Make Your Instagram Look Cool with 5 Secrets

Last Updated on April 12th, 2020 at 8:47 pm

make your Instagram look cool with 6 secrets

To become famous and attract people on Facebook, you just need a status with shocking speech, a weird photo or just a short fun video. But it’s not easy like that when you want your Instagram feed to look cool that makes people stop and leave a like or comment on your post, or even follow your account.

It seems to be obvious, great captions are also essential to tell your audiences what your photos are all about. You should read this article to learn more about how to write a great Instagram caption.

However, we know that all about Instagram are the visual aspects of your account that interest people at first. A cool Instagram has a great aesthetic eye. They know which photo should be posted and how to arrange them to get your attention wherever you look at their feeds from top to bottom, from left to right. Overall, you must say that their Instagram page is so incredible.

So, in this article, we will show you some secrets to make your Instagram look cool.

Let’s get started!

1. Choose a consistent color scheme

It is the first secret that helps your Instagram look more awesome – a color scheme or color palette. This thing makes your feed look like a real collection, rather than a hoard of disconnected moments.

Here is an example of an Instagram color palette.

make your Instagram look cool

To create a beautiful color scheme, you should know how to make your color system with several different applications such as VSCO or Lightroom,.. Or Instagram’s color systems.

Everyone can use these above applications. However, surfing through Instagram, you can see that each person has a different color system. The reason why is to discover how to adjust, add more light, reduce saturation or do some more steps to create a complete color system. Then they can apply this system for their photos and only they know it.

You should take a look at some colorful systems here. Then choose your color and be consistent with your Instagram color scheme.

make your Instagram look cool

2. Choose a theme

In the same sense that you want to choose a consistent color palette, you also should have a topic to focus on. A theme can help you increase your audiences, nurture hashtags, and it also keeps you on track and gains followers.

You must have a specific theme that you’re passionate about. This topic is something that people can identify with.

Some popular themes on Instagram are food, wonderful destinations, quotations, film, things that often make people be crazy about and can’t help themself liking it.

make your Instagram look cool

3. Have a posting pattern

Of course, to make your Instagram look cool, you need to consider a lot about how to arrange your posts. You need to think about how each image will look in the grid.

For example, this Instagram account posts a photo, a quote, another quote and combines with beautiful colors.

4. Take photos and edit them into perfection

This step is the most important one! Certainly, you must be a good photographer. In case you follow a way that is content building, the photos don’t need to be perfect or special. However, as Instagram is, it must be beautiful first.

Now you have a beautiful photo, don’t forget to edit it before posting. The great news is that there have been tons of apps that help you edit and hack the perfect look for your image. You can do it with your smartphone. Keep in mind to apply your color system to create a perfect feed on your Instagram.

Here are some beautiful photos from c_l_0 that may inspire you to take your professional looking ones.

make your Instagram look cool

5. Digital tricks

Things from 1 to 4 can be considered your “surface”, but also you have to use some tips to make your content engage more people.

For example, adding popular hashtags and including your hashtag that help others find you on the Explore tab. Or adding your account of other social platforms on your Instagram bio is a good way for audiences to discover your other sites. Besides, you should analyze which time is best for you to upload your posts on Instagram.

Learn more tips in this post here.



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