A Comprehensive Guide to Instagram Guides

A Comprehensive Guide to Instagram Guides

Instagram is a visual-first platform, so it’s no surprise that many of your favorite features are found in the feed like Instagram Guides. Guides help you share curated content with followers and provide an easy way for them to enjoy what matters most right now – whether they’re scrolling through imagery or listening to sound effects! Despite this great opportunity, guides remain largely unused. That means there could be space to help people get more out of their experience via these interactive travelogs today.

What Are Instagram Guides?

An Instagram Guide is a collection of posts organized around a specific topic. You can find them by clicking on the Guides tab in the Explore section of the app.

There are three types of guides: Places, Products, and Posts.

Places guides are collections of geotagged posts that show you the best things to do in a certain location. For example, if you want to visit Japan, you can check out an Instagram guide that highlights the best places to eat in Tokyo.

Products guides are similar to Places guides, but they focus on products rather than locations. So, if you’re looking for the best skincare products on the market, you can find a guide that curates all of the most popular posts about skincare.

Posts guides are collections of posts around a certain topic, like fitness or fashion. Influencers or brands usually create these guides, and they’re a great way to get inspiration for your own content.

Why Use Instagram Guides?

Instagram Guides are a great way to share curated content with your followers. If you’re an influencer or brand, they’re also a great way to show off your knowledge about a certain topic.

Guides provide an easy way for users to consume content on Instagram. They can be used to highlight the best of what’s happening on the platform at a certain moment or provide an evergreen resource that users can refer back to repeatedly.

How to Use Instagram Guides

If you want to get the most out of Instagram Guides, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, make sure your content is high-quality and relevant to your audience. Your content bombards Instagram users. Hence, you need to make sure yours stands out.

Second, keep your guides organized and easy to navigate. No one wants to scroll through a guide that’s all over the place – make sure yours has a clear structure and is easy to follow.

Finally, don’t forget to promote your guides! Share them on your other social media channels, in your blog posts, and with your email list. The more people who see your guides, the more likely they are to use them.


Instagram Guides are a great way to share curated content with your followers. If you’re an influencer or brand, they’re also a great way to show off your knowledge about a certain topic. Keep these tips in mind to make the most out of Instagram Guides and ensure that your content is high-quality, relevant, and easy to follow. Have you created an Instagram Guide? Let us know in the comments!

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