Instagram Carousel Post: How to Create The Perfect One

Want to make your Instagram posts more fun and connect with followers beyond the Reels feed? Instagram carousels are known for their flexible format and high engagement rates, making them a great addition to any brand’s social media content strategy. Whether you want to share a story, launch a product line, or guide followers on something, carousel posts can do it all. So, how can you create the perfect post? Let’s explore the best ways to use this format and learn how to make a carousel on Instagram.

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What Is an Instagram Carousel Post?

An Instagram carousel post is a type of feed post that features multiple images and videos. Instagram carousels can have up to 10 cards, including images, videos, or a mix of both.

For instance, the @lacroixwater carousel below has four videos showcasing the sparkling water brand’s products. Each video displays a different selection of items, allowing the brand to feature a wider variety and give customers ideas for product pairings.

Instagram Carousel

These posts are interactive, so users can swipe left to view each carousel card. Instagram also introduced an auto-scroll feature that automatically displays carousels as slideshows directly in the feed.

What Sets Carousels Apart from Reels?

The primary distinction between reels and carousel posts lies in the media type. Reels exclusively showcase videos, while carousels can have video cards but can also feature images alone.

Carousels appear in the main feed and on your profile grid in the Instagram app. In contrast, reels can be seen in both of these places. However, reels have their dedicated feed and tab.

Reels offer a variety of native creation tools. You can include text overlays, stickers, voiceovers, and more when making reels. Carousels don’t support these creative tools but do work with native Instagram add-ons like product tags and music.

How Do Carousels Differ from Stories?

Instagram stories share more similarities with reels than with carousels. Stories have a dedicated feed and display as videos or animated images. Stories also include built-in creative features such as text overlays, interactive stickers, and effects.

However, stories and carousels share a key feature. Both appear as slideshows, allowing users to swipe left for more content and experience the entire narrative.

Instagram Carousel Insights You Should Know

Over 25% of Instagram content comprises carousel posts, surpassing reels but still trailing behind single-image posts, as per Statista.

Carousels gained immense popularity in the past year, and for a good reason—they are Instagram’s most engaging content.

Socialinsider reveals that carousels boast an average engagement rate of 1.92%, surpassing regular Instagram posts and reels.

Instagram Carousel

Not all carousels perform equally, though. Those with the maximum cards hit an average engagement rate of 2.07%. For optimal engagement, go for either the minimum (two) or the maximum (10) cards.

Mixed media carousels, featuring both photos and videos, yield the best results. Social Insider’s study indicates an average engagement rate of 2.33% for these diverse carousels.

For instance, the @drinkspindrift carousel combines a video and a photo, adding action and visual appeal to showcase the sparkling water pouring process.

8 Reasons for Creating Instagram Carousel Post

Crafting an Instagram carousel demands more time and resources than a regular image post. Is the effort worthwhile? Most definitely. Explore eight reasons to integrate this content into your Instagram strategy.

1. Expand Audience Reach

Carousels offer extra chances to engage your audience. While the initial card has the highest visibility, subsequent ones can also appear. If the first photo or video doesn’t grab attention, you’ll have more opportunities and impressions.

2. Enhance Storytelling

A picture tells a story, but what if you need more than a thousand words? Carousels empower you to craft intricate narratives, elevating your storytelling prowess. For instance, @ucla shares a graduation tale through a curated photo dump, weaving together snapshots of commencement speeches and graduates.

3. Showcase Your Best Picks

Keen on spotlighting your top three, five, or even 10 favorites? Carousels provide ample room to feature your best choices and simplify repurposing blog content (like listicles) from your website.

For instance, @nyuniversity introduces students to 10 nearby getaways within an hour of campus. The university tags the destinations in the carousel post’s caption, aiding students in easy discovery.

4. Introduce a Product or Service

Whether launching a single item or a complete line, one image might not suffice to convey the message. With a carousel, you can exhibit use cases, share the story behind each item, or showcase multiple products and services.

In the example, @counterculturecoffee uses a carousel post to unveil two new coffee varieties. The cards display the products, offer specifications, and provide a glimpse into the coffee’s origin.

5. Spark Ideas with Use Cases

Looking to inspire both potential and existing customers with creative ways to enjoy your offerings? Carousels display multiple options simultaneously, offering numerous opportunities to showcase variety and connect with your audience.

Instagram Carousel

Above, @califiafarms presents various ways customers can savor the brand’s plant-based milk products. Additionally, the caption encourages followers to check out the brand’s stories for fullscreen versions of the designs.

6. Inform Your Audience

Eager to demonstrate how to do something or guide followers through a process? Carousels are perfect for step-by-step guides, tutorials, and explainers. This post type suits various processes, from recipes to workflows.

In the example, @simplymediadvertising reveals how the agency made it to the Instagram Explore page. The carousel takes the audience through the process, offering actionable tips to replicate the agency’s success.

7. Display Before and After

Does your product or service bring about noticeable transformations? Instagram carousels are excellent for presenting before and after images to showcase the change—whether it’s real or lighthearted.

Above, @drinkolipop uses a carousel to feature what occurs before and after enjoying one of the brand’s sodas. The images convey the lively, joyful feeling that the brand aims to evoke.

8. Feature User-Generated Content

Does your brand receive plenty of content from satisfied customers? Carousels are perfect for compiling the best user-generated content (UGC) you’ve gathered.

Instagram Carousel

In this example, @drinkpoppi shares UGC following a common theme—Aperol spritz recipes created with the brand’s soda. The carousel incorporates a mix of images and videos for maximum impact.

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