. They split that money between you and YouTube. You get 55%, and YouTube takes 45%.

YouTube Monetization Requirements

Before you can start making money through fan funding features like Super Chats, Super Thanks, and channel memberships, you’ll need to meet some specific requirements to join the YPP:

  • Have at least 500 subscribers.
  • Upload three public videos in the last 90 days.
  • Accumulate 3,000 public watch hours in the past year or achieve 3 million public YouTube Shorts views in the last 90 days.

These milestones are essential before you can become part of the YPP.

If you want to earn money through video ads, you need to meet these basic requirements:

  • Have at least 1,000 subscribers.
  • Collect 4,000 hours of public watch time within a year or get 10 million public YouTube Shorts views within 90 days.

All these methods have one thing in common: you need a certain number of subscribers and views to make money on YouTube. This mainly depends on creating interesting videos, which is very important but can take a lot of time and effort.

To speed up this process and make it work better, you can think about using the “buy YouTube views” service. They can give your view count a boost, which can make your videos more visible, attract more viewers, and increase your chances of getting into the YouTube Partner Program (YPP).  Many companies offer this service, but we’re proud to say we are one of the best and most trustworthy options.

For just $16.99, you can quickly get 1,000 views, making your YouTube channel more popular. When your channel grows, you’ll have the potential to earn more money on YouTube.

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However, before diving into this option, it’s crucial to understand why some creators turn to buying views and the implications behind it:

  • Getting Noticed: When your views increase, more people on YouTube will come across your videos, giving you a better shot at gaining new fans.
  • Building Trust: Videos with lots of views often look more trustworthy and popular, drawing in even more viewers.
  • Friendly YouTube Algorithm: YouTube’s computer system likes videos with lots of action, including views. More views can improve how your videos rank on the platform.

Adding the “Buy YouTube Views” service to your YouTube strategy can be a game-changer. It’s a smart step for creators aiming to boost their money-making potential. Extra views don’t just mean more ad money; they also set the stage for potential sponsorship deals and a stronger community of subscribers.

However, remember that this is just one part of the bigger picture. While buying views can give your videos a head start, what matters most is the quality of your content and how much people enjoy it. So, always focus on creating amazing videos that resonate with your audience. That way, you’ll not only get that initial boost but also keep growing your viewers over time.

How to Join the YouTube Partner Program

How to Join the YouTube Partner Program

Once you meet all of YouTube’s rules, you can apply for the YPP. You’ll find the application on the “earn” page in YouTube Studio, where you can also see your watch time and subscribers. When YouTube says it’s okay, just click to apply.

If they say “no” the first time, you have 21 days to ask them to think again. After that, wait 30 days before trying again.

If they say “no” again, you can still ask for another chance, but you have to wait 90 days before applying again. This may seem strict, but YouTube wants to help new people first. During this time, you can also fix any problems on your channel, like copyright issues or videos that break YouTube’s rules.

How to Enable Monetization on YouTube

Once you’re in the YPP, try to make money from as many videos as you can. But it’s better to wait a few hours after uploading a video before doing this.

That way, YouTube can check your video to make sure it doesn’t have things like bad words, adult stuff, or copyright problems that might stop it from making money.

Here’s how to put ads on your YouTube video to earn money:

  • Go to YouTube Studio.
  • Click on “Content” on the left.

How to Enable Monetization on YouTube

  • Choose the video you want to make money from.
  • Click on “Monetization” on the left.

How to Enable Monetization on YouTube

  • Pick the types of ads you want in the video.
  • Click “Save.”

But remember, not all videos will have ads, even if you want them. To make sure your video has ads and keeps them, it’s best to create content that’s suitable for a wide audience, like PG to PG-13.

Extra Ways to Monetize on YouTube

YouTube AdSense can help, but it’s not always a steady way for creators to make money. The money you get from ads can go up and down, so it’s hard to count on a consistent income.

That’s why it’s useful to understand something called CPM rates. CPM is just a fancy way of talking about the money advertisers pay for every 1,000 views your video gets on YouTube. These rates change based on what your channel is about and who watches your videos.

If you want a more dependable income on YouTube, there are other ways to make money from your videos.

1. YouTube Sponsorship Deals and Brand Deals

YouTube Sponsorship Deals and Brand Deals

Want to make money on YouTube without waiting for loads of subscribers and views? Think about YouTube brand deals. These deals involve featuring products or services in your videos and partnering with different brands. This can help you earn extra money alongside your regular YouTube earnings.

