Get Started with Live Shopping on Instagram (2/2)

Last Updated on November 24th, 2020 at 5:15 pm

Live shopping on Instagram

Here in this post, we will go through tons of tips for Live Shopping on Instagram.

Tips for Live Shopping on Instagram

The raw, uncut nature of a Live broadcast makes it a different buying or selling experience than just sharing product information in your feed or via Instagram Story.

Take advantage of the intimacy, interactivity, and authenticity to make Live Shopping into a higher level.

Reveal a new product or collection

Making a huge announcement is all the more exciting when it’s live.

If you’ve got a brand new product or collection that’s dropping, shout out for it by sharing all the details on a Live broadcast. You can answer all the questions from fans, and really give the launch a personal touch, like you, for the first time, make a product available for sale.

Instagram even has product launch reminders to help build anticipation and set alarms for people to join in.

Adidas Originals reveals new product launch - Live shopping on Instagram

Source: Instagram

Feature a product tutorial or how-to

Sharing pictures and videos of your product on the Instagram feed and in Stories is great, but doing a live, interactive demo or tutorial is better for engagement.

Seeing how a product works, in reality, is a great opportunity for fans to know about what you’re selling, or get an inspiration to make a purchase.

And as the seller, this direct line to your audience is a unique opportunity to ask for feedback or answer questions as you show off just what your product does best.

Feature interactive product demo - Live shopping on Instagram

Source: Instagram

Embrace spontaneity

Creating a predictable schedule and planning events is great, but there’s something unique about spontaneous Live sessions, too.

The greatest thing about Live Shopping on Instagram is that it’s so real and authentic. Maximize that “anything could happen!” feeling by making your followers say wow with flash sales and surprise demos.

These spontaneous broadcasts are a great chance to reward fans who are paying attention… and have a little fun while you’re at it.

Team up with other creators

A Live broadcast is a great opportunity to apply a cross-promote strategy with other Instagram influencers, brands, or creators.

You could have a special guest who hosts a Live Shopping event featuring a curated collection of their favorite products or offer a special VIP rate to another brand’s fans. There’s plenty of opportunity for cross-pollination here.

Try a Q&A

Hosting a Q&A on your Live Shopping feed is an effective way to help hesitant shoppers get over any concerns.

Marketing a Livestream specifically as an “Ask Me Anything” session will bring out those curious people who might not have yet taken the plunge. And because it’s such an intimate and casual setting, you’ll breed trust with your viewers in a way that a more polished post might not.

Switch things up

Live Shopping on Instagram feature is an exciting tool for brands, absolutely — but don’t forget about the other ways you can use Live.

Constantly selling to your customers is a surefire way to burn them out. Ideally, you’ll balance product-driven live streams with content-driven moments. Make those shopping moments special — an occasion! — so that people remain curious and excited to tune in.

For brands and creators with Checkout capabilities, Live Shopping on Instagram is one more extra helpful e-commerce tool in your toolkit. Stock your virtual shelves and then get that broadcast going — your customers are waiting for you.

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