Up-to-Date Social Media Image Sizes: Key Dimensions for 2023

Last Updated on November 7th, 2023 at 12:45 pm

social media image sizes

Social media image sizes are in a constant state of flux.

In one minute, your account’s cover page is flawless. The next, it’s resized, appearing pixelated and off-kilter.

The challenge is compounded by the fact that locating official dimensions and image sizes can be as elusive as a civil political discussion on Facebook.

However, fret not. Navigating the realm of image sizes becomes a breeze when you refer to this comprehensive guide covering image dimensions for key social media platforms.

Below, you’ll find the latest social media image dimensions, accurate as of August 2023.

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Instagram image sizes

The Best Instagram Image Sizes For Brand Marketing in 2023 - EarthWeb

Instagram now allows for both horizontal and vertical images. Surprisingly, it still embraces square images, which was its signature format at the platform’s inception.

This versatility opens up more creative avenues for your brand. However, it also introduces a bit of a challenge in getting image dimensions just right. To ensure your images look their finest, follow these straightforward guidelines.

Instagram profile picture dimension: 320 x 320 pixels

Instagram profile pictures are showcased at 110 x 100 pixels, but the image files themselves are stored at a resolution of 320 x 320 pixels. Thus, it’s essential to upload an image that’s at least this size.

Instagram profile photos are presented in a circular frame despite the square dimensions. For optimal results, ensure that any crucial elements you wish to emphasize in the picture are centered. This prevents them from being cut out during the display.

Instagram post sizes (feed photos):

  • Landscape: 1080 x 566 pixels
  • Portrait: 1080 x 1350 pixels
  • Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Supported aspect ratios: Range from 1.91:1 to 4:5
  • Recommended image size: Width of 1080 pixels, with a height ranging between 566 and 1350 pixels, depending on whether the image is landscape or portrait.


  • For optimal Instagram image quality, target an upload width of 1080 pixels.
  • When you post an Instagram image exceeding 1080 pixels, Instagram will downsize it to fit within that size.
  • For images with a resolution below 320 pixels, Instagram enlarges them to match 320 pixels.
  • If your image falls between 320 and 1080 pixels in width, Instagram maintains its original resolution, but only if the aspect ratio lies within 1.91:1 to 4:5 (with height ranging from 566 to 1350 pixels and width at 1080 pixels).
  • For images with different ratios, Instagram will automatically crop them to conform to a supported aspect ratio.

Instagram thumbnail dimensions:

  • Display resolution: 161 x 161 pixels
  • 1080 pixels wide is the recommended upload size.


  • Keep in mind that Instagram keeps versions of these thumbnails at sizes up to 1080 x 1080 pixels.
  • To ensure your Instagram feed remains sharp and pixel-free in the long run, opt for uploading images that are as large as feasibly possible.

Image size for Instagram Stories: 1080 x 1920 pixels


  • This corresponds to an aspect ratio of 9:16.
  • When you upload an image with a reduced pixel size (while maintaining the same aspect ratio), your Story will load swiftly.
  • Deviation from this ratio could lead to peculiar cropping, awkward zooming, or substantial empty spaces within the Story display.
  • Instagram Reels adhere to this identical sizing as well.

Instagram carousel image dimensions:

  • Landscape: 1080 x 566 pixels
  • Portrait: 1080 x 1350 pixels
  • Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Aspect ratios: Landscape (1.91:1), Square (1:1), Vertical (4:5)
  • Recommended image size: Width of 1080 pixels, with height ranging between 566 and 1350 pixels, depending on whether the image is in landscape or portrait orientation.

Instagram Reels sizes:

  • Dimensions: 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • This corresponds to an aspect ratio of 9:16.
  • Profile Cover Photo: 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Remember that Reels are presented as a cropped 1:1 image in your profile feed and as a 4:5 image in the home feed.

Facebook image sizes

Facebook Ad Sizes For 2022

Facebook is known for frequently changing its design and image dimensions. To ensure your brand’s content remains up-to-date, it’s wise to consistently upload the highest-quality images possible. Following Facebook’s recommended file formats will yield the best results.

Facebook profile picture size: 170 x 170 pixels (on most computers)

On the desktop, your Facebook profile picture will be displayed at 170 x 170 pixels. On smartphones, however, it will be displayed as 128 x 128 pixels.

