Block Instagram Spam Bot Effortlessly in 2024

Instagram spam bots? They can truly be a pain. Discover how to shield your organic posts and ads on Instagram from their interference, making your online and offline life smoother! For those actively managing Instagram accounts, dealing with spam, bots, and hate speech is an unfortunate reality. The more you engage with your audience, the more susceptible you become to these nuisances. Spammers seem to thrive in a bustling community! It’s frustrating, isn’t it? The annoyance of it all disrupts the audience experience and adds extra tasks for you – deleting all those spammy comments can be quite the time sink. This blog is to guide you on how to effortlessly block Instagram spam bot.

Can’t you entirely block Instagram spam bot?

Well, completely eradicating those pesky Instagram spam bots from appearing beneath your IG posts might be a tall order. While you can block and report bot accounts, they seem to multiply at a rapid pace, making it an uphill battle.

However, all hope might not be lost. Several Instagram management tools for businesses offer a lifeline to protect your account, safeguard your brand reputation, and save you time. One of their invaluable features is social media automation, which essentially means automating the removal of spam from your Instagram posts. Now, you can put your mind at ease, knowing that someone else will handle the dirty work for you.

That “someone” could be NapoleonCat and their social media automation tool, Auto-moderation.

Consider it your social media assistant, taking care of the spam-related tasks, so you can free up your time for more creative and fulfilling endeavors.

Let’s dive into how Instagram’s automated spam blocking functions on this platform (which, by the way, you can test out for free, without needing a credit card).

How to Block Instagram Spam Bot

First, remember that spam bots can show up under your regular posts and ads on Instagram. It can be tougher to spot spam in ads since someone else might be managing them.

NapoleonCat’s Social Inbox can help you keep track of all your Instagram posts in one place, whether they’re ads or your usual content. That way, you won’t miss any comments or messages, whether they’re questions, complaints, or spam.

Create an Automatic Spam Filter

A filter is like a robot that does a job when it sees something specific, like a spammy comment. In this case, it’s your Instagram spam blocker.

To protect your account from spam, you’ll need to make a rule (or rules, you can have lots) that will automatically remove spam comments or hide rude ones on Instagram. I’ll explain the difference between hiding and removing in a bit.

The great thing is you can use pre-made templates in their tool and just make small changes. So, it only takes about 2 minutes.

Here’s what you do (They also have a clip so you can watch it here):

  1. Name your rule (this is just for you to remember).
  2. Pick the Instagram profile you want to use the rule with (you can choose more than one).
  3. Choose the type of message that will trigger the automatic response. It can be all regular comments, comments on certain posts (even ads), or private messages.

Now, let’s make your rule even more precise to ensure it works just as you want it to.

Here’s the trick: add specific keywords that will tell the rule when to remove or hide a comment. These keywords can include bad words, offensive terms, or any words you’ve noticed in spam comments on your Instagram.

You can add as many keywords as you like, and you can even use single emojis as keywords.

Block Instagram Spam Bot

In addition to swear words, you can include common words like “follow” and “like”, which spammers and bots often use.

You decide if the rule should work all day or only during certain hours when you or your team aren’t available. If you want to avoid manual spam checking, leaving it on all the time is a good choice.

Choose Your Action

You can make the rule automatically delete or hide comments on Instagram. If you like, you can receive email notifications whenever a rule is triggered.

It’s a good idea to check the automation’s performance now and then. It helps you keep an eye on spam comments without the hassle of sorting through them manually.

Hide or Delete Comments – What’s the Difference?

The only thing that sets hiding and deleting comments apart is this: when you delete a comment, it disappears for everyone, but when you hide it, it stays hidden from you and your followers while the author can still see it.

When dealing with Instagram bots, there’s little difference. However, let’s say you want to remove an offensive comment discreetly, without notifying the person who posted it (maybe to avoid escalating a situation with a upset customer); in that case, you can choose to hide it.

Other Ways to Block Instagram Spam Bot on Your IG Account

  1. Make your account private or set up a private account. Not ideal if you’re a growing brand aiming for more engagement, even from non-followers.
  2. Block and report users on Instagram. It’s not a perfect solution as it requires ongoing effort.
  3. Limit who can comment on your posts or Stories in your Instagram settings, such as only allowing your followers or people you follow. However, this can restrict your engagement potential.
  4. Turn off comments on Instagram ads and organic posts. This isn’t recommended because it goes against the essence of social media as a conversational platform. It also reduces engagement, even though it prevents spam, which it does effectively.

Ultimately, the choice is yours.

Stay relaxed and let Instagram automation tackle spam bots for you. Dealing with bots and spammers can be overwhelming, but that’s where Instagram automation comes in handy.

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