Alternative Tools for Facebook Analytics in 2023 (2/2)

Alternative Tools for Facebook Analytics in 2023

Continue to read about how to manage your marketing strategy with these alternative for Facebook Analytics tools. As 2023 approaches, Facebook has about 3 billion active users worldwide. On such a huge platform, how can you recognize what works and connect with your community? In order to get the answers to these questions and make sure your Facebook marketing strategy is effective, Facebook analytics and alternative tools for Facebook Analytics are crucial.

Key Facebook analytics metrics (Continue)


Alternative Tools for Facebook Analytics in 2023: Facebook posts reach and engagement

For Post analytics, there are two main elements, Post Reach and Post Engagement: For Post Reach, the number of people who saw your post at least once is shown on the Content Overview screen. They just have to see one of your posts. This is an overall metric, but by clicking on the Content item under the Content title, you can also go into the reach metrics for each individual post. The per-post data are more helpful in determining what is genuinely resonating with your audience, even though the overall number gives a decent indication of trends in your post viewership. With Post Engagement metrics, they indicate the number of likes, shares, and comments.  You can review both the total posts on the Page as well as the specifics of each individual post. For comparison, the engagement rate for Facebook posts is 0.07 percent on average.


Facebook posts reach insights and stories

The data are similar to those for Facebook posts. To view your stories with the highest reach, most sticker taps, and most replies, scroll to the bottom of the screen. Similarly, by clicking on Content under the Content heading, you can view the data for each individual story.

Keep these secret 10 Facebook Analytics tools just for yourself here!


With Reels, you can track the Reach and the Engagement. Reach is the total number of people who at least once watched your reel. Engagement is divided into reactions, comments, and shares. You can add them all up, or monitor each measure separately, depending on you.


Ads is quite complicated to observe, with the following metrics: Reach, Impressions, and Cost per result. In short, the Reach metric is the same as in the above section. Impressions indicate how many times your ads appeared on the screen. Given the possibility of repeated exposure, this number will probably exceed reach. Cost per outcome is crucial for calculating the campaign’s ROI. The reason is that it shows how much value you received for your money.


Only groups with 50 or more members can display insights.Top contributors and Engagement are quite straightforward. One reveals who is the most-involved member, one shows when your members are most active. The final metric is Growth, which tracks how many members are joining your community. 


How many viewers made it to each point in your film is a measurement of Video retention. The average views last 3, 15, and 60 seconds. Average view time is useful when determining how well your content is being seen. After all, how much does someone’s “view” matter if they tune in and then leave without watching the video? Video engagement is useful to get a clear idea of how engaging your video content is via reactions, comments, and shares.

After all

Remember that not all metrics will be equally significant to your company. Focus on a few important indicators that are when you first begin using Facebook analytics.

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