Facebook Lock Profile Is Not Showing: What To Do?

What to do if Facebook lock profile is not showing. Here is simple fixes.

  • Enabling professional mode on Facebook prevents locking the profile.
  • Only the primary profile, not additional ones linked to the account, can be locked.
  • The ability to lock profiles may not be available in all countries.

Note: Before attempting the solutions below, update the Facebook app and clear its cache (Android only).

Fix 1: Disable Professional Mode

If you can’t find the Lock Profile option, it might be because professional mode is active on your profile, preventing it from being locked.

To check and disable professional mode:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your Android or iPhone, and tap your profile picture at the top-right corner, then tap your name.
  2. Tap the three-dot icon below your profile picture.
  3. Select “Turn off professional mode.” If you see “Turn on professional mode,” it means professional mode is already off.

Facebook Lock Profile Is Not Showing

Facebook Lock Profile Is Not Showing

Note that turning off professional mode won’t change your friends, followers, or profile content, but you’ll lose access to insights and monetization features.

Fix 2: Use Another Device

If you can’t find the option, try checking from a different device. For example, if you’re using an Android device, try using a PC or an iPhone, or vice versa. Sometimes, a feature is available on one platform but not on others.

Fix 3: Log Out and Log In

If the previous solution doesn’t solve the issue, try logging out of your Facebook account. Sometimes, logging out and then logging back in can refresh your account and add new features.

To log out from the Facebook app, tap on your profile picture at the top. Scroll down and tap on Log out. After restarting your phone, log in to your account again.

Fix 4: Use VPN

If the Lock Profile option isn’t available in your country on Facebook, you might not see it on your profile. You can try using a VPN to change your country to India, Nepal, or Bangladesh where it’s available. First, log out of your Facebook account, activate the VPN to switch your country, and then log back in.

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