Facebook Custom Audiences: Best Marketing Tool (2/2)

Continue to learn more about how to use Facebook Custom Audiences to properly target your ads.

Facebook has a vast and diverse user base with 2.82 billion daily active users. You must use Facebook Custom Audiences since not everyone fits your target client persona.

Because it’s so tragic when targeting the wrong audience for brilliant ads!

Never once more. Instead, develop laser-targeted ads to reach Facebook users most likely to be attracted to your business. As a result, you can reduce your marketing expenses and increase ROI.

Keep reading for a step-by-step breakdown.

How to create: From website visitors

  1. Confirm that Meta Pixel is installed or active

The only way for your website’s visitors to become a Custom Audience is when Meta Pixel is installed there.

  1. Choose a Custom Audience Source

There are many alternatives available to you regarding the source of your information.

Select “Website“.

facebook custom audiences: select website

  1. Set rules

The enjoyable part is now. The source, events, length of retention, and inclusive/exclusive rules are all your option.

You can choose or create the following targeting rules:

  • All website visitors
  • People who visited a particular page or website
  • Based on how long they spent on your website
  • Based on how long people will stay active after the last website visit
  • Include a different set of visitors
  • Exclude a specific set of visitors

facebook custom audiences: create website custom audience

  1. Identify and describe the Custom Audience.

Give each of the Custom Audiences you create distinct names to make it simpler to keep track of them all.

You can include a description for further clarification.

  1. Select “Create audience”

Ta-Da! Based on the site traffic and the established rules, Facebook will create your Custom Audience.

How to create: a mobile app Custom Audience

  1. Register your app and set up the SDK.

Setting this stage is necessary before you start. These procedures must be followed in order to register your app with Facebook.

Set the SDK to track “App events,” or certain actions of users while using your mobile app. For this phase, you might want a developer’s help.

  1. Choose a Custom Audience Source.

There are many alternatives available to you regarding the source of your information.

Then select “App activity“.

custom audience source app activity

  1. From the Source dropdown, choose App.
  2. Select app events for Custom Audience

Choose what kind of actions or app events will qualify visitors for this Custome Audience

These are some examples:

  • Opened the app
  • Interacted for a certain time
  • Added detailed payment information
  • Made in-app purchases

Based on their app events, you also have the option to include or exclude people.

  1. Refine specific details

In this step, you can be really detailed. For instance, you might not want to target everyone who makes in-app purchases. You can set those rules here.

  1. Name and describe the Custom Audience
  2. Select “Create audience”

Based on what you just set, Facebook will complete building your Custom Audience. It might take an hour so just wait a little bit.

Want to be better at targeting your marketing campaign to the right customer? Find out more here!

How to create: An engagement Custom Audience

  1. Choose a Custom Audience Source.

There are several options available to you from Meta Sources.

We’ve chosen “Facebook Page” for this illustration.

Facebook page meta source

  1. Set rules

For a Facebook page, you can choose events like:

  • Liking or following your page
  • Interact with your page
  • Viewing your page’s content
  • Commenting
  • Sending messages to your page

create Facebook page custom audience

  1. Name and describe the Custom Audience
  2. Select “Create audience”

How to use your Facebook Custom Audiences

Retargeting campaigns

Retargeting is a powerful tool for reminding old customers about the business.

This will bring back their interest and motivate them to take an action, like buying something.

Engage repeat customers

Marketing to current customers can result in significantly higher conversion rates. This is better than attempting to reach new customers since they already know and trust your brand.

An effective strategy to increase your sales is to convert one-time clients into loyal ones.

Increase app engagement

You may efficiently target your ads to users who have already downloaded your app by Custom Audience. This will help you achieve the most impact on your marketing spend.

Grow your Facebook following

Your marketing funnel’s base is built on brand awareness. Making people aware of and interested in your product or company requires creating targeted ads.

Use lookalike audiences

Theoretically, a lookalike audience is more likely to be interested in the goods and services you have to offer than a broad audience.

How to grow your Custom Audience

Effectively use Facebook Ad types 

You need people to interact with your ads, profiles, or website in order to expand your custom audience.

You should make sure you have a Custom Audience ready to track the people who interact with your Facebook ads.

For best conversion, test and modify your advertising

To determine what appeals to consumers the most, you may need to test everything you can with your ads. Your Custom Audience will grow faster the more effective your ads is.

Here are some key elements to test:

  • Image or video
  • Link preview text
  • Headline
  • Call to action

Use Facebook Audience Insights

Analytics are wonderful, but you also need to know your audience in order to take appropriate action. You may learn a lot about your Custom Audiences via Facebook Audience Insights. You can utilize such insights to find new target markets.

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