Facebook image sizes for cover photos: 851 x 315 pixels (recommended)

  • Desktop display resolution: 820 x 312 pixels
  • Smartphone display resolution: 640 x 360 pixels
  • 400 x 150 pixels is the bare minimum.
  • File size should be less than 100KB.


  • To prevent compression or distortion, choose either a JPG or PNG file format for uploading.
  • For quicker load times, adhere to the suggested pixel dimensions.
  • For profile pictures and cover photos containing logos or text, opt for PNG file format for optimal results.
  • Avoid dragging to reposition after uploading your cover photo.

Sizes of Facebook timeline photos and posts:

Upon upload, Facebook automatically resizes and formats your photos for the timeline, making them 500 pixels wide and fitting a 1.91:1 aspect ratio.

However, to prevent pixelation or sluggish loading, keep these dimensions in mind:

  • Recommended size: 1200 x 630 pixels
  • Minimum size: 600 x 315 pixels


  • Images should be 1200 x 1200 if you are sharing 2-10 images in your brand’s Facebook post using the carousel display.
  • This is a one-to-one ratio.

Facebook panorama or 360 photo image sizes:

  • For the smallest image dimensions, Facebook suggests “30,000 pixels in any dimension and less than 135,000,000 pixels in total size.”
  • The recommended aspect ratio is 2:1.


  • Facebook automatically identifies and processes these images using “camera-specific metadata extracted from photos captured with 360-ready devices.”
  • For these Facebook images, JPEG files can have a maximum size of 45 MB, while PNG files can be up to 60 MB.
  • When dealing with 360 photos on Facebook, it’s advisable to use JPEGs and ensure that the file sizes stay below 30 MB for optimal results.

Facebook image sizes for Facebook Stories: 1080 x 1920 pixels (recommended)


  • Facebook automatically identifies and processes these images using “camera-specific metadata extracted from photos captured with 360-ready devices.”
  • For these Facebook images, JPEG files can have a maximum size of 45 MB, while PNG files can be up to 60 MB.
  • When dealing with 360 photos on Facebook, it’s advisable to use JPEGs and ensure that the file sizes stay below 30 MB for optimal results.

YouTube image sizes

Scouty - Ideal YouTube Channel Banner Size

YouTube profile photo size: 800 x 800 pixels (recommended)


For optimal outcomes, ensure the focal point of your photo is positioned at the center.

Accepted file formats are JPEG, GIF, BMP, or PNG. Note that animated GIFs are not compatible.

Photos will be displayed at dimensions of 98 x 98 pixels.

YouTube banner image size: 2048 x 1152 pixels (at minimum)

  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • To prevent any cropping, ensure a minimum area of 1235 x 338 pixels for text and logos.
  • File size cannot exceed 6MB.

YouTube video size: 1280 x 720 pixels (at minimum)


  • YouTube suggests that videos intended for sale or rental should possess a higher pixel count, specifically 1920 x 1080 pixels.
  • For videos to meet HD standards on YouTube, they must be at least 1280 x 720 pixels in dimension.
  • These dimensions adhere to a 16:9 aspect ratio.

YouTube thumbnail size: 1280 x 720 pixels

TikTok image sizes

2022 Social Media Image Size Guide - STIR

TikTok profile photo dimensions: 20 x 20 pixels (minimum upload size)

While 20 x 20 is the minimum upload size, for future-proofing, upload a higher-quality photo.

TikTok video size: 1080 x 1920

Tik Tok videos should have an aspect ratio of 9:16.

TikTok carousel image size: 1080 x 1920 (for best results)

The ideal aspect ratio for Tik Tok carousel images is 9:16 or 1:1, but images with a 4:5 ratio can also be posted.

Why I should get social media image sizes right?

When it comes to creating visual content for social media, there are several key considerations that social media marketers must nail down.

Firstly, ensuring image usage complies with copyright laws is a must. If original visuals are lacking, sourcing high-quality stock photos becomes a necessity. Additionally, identifying the right tools to enhance your social media image sizes is a crucial step.

Moreover, getting your social media image sizes correct is vital. Here’s why:

– It prevents pixelation and awkward image stretching, maintaining a professional appearance.
– Tailoring images for each social channel’s feed can boost engagement.
– Ensuring complete image visibility guarantees that no essential brand messages are cut off.
– Proper sizing can future-proof your content. Staying informed about current social media image dimensions could save your brand work in the future when networks alter how images are displayed.

In a world of ever-evolving social media, mastering these aspects is essential for effective visual communication.

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