Plan Your Instagram Layout in 2024: 4 Tips

Last Updated on March 21st, 2024 at 11:00 am

Plan Your Instagram Layout in 2024

Welcome to this easy guide on how to plan your Instagram feed! If you enjoy using Instagram, whether for fun or business, making your Instagram page look nice is important. In this guide, we’ll show you how to do it step-by-step.

We’ll talk about picking good pictures, arranging them so they look great together, and why it’s good to post regularly. Let’s begin and make your Instagram page look fantastic!

Why should you plan your Instagram feed?

Why should you plan your Instagram feed?

The first thing people see on your Instagram is your feed, like the sign in front of a shop that invites people inside.

If you want more visitors and for them to come back often, think about your whole feed, not just one post at a time.

A good-looking feed is a great way to start.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, but planning your feed can help tell your brand’s story clearly and keep things regular.

And being regular with your posts means more people will interact with them!

Planning Your Instagram Layout in 2024: 4 Tips

1. Define Your “Aesthetic” or Brand Colors

By 2024, Instagram’s look might not need to be “picture-perfect,” but people still like feeds that share a clear visual story.

This might mean using matching colors or combining funny posts with everyday ones.

Keep in mind that your brand’s colors, fonts, and textures are important for making your Instagram feed look appealing.

Tip: Make a mood board to inspire you and help you decide how you want your grid to appear.

2. Use a Variety of Content Types

When you plan your Instagram grid, it’s good to use different types of posts to keep people interested.

This means mixing it up.

Use a mix of normal photos, reels, and multiple-photo posts. This way, your followers have different ways to connect, and your feed doesn’t get boring.

Whether you’re showing what happens behind the scenes or talking about a sale, using different types of posts helps you keep people’s attention and show what’s cool about your brand.

Plus, if you watch how well your posts are doing, you’ll learn what your followers like the most.

3. Be Consistent

Be Consistent - Instagram

Talk to any social media manager or influencer, and they’ll tell you that their key to success is posting regularly on Instagram.

It doesn’t mean you have to post every day (we understand that’s not always possible!), but posting several times a week is important to keep your audience interested.

If you plan your Instagram feed ahead of time, you can post regularly, even when you’re busy with other things.

4. Plan Ahead

Planning is essential for creating a powerful visual style; this helps you demonstrate your worth and attract followers from the very start.

How to plan your Instagram feed with an Instagram grid planner in 2024

The first impression you make on Instagram is important. It can be the difference between someone deciding to follow you or not.

Here’s how you can plan how your Instagram looks and create your unique style:

Prepare Your Instagram Content

Prepare Your Instagram Content

To make your Instagram look good, you need to have pictures ready to post.

You can use pictures you already have, find images online, or make designs with a tool like Canva.

One easy way to make your Instagram look consistent is by editing your pictures in the same way. Use the same filters, or make them look the same when you edit them. This way, they all have a similar style.

Curate a Cohesive Feed

Next, think about how your posts will look next to each other.

A visual planner tool helps you see your Instagram feed before you post, so you can make sure all your photos and videos fit well together.

Move around or switch out your photos and videos by dragging them into your media collection until your feed looks just right.

Once you’re happy with your grid, hit “Save” to schedule your posts. Don’t forget to add good captions and hashtags for better search results.

It’s really simple!

Planning your posts ahead of time helps your feed look consistent and lets you post more often, which is great for growing on Instagram.



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