The best part is that you don’t need a huge channel to get brand deals. What’s more important is having regular viewers and a good mix of videos. Once you’ve got those, you can start looking for sponsorship opportunities.

In a recent survey, creators mentioned making anywhere from $100 to $4,000 for each sponsored video. So, don’t worry too much about the size of your channel; there are opportunities for YouTubers of all sizes.

For only $16, BuildMyPlays can work magic on your YouTube channel. Picture this: 1,000 instant views! It’s not just a number; it means more folks watching your videos, believing in your content, and getting curious about what you share. As your YouTube channel gains more attention, it can also start earning money for you. 

With BuildMyPlays, you can supercharge your YouTube channel without breaking the bank. So, why wait? Take the plunge, invest today, and witness your channel flourish!

2. YouTube Affiliate Marketing

YouTube Affiliate Marketing

Did you know you can earn money by sharing special links to products on YouTube? It’s called affiliate marketing, and it’s an easy way to make some extra cash.

Here’s how it works:

  • Sign up for different programs from companies.
  • Get links to products that you can share with your YouTube viewers.
  • When people click your links and buy stuff, you make some money.

Now, let’s talk about how to do affiliate marketing on YouTube if you’re just starting. We suggest joining the Amazon Associates program. They give you special links for all kinds of things, like everyday stuff. Put these links in your video descriptions on YouTube, and you can start making money when people buy things through your links.

Here’s a helpful tip: always put the right affiliate links in your videos. For example, if you make a video showing how to use a GoPro camera, tell your viewers to use your special link when they want to buy one.

According to Amazon, they’ll give you up to 10% of the money every time someone buys something through your link. So, if you take the time to share these links, you can make a nice amount of money.

3. YouTube Fan Funding

YouTube Fan Funding

When you have 500 subscribers and people have watched your videos for a total of 3000 hours, you can start earning money in three ways:

  • Channel Memberships: You can offer special things, like badges and private streams, to your fans who join your channel. You can charge them anywhere from $0.99 to $100 per month. To learn more about this, read our post on Channel Memberships.
  • Super Chats: During your live streams on YouTube, your viewers can send you money as donations or tips, which can be as little as $1 or as much as $500.

You’re more likely to get Super Chats if:

  • You’re funny or entertaining.
  • You do live streams often.
  • You have dedicated fans who actively chat during your live streams (that’s where Super Chats happen).

For example, Travis McPherson, who works at vidIQ, made $200 during a livestream with just 150 viewers.

  • Super Thanks: This feature allows viewers to buy digital stuff like stickers to show they appreciate your content. If you talk about it in your videos, more people might use it to support you.

4. YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts

Last year, creators got some exciting news. Starting in February 2023, the YouTube Shorts fund is no more! Now, Shorts creators can join YouTube’s Partner Program and make money from ads. To qualify, you need:

1,000 subscribers and 10 million views on your Shorts in the last 90 days.


1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time on longer videos.

Now, let’s talk about how the money is split for YouTube Shorts. They divide it three ways: for creators, music publishers, and YouTube itself. They add up all the money, figure out how much each group gets, and then share it.

When it comes to making money from your Shorts on YouTube, it depends on a few things: how many people watch your Shorts, where they are from, and the music you use.

If your Short has two music tracks, most of the money (66%) goes to the people who own the music, and you get 33%. With just one music track, it’s a fair 50/50 split.

But if you don’t use any music, you keep all the money you make. After dealing with the music part, creators usually end up with 45% of their share.

Having a YouTube channel where you can make money is important if you want to be a serious creator. However, at some point, you might want to explore seven other ways to make money outside of YouTube.


In 2024, YouTube will still be a place where creators can make money from their videos. It is important to stay updated with the latest changes and strategies on YouTube to succeed.

To earn money on YouTube, you have different options like YouTube sponsorship deals, brand deals, YouTube affiliate marketing, YouTube fan funding, and YouTube Shorts. Additionally, companies like BuildMyPlays can help your YouTube channel grow by giving you more views, subscribers, or likes. When you buy YouTube views, subscribers, or likes, it can make it easier to meet the requirements for the YPP and improve your channel. Make sure to choose a reliable service provider when you start growing your YouTube channel.

Remember, success on YouTube comes from good content that joins your audience and promotes your video. If you are passionate and work hard, you can achieve your goals on YouTube in 2024.


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