11 Easy Ways to Find Someone on Instagram

Instagram has lots of people worldwide, so your friends might be there too. But it can be hard to find them if you’re not sure how. That’s why we made this guide to help you find someone on Instagram.

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Find Someone Using Their Username

Find Someone on Instagram

The fastest way to find someone on Instagram is by searching for their username.

Here’s how:

  1. Open Instagram.
  2. Tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom.
  3. Type the person’s username in the search bar.
  4. Tap on the account to visit their profile.

Find Someone Using Their Name

Another way to find people on Instagram is by searching for their first and last name. If you know their name, you can find everyone with that name (unless they changed it). However, this might bring up many accounts, so finding the right one could take some effort.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Instagram.
  2. Tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom.
  3. Type in the user’s first and last names.
  4. Review the results and try to select the correct person.

Note: This method may not always work because some users don’t use their real names in their profiles.

Find Someone By Their Location

You can search for Instagram profiles based on their location.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Instagram.
  2. Tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom.
  3. Type in the city where the person lives.
  4. Tap on “Places” below the search bar and choose the right location.
  5. You’ll see Top and Recent photos and videos tagged with that location.

The users will likely appear in the Top section if they are popular. Otherwise, try the Recent tab, especially for major cities.

While not the easiest method, it’s worth a try if others don’t work.

Find Someone Through Hashtags

Hashtags help posts get noticed on Instagram. People use them to reach more users. You can find someone by searching hashtags they use.

Here’s how:

  1. Open Instagram.
  2. Tap the magnifying glass at the bottom.
  3. Type the hashtag you want.
  4. Tap on “Tags” below the search bar and choose the hashtag again.
  5. Look for posts that seem like they’re from the person you’re searching for.

This method might not always work, especially for popular hashtags. But for smaller ones, it could be surprisingly helpful.

Find Someone Using Their Phone Number

Many Instagram users now sign up with their phone numbers, making it easier to find them if you have their number.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Instagram.
  2. Tap your profile picture at the bottom right.
  3. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top-right.
  4. Tap “Settings and privacy.”
  5. Search for “Upload contacts” and tap it.
  6. Choose your Instagram account and turn on “Connect contacts.”
  7. Confirm the changes to let Instagram access your phone’s numbers.
  8. Go back to the menu and tap “Discover People.”
  9. If you follow the steps, you’ll see Instagram accounts from your phone contacts.

Tip: If you don’t see the person you want immediately, check the Recommendations section below.

Note: This only works if they signed up with a phone number, not an email.

Find Someone Using Their Photo

This method might seem unusual, but it can work sometimes.

If you have a picture of the person you want to find, try these services:

To use Google Images:

  1. Click the camera icon next to the search box.
  2. Upload the image or paste the photo’s link.
  3. Wait for the search to finish.
  4. If it works, you’ll see where the photo appears online.

Note: You won’t find Instagram links, but you might find other clues.

To use TinEye:

  1. Upload the photo or paste its URL.
  2. Check the image results like with Google Images.

Find Someone By Connecting Facebook

Since Meta owns both Facebook and Instagram, linking the two can help you find people more easily. If you’re struggling to find someone, this could be a helpful trick.

Here’s how to connect Facebook to Instagram:

  1. Open Instagram.
  2. Tap your profile picture at the bottom right.
  3. Tap the three horizontal lines at the top-right.
  4. Select ‘Discover People.’
  5. Tap ‘Connect’ next to ‘Connect to Facebook.’
  6. Tap ‘Continue’ to allow Instagram to use Facebook for sign-in.
  7. Once connected, your Facebook friends will appear on Instagram. You might find the person you’re looking for there.

Find Someone with Search Engines

Another way to find someone outside of Instagram is through search engines.

You can go to Google, Bing, or another search engine and search for the person’s first and last name, username, or phone number. Their Instagram profile might show up, or you might find a website with their personal information, which could include their Instagram profile.

Tip: If you don’t find anything on one search engine, try another one.

Find Someone Through Reposts

Sometimes, you might discover someone through an Instagram post shared by someone else. If that’s the case, simply tap on the share to see the original post.

Tip: If it’s just a screenshot of the share, you can look for their Instagram username in the post and search for it using the search bar.

Find Someone on Other Social Media

If you’re still struggling to find your friend, try searching on other social media sites. They might be on platforms like:

Facebook TikTok YouTube Snapchat If you find them on another platform, check if they have a link to their Instagram profile.


With 11 ways to explore, you should have options to find almost anyone with an Instagram account.

Some methods are easier than others. Yet, if you lack quick info, you might need to try less common strategies.

Whether it’s a distant relative or a lost friend, locating them might be tricky. But armed with these techniques, you’re better prepared to reconnect.

If you’re determined to find someone on IG, chances are one of these methods will lead you to them.

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