How Does Instagram Algorithm Rank Search Results?

Rank Search Results
How does Instagram rank search results, and how can content be optimized? Learn more about ranking for specific keywords.

Instagram’s CEO, Adam Mosseri, openly described how their search algorithm works in an announcement on Wednesday as part of making the network more transparent.

Mosseri also mentioned that search results would soon include photographs and videos in addition to people’s profiles and hashtags, in addition to detailing how Instagram ranks search results.

Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, discusses how the app ranks search results and gives a few Instagram SEO best practices.

Mosseri has already revealed information regarding Instagram’s recommendation algorithms, which surface content in the main feed, stories, reels, and explore areas.

Instagram ranks search results differently because it relies on a user’s input to generate results. Whereas the explore tab, for example, automatically populates content.

Instagram intends to organize search results based on what is most relevant to the particular user.

Mosseri elaborates:

“ …Let’s say you’re interested in finding pictures of space after seeing the blue moon. When you tap the search bar on the Explore page, the first thing you see is your recent searches. As you begin typing “space,” we show you accounts, audio, hashtags, and places that match the text of your search. In this case, results like @space and # space show up because “space” appears in their name.”

The graphic below depicts his example:

instagram search results

Signals To Rank Search Results

In addition to the text input by the user, Instagram’s search algorithm ranks results based on data from accounts, hashtags, and locations.

In order of relevance, Instagram’s top ranking signals are:

  • Your text: Instagram’s most crucial ranking signal is the words you type into the search bar. It will initially attempt to match the text with appropriate usernames, profiles, captions, hashtags, and locations.
  • Your activity: This includes accounts you follow, posts you’ve watched, and previous interactions with accounts. Instagram prioritizes accounts and hashtags you follow or frequent above those you don’t.
  • User engagement: When there are numerous alternative results, Instagram will consider engagement signals. These include the number of clicks, likes, shares, and followers received by a specific post.

Best Instagram SEO Practices

Mosseri offers the following advice for making your Instagram content more discoverable.

Select an appropriate username and profile name

Because text is the most essential ranking indication, you should aim to select an Instagram handle or profile name that is relevant to your content. This is your best chance of appearing in relevant searches.

If your target audience knows you by a particular name, add it in your username or profile so that you appear when they search for you.

In your bio, include relevant keywords and locales

The text in your bio is also important, so include relevant keywords and locations. Make sure your bio includes information about yourself and your page.

If you have a location-specific account, such as a small business, including your location in your bio will help others discover you.

In captions, include relevant keywords and hashtags

Put keywords and hashtags in the caption, not the comments, for a post to appear in Search.

Penalties for Instagram Search

Violations of Instagram’s recommendation criteria, like Google’s, can result in your content being lowered in search results. Individual posts, entire accounts, or entire hashtags may be penalized by Instagram.

Mosseri mentions shadowbanning without using the term “shadowbanning” outright in explaining how Instagram gives penalties.

He claims:

“ … Accounts that post spam or violate our guidelines may appear lower in search results, and you may have to search their full username to find them.”

A shadowbanned Instagram account is analogous to keeping a website operational while it is de-indexed by Google. The only way to view the content is to go directly to it.

Instagram Search Improvements on the Way

Instagram will soon launch a series of upgrades to search results that will allow users to find more than just accounts and hashtags.

Mosseri claims that the company is working on a “complete search results page experience” that will allow users to delve deeply into their interests.

Instagram also intends to increase the keywords users may search for and allow for broader topic investigation.

Currently, an Instagram search for “space” returns accounts and hashtags containing the word “space.” Soon, that same search will be able to yield photographs and videos of space, in addition to accounts and hashtags.

Here’s an example of the new Instagram search experience in the works:

instagram search results
Now you know: how does Instagram algorithm rank search results? Let’s apply this information to your IG for more SEO improvements.
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