The Ultimate Guide to Emoji Meanings in Communication (2/2)

emoji meanings

Now that you know some of the basic stuff about when it comes to Emoji meanings in communication, let’s take a look at some of the trickier ones with hidden meanings. 

Continue reading about 10 tricky emojis with hidden meanings!

Bonus: If you want to know how to perform an Instagram audit, read more here!

10 Tricky Emojis With Hidden Emoji Meanings:

1) The “?” Emoji meanings:

This emoji is often used to indicate that someone is up to something mischievous. It can also be interpreted as being smug or self-satisfied. Ultimately, the meaning of the “?” emoji will vary depending on the context in which it is used. However, it is generally seen as a positive emoji and one that indicates self-satisfaction.

When to use it: It can be used when you’ve outsmarted someone, accomplished something difficult, or simply when you’re feeling pleased with yourself. Sometimes it is used to convey a sense of smugness or slyness. 

This emoji is not the best choice if you are trying to convey a positive or friendly tone.

2) The “?” Emoji:

This Emoji is often used to convey frustration or disappointment. It can be used when you are feeling underwhelmed, when someone has let you down, or when something has not gone according to plan. The emoji is also sometimes used to convey a sense of boredom or when someone finds something mildly amusing but not particularly funny.

When to use it: This is the emoji for you if you want to indicate that someone is feeling disappointed or frustrated. Just be aware that it can also be interpreted as being unimpressed or disinterested.

3) The “?” Emoji:

?” is often referred to as the “flushed face emoji.” It is typically used to indicate embarrassment, shock, or surprise. The flushed face emoji can also be used to express a wide range of other emotions, including feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or simply uncomfortable.

When to use it: This is the emoji for you if you want to indicate that someone is feeling embarrassed. In some cases, it can even be used as a playful way to show excitement or enthusiasm. No matter how it’s used, the flushed face emoji is sure to add a touch of humor to any conversation. Just be aware that it can also be interpreted as being shocked or surprised.

4) The “?” Emoji:

This emoji is often used to express surprise, shock, or disbelief. It can be used in response to something unexpected or as a way to emphasize a particular statement. The emoji can also be used to add an element of humor to a message.

When to use it: In some cases, it may be used as a substitute for the words “wow” or “OMG.” While the meaning of the emoji can vary depending on the context, it is generally used to express a feeling of amazement or surprise.

5) The “?” Emoji:

The “?” emoji shows a face with a questioning expression. It is used to express confusion, doubt, or disbelief. It can also be used as a playful way to tease someone. For example, if you see a friend post something you know is not true, you might reply with “?.”

When to use it: The “?” emoji is also often used when people are considering something or trying to make a decision. For example, if you are trying to decide whether to buy a new car or not, you might ask your friends for their opinion. If they all say “?,” it means they are unsure, and you should probably keep looking for more information. Ultimately, the “?” emoji is a versatile way to communicate many different emotions and attitudes.

6) The “?” Emoji:

The “?” emoji is similar to the “?” emoji but has a more concerned tone. It is used to express confusion, doubt, or disbelief. However, it can also be interpreted as being worried or concerned about something.

When to use it: If you want to communicate that you are confused or concerned about something, this is the emoji for you. Just be aware that it can also be interpreted as being worried or concerned.

7) The “?” Emoji:

The “?” emoji is commonly known as the “pensive” or “sad” emoji. It is often used to express feelings of sadness, disappointment, or concern. It is part of the Unicode emoji set and can be used on any platform that supports Unicode emojis.

When to use it: The “?” emoji is also sometimes used to represent other emotions, such as anxiety or fear. In some cases, it can be used to represent a more positive emotion, such as wistfulness. Overall, the meaning of the “?” emoji depends on the context in which it is used.

8) The “?” Emoji:

The “?” emoji is similar to the “?” emoji but has a more intense tone. It is used to express feelings of frustration, anger, or annoyance. It can also be interpreted as being disgusted or repelled by something.

When to use it: If you want to communicate that you are feeling frustrated, angry, or annoyed, this is the emoji for you. Just be aware that it can also be interpreted as being disgusted or repelled by something.

9) The “?” Emoji:

This emoji is often used to convey frustration or disappointment. It can be used when something goes wrong, or someone doesn’t live up to expectations. The emoji can also be used to express fatigue or boredom. In general, the “?” emoji conveys negative emotions and is often used as a way to vent frustration.

When to use it: It can also be used more light-heartedly, such as when making a joke about a stressful situation. Regardless of how it’s used, the “?” emoji is a helpful way to communicate feelings of frustration and disappointment.

10) The “?” Emoji meanings:

The “?” emoji is similar to the “?” emoji but conveys a more intense feeling of frustration or exhaustion. It is often used when someone is feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. The emoji can also be used to express physical pain or discomfort.

When to use it: If you want to communicate that you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, or in pain, this is the emoji for you. Just be aware that it can also be interpreted as being tired or bored.


If you want to avoid emoji misunderstandings or just want to ensure that your messages always come across the way you intend them to, check out our comprehensive guide to emoji meanings. With this guide in hand, you’ll be able to communicate with confidence and style, with no embarrassing miscommunications necessary! In what situations do you think it would be helpful to use emojis?

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