Instagram Rolls Out New Ways to Verify Age

Verify Age

Instagram is introducing new ways for users to verify their age.

This is in response to recent changes in the law that require social media platforms to age-verify their users.

If you are a business owner using Instagram to promote your products or services, you must consider these new verification methods.

In this blog post, we will discuss how the new age verification methods work so that you can comply with the law.

Testing New Ways to Verify Age:

Instagram is testing a new age verification system that could help keep minors off the platform. Let’s take a look at how the new age verification methods work and how you can use them to keep your account in compliance with the law.

1) Social Vouching:

With Social Vouching, you can ask mutual followers to confirm how old we are.

The person vouching must be at least 18 years old. And will need other safeguards in place like notifying Instagram when they’ve chosen someone new so that Instagram team members know what information is available for them about this individual’s age range on file with society/family matches before confirmation goes through!

id upload

2) Video Selfie:

The new Yoti feature allows you to take a video selfie and have Instagram share your image with the company’s artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

The AI estimates age based on facial features but does not know who YOU are. Once uploaded with this simple step, Meta deletes any images after estimated ages are confirmed with a government-issued ID!

This is an important distinction, as it means that your personal data and identity are not at risk when using this method to verify your age on Instagram.

Instagram starts using video selfies for identity verification

It is also important for Instagram because it will help the platform comply with new age verification laws. It is also a good way for businesses to ensure that minors are not using their accounts.

Why Should You Care?

If you are a business owner who uses Instagram to promote your products or services, you will need to consider these new verification methods. The new age verification methods will help Instagram comply with new age verification laws. They will also help businesses ensure that minors are not using their accounts.


Instagram is the most useful media platform amongst youngsters. So, taking care of the age verification process is very important.

The new methods are Social Vouching and Video selfies. This feature will help Instagram to comply with the new age verification laws. Businesses should use this opportunity to ensure that minors are not using their accounts.

What do you think of these new methods? Let us know in the comments below!

Bonus: If you want to learn more about Instagram influencer marketing, read this blog post!